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Debating With Militant Atheists


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I like talking with all kinds of people, for some reason what i believe of faith seems to slip in often. Do i tell them believe or burn, no! Do i disrespect there GOD given right to choose what he or she does or doesn't believe, NO! Do i kick them out for not believing, no! Do i distance myself without judgement if such an individual causes in me the occasion of sin ??? this i am learning has to be yes. And yes we can influence each other.

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I have dealt woth a few people like this. And I think the best way is to pick your battles. Some people are more willing to listen, have a healthy debate, and actually research the religion(s) they are against. Others merely seek to destroy your faith and at times are too stubborn and unwilling to see the truth that you are exhausting yourself in the process. I was once involved with a guy who tried adamently to destroy my faith, it became his daily goal for the remainder of the time I associated with him. He would try Hume's Triangle (easy to disprove if you know your Bible and understand that evil is a result of sin and free will, not God), he would claim that Christianity was wrong as people close to him died too early, and when his attacks on God weren't working he targeted my weaknesses, such as saying I only believed as it gave me comfort where I feared death and that if I was actually intelligent I would favour logic over folk tales. His attacks were relentless, eventually I had to end it, not get involved. He wasn't interested in learning, or even considering my perspective. he only sought to make me and other Christians feel foolish and wrong. When dealing with people like that, its best to move on and help who you can, and remember to pray for them.

I usually try to live out my faith rather than hide it, evangelize via being a witness. And rather than forcing my religion on others, I simply choose to remain open to questions and inquiries. If someone would like to know, I will offer what I can, if not then I will pray for them. But in cases where the other party is arguing for the sake of arguing, just walk away.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1345369366' post='2470089']
St thomas aquinas "the sanctity of your own life will convert X. Use words when nescisary."

St Thomas was very wise. Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross to prove his love for us. Bringing others to Gods love and hence salvation is by demonstration of our own lives. Occasionally you will need to use words. Bringing people to Church by fear of hell is a fail.

I think 'Littleway soul' summed it up beautifully.
[quote name='LittleWaySoul' timestamp='1345219598' post='2469192']
It can have both goals! :) I usually discuss things with my atheist friends for the purpose of, like you said, mutual enlightenment, finding common ideas, expanding perspective, raising questions, etc. But I never stop praying for their conversion. It isn't because I don't think they can get to heaven without being Catholic. It's because I think their salvation would be much more SURE if they were Catholic. It's because I want them to know the joy I feel in my faith. It's because I want to share that joy with them. I love them so much, and because of that, I want them to know how happy my faith makes me! Someday, I hope they can experience that pure joy too! I hope that makes sense :)
Makes profound sense! :)

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1345258036' post='2469501']
i may disagree with his conclusions or even his delivery, but I've respected his depth of knowledge and usually he's very clear.

Normally you make a lot of sense, so maybe you could explain how a knowledge of something you have no belief in and is delivered badly resulting in incorrect conclusions should be worthy of your respect. One has to ask the question, why wouldn't the profound teachings of Jesus delivered beautifully and with the best curtain close imaginable would not earn your deepest respect?

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1345418271' post='2470298']
I think 'Littlewaysoul' summed it up beautifully.

Makes profound sense! :)
Aw, thank you, Mark! That meant a lot to me :blush: :)

But seriously, I consider my love for my friends greatest tool of conversion. We do so many things without touching on religion at all, and we have so much fun! Then, when we DO discuss religion, it's with the goal of learning more about the other's beliefs. Like I said, of COURSE I'd love them to become Catholic. But I'm very very careful not to push it in their faces. And after a discussion? I treat them exactly how I treated them before our discussion-- with love. I care so much about them, and I know many of them have been hurt by Christian people who went about trying to convert them in the wrong way. I try to be the example in their lives to let them know that not all Christians are like that, and, in fact, we aren't called to be like that. I mean, I've had friends who were manipulated by the people they were dating, who were told that if they didn't convert, they weren't good enough to date, and they would certainly go to hell. There is no way I would say something like that to my friends, or treat them that way, because (1) it's extremely hurtful and does absolutely nothing to help their conversion, and (2) I don't believe any of it! Yes, I do have a secret hope that they'll someday be with me in the Body of Christ, but I will love them 100%, regardless of whether they are or not. I'd have to say that about 75% of my closest friends are atheists, and when we hang out, I'm almost always the only Christian there. I can't even express how much I love them. I'm going to miss them so much when I go to college.

That got really ramble-y... sorry, guys!

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1345218399' post='2469185']
What is the Church's primary mission?

To feed and clothe the poor literaly and spiritualy with the living word. In whatever manner though dost being called to feed and clothe somone with the living word of GOD, there are varying schools to do so you know,but only one way,that being love yes ?

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1345543703' post='2471177']
To feed and clothe the poor literaly and spiritualy with the living word. In whatever manner though dost being called to feed and clothe somone with the living word of GOD, there are varying schools to do so you know,but only one way,that being love yes ?
Mission is to continue work of Jesus Christ.


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1345547385' post='2471187']
Mission is to continue work of Jesus Christ.

Which includes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the imprisoned no matter who they are.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1345588434' post='2471507']
Which includes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the imprisoned no matter who they are.
[/quote][quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1345588434' post='2471507']
Which includes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the imprisoned no matter who they are.
Of course. But the non-hungry, the fully clothed and visiting the people not imprisoned no matter who they are also need the to hear/shown the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Nihil Obstat

Who is hungrier, more naked, and more imprisoned than the man who does not know the love God has for him?

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1345592360' post='2471557']
Who is hungrier, more naked, and more imprisoned than the man who does not know the love God has for him?

I'm actually pretty full.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1345593986' post='2471575']
I'm actually pretty full.

You get plenty of divine love by proxy on Phatmass. :|

Heh, no, I can't keep a straight face. :P

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1345595142' post='2471593']
The only love is real love from real people. Santa doesn't really love good little children.
The Tooth Fairy does give you real money, however.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1345595142' post='2471593']
The only love is real love from real people.
And we believe that Jesus is a real person. Perhaps He will be my husband someday :love:

Edit: We believe that God and the Holy Spirit are real too. Didn't mean to leave Them out :saint:

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