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Loose Language Cause Of Fall

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren, sympathiesers and others...
Do we say such things like 'i am proud of you.' when where actually meaning 'i am happy for you. Another example of this but different is 'i am so jealous of you.' when where actually not jealous and are actually glad for the persons success and not actually jealous at all. Surely telling me that i am mincing words and you know what i mean is wrong, i take my faith seriously, though i too fall at times and hope to get better,b ut do not except it as 'like whatever.' Such words can set another up for a fall and desenseitises the community as whole to the terrible reality of the consequences of sin. What sayeth ye all?


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Mark of the Cross

Words are what they mean and therefore good or bad depends on the context in which they are used. The message that they convey is what is important. For me to say to you that I am jealous because your faith is stronger than mine, you write better than me and you're getting more props :unsure: Is actually a compliment. What it is really conveying is that I think that you are so awsome that you are worthy of peoples envy. This is a compliment and quite different than actually being envious and attempting to hurt you by putting you down. Such as by saying "aren't we just proud of ourselves today." I think this is what could be called a backhanded compliment. Another example of alternate meaning is if someone says "You must be pretty hard headed to argue with Joe blow." This is sarcasm at Joe Blow not at you. And therefore is a sin only at Joe Blow. Hope that helps.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Thanks for your opinion, but i will disagree, Words are more powerful than you all may give them credit for. Be careful what you sow, because you will reap what you sow, bcoz jesus said so. But still i'm glad for your opinion, even if i think it to be wrong. I try to be a bible based christian and take particularily jesus' words to heart. I guess what i mean all in all is that some words shouldn't be taken lightly and played around with like a sony playstation.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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With adults, words are as powerful as the receiver gives them.

With children, it is different. Words can be very damaging. Children mostly cannot process damaging words/language properly.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Thats a sad opinion to me. Hollywood truely has infiltrated your church and desensitised you morals. I bailed that trip 3 or so years ago. And am still suffering withdrawls, because occasionaly i sneak a peak. I have to stop sneaking a peep and than i will be set free, hopefully with the grace of GOD. I've come under full assault from demons since i quit the secular t.v. and hollywood glamour.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

call somone an idiot enough times and they may start to believe it and even act and think it. Thats so sad. :(

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Depends who is doing the name calling. If Joe Biden called me an idiot 1,273,458,165 times, I would never believe it. In fact, I would believe the contrary.

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