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"call Me Maybe"


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I was driving over to the PCC monastery in Barhamsville today, and right as I pulled up the driveway, that Carly Rae Jepsen song "Call Me Maybe" came on the radio. I found it pretty hilarious, given the context. Especially since I'm a new convert.

[i]Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe...[/i]

It reminded me of the time I got all ruffled up about something a priest said to me in confession. I spent a good 15 minutes praying about it afterwards. Then I went to my car, stuck the key in the ignition, turned it, and Hoobastank's "The Reason" came blasting out of the speakers:

[i]I'm not a perfect person. There's many things I wish I didn't do...[/i]


God's a riot.

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I love God's since of Humor!

When I was at camp this past week, I was worried about if I was going to get enough to eat for lunch. So I prayed that I would have enough to eat. I sensed God telling there would be enough. So I didn't get too worried about it. But anyway, I went into the cafeteria and by the time I got back to my table I had so much food I ended up throwing some of it away because I couldn't finnish it! I mean it was like a banquet!!! :hehe2:

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Lil'mon I agree. That type of thing is totally up my ally so once I've got some spare time I'll start on that. :)
I totally agree that God has a sense of humor. It's pretty ridiculous sometimes but that's just one more reason why I love Him. :love:
For example, I was interpreting at a camp for the Deaf Blind and there was one man who a lot of people said "You either love working with him or don't" so I was super nervous because it was my first time at DBW and who was the first person I had to interpret for? Yup that one that people said was a real challenge. I had so much fun working with him and I loved every minute of it. :doh: Of course I did! :)
JMJ+ :heart:

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