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Movie "dominic: Light Of The Church" Soon At Summit Dominicans

Chiara Francesco

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Chiara Francesco


Blog Post:

Posted on [url="http://nunsopsummit.org/archives/3024"]August 15, 2012[/url][url="http://nunsopsummit.org/archives/3024"]by [/url][url="http://nunsopsummit.org/archives/author/dominicans"]Summit Dominican Nuns[/url]

[img]http://www.opphil.org/images/DVD%20website.png[/img] You might remember when we announced last year that the first full-length movie of St. Dominic was being filmed. Copies of the DVD were supposed to be available after the showing of the movie at World Youth Day.
We just found out through the Dominican Province of the Philippines that Dominic: Light of the Church is now available! As soon as we can obtain copies we will let you know.
That this movie has been made available today on the feast of our Lady’s Assumption is very appropriate for it is on this day that St. Dominic sent the first friars to preach throughout Europe, two by two, just two years after the founding of the Order of Preachers. [img]http://students.opwest.org/blog/sites/default/files/u2/domsendbig_0.jpg[/img]
May our blessed Mother, Queen of Apostles and Preachers bless all those who have worked so hard in making this movie a reality! Too few people know about St. Dominic. Unlike St. Francis, he has never captured popular imagination. And that is just what he would have wanted! For him it was the preaching of Jesus Christ that was most important! When St. Dominic died he wanted to be buried under the feet of his brothers and he was. Only later were his remains placed in the huge tomb at the Church of St. Dominic in Bologna, Italy.

Edited by Chiara Francesco
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