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Teenage Pregnancy.

Spem in alium

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1344584727' post='2465434']To a confused, scared teenager, loving support could make all the difference between them deciding to have an abortion or not.

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344700873' post='2466068']
If they were smoking a cigarette, then yes, I WOULD make a sarcastic remark. I've done it to my neighbor (although he doesn't have cancer, he would complain about other health problems that could be related to smoking).
For some people, cigarrettes are very addictive, like hard drugs are addictive. Still, our society does not offer enough of the kind of resources that some people need to fully get off of them.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1344710586' post='2466150']
The simmering homoeroticism contained in this message is nearly too much to stand.

You are a truly warped, sick puppy.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344717218' post='2466195']
You are a truly warped, sick puppy.
Please refrain from calling me pet names. I am being made uncomfortable by your homosexual advances.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1344720151' post='2466215']
Please refrain from calling me pet names. I am being made uncomfortable by your homosexual advances.

Don't listen to him. He's just being a tease. Trust me, he'll be coming to that gym shortly.

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Spem in alium

Holy cannoli... :blink:

[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1344693674' post='2466013']

I got the feeling she is more of acquaintance, which in my opinion falls under more of a stranger than a friend.

Yes, she's more of an acquaintance. There's a limit to how much I can really do.

It can also be very difficult for the child. My mother comes from a large Catholic (mostly lapsed) family with 12 children. Two of her siblings (one sister and one brother) had children out of wedlock. In her sister's case, she was abandoned by the father of her daughter and eventually married another man who raised the girl as his own child. My mother's brother had a baby with an 18-year-old girl when he was around 20. They got married when my cousin was still quite young and went on to have more children, but my aunt (who in my view is not very mature even though she's almost 40) sees my cousin as having ruined her life and has voiced that sentiment publicly. Her treatment of her eldest child is different and much more harsh to the way she treats her other children, and it's so sad to see.

In a way, I can understand my aunt's feeling. Pregnancy is life-changing. But I think it's very unfortunate that she still holds that resentment towards her child. Unmarried mothers definitely need support and love, but in certain cases, perhaps their children can need it even more.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1344720151' post='2466215']
Please refrain from calling me pet names. I am being made uncomfortable by your homosexual advances.

Down Fido.....

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344703388' post='2466106']
I actually don't comment at all on the situation unless it is someone I know, hence the reason I prefixed my original remark with "The most I could do".

But the fact that I am an older never married male with no kids out of wedlock (and not by relying on abortion or contraceptives) shows I must have done SOMETHING right somewhere in my life...

showing your supposed moral superiority will defenitly draw anyone to catholisism. helpful, loving and supportive go no where. condesending, looking down on others and being hurtful defentily bring people to God. many if the church just taught that way i am sure everyone in the world would come to catholisism.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1344727173' post='2466253']
showing your supposed moral superiority will defenitly draw anyone to catholisism. helpful, loving and supportive go no where. condesending, looking down on others and being hurtful defentily bring people to God. many if the church just taught that way i am sure everyone in the world would come to catholisism.

I'm not sure if that is what he was getting across. I could be wrong, but I think he was just saying he was happy he did at least one thing right, though it could have been worded better. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because I have over two thousand posts and over half were not worded the way I wanted them to be.

Dang, it's so nice to be on the opposite spectrum when it comes to talking about posts that could have been worded better.

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344726807' post='2466252']
Down Fido.....

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1344727173' post='2466253']
showing your supposed moral superiority will defenitly draw anyone to catholisism. helpful, loving and supportive go no where. condesending, looking down on others and being hurtful defentily bring people to God. many if the church just taught that way i am sure everyone in the world would come to catholisism.

Are these proper English sentences?

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1344788773' post='2466498']
Good point... Havok, use smaller words.

No, the point is that if you are going to criticize someone, at least have the class to use proper grammar and spelling. It is a sign of intelligence.

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