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Teenage Pregnancy.

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Norse, Nobody is saying people should tell the girl it's great she's an unwed mother. We're just pointing out that it is unkind, hostile, rude, uncharitable, and boorish to point that out and comment on it during a brief encounter. Behavior like that is more likely to compound the problem because the mistake of getting pregnant outside of marriage has already happened, too late for admonishing prevention Captain Oblivious.

At that point it would seem the most prudent course would be a work of mercy to prevent the mom from deciding it's better to kill her baby than deal with admonishment, disapproval, rejection, isolation, and buttknuckleish attitudes? I've seen that work. I've been married to a bastard who's mom has been married to her dad for fifty years. Believe me, they weren't admonished to stay married for fifty years and parent their bastard. They were encouraged and supported to do so.

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344664895' post='2465936']
Well, so much for this being a Catholic board if the traditional Catholic teachings such as the works of mercy are going to be dissed by the kiddies here.

Well, it also depends on how 'those' Catholics interpret the teachings as well.

And I'll ignore the rest of your post, because Ampaxx already covered it.

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344667956' post='2465955']
Oh, by the way, I thought that the context of this thread was that his was happening to a friend (or at least an acquaintance) of the thread starter.

I got the feeling she is more of acquaintance, which in my opinion falls under more of a stranger than a friend.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344664895' post='2465936']
Well, so much for this being a Catholic board if the traditional Catholic teachings such as the works of mercy are going to be dissed by the kiddies here. Any other teachings we are going to throw under the bus because we are afraid of driving people away, such as transubstantiation? Oh wait, people did leave over it, and Jesus addressed that - "Are you going to leave Me, too?"
I suppose one wouldn't have to be privy to the nuances of a delicate situation like this when his birth control needs have always been addressed by his personality.

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344664895' post='2465936']
Well, so much for this being a Catholic board if the traditional Catholic teachings such as the works of mercy are going to be dissed by [b]the kiddies here[/b]. Any other teachings we are going to throw under the bus because we are afraid of driving people away, such as transubstantiation? Oh wait, people did leave over it, and Jesus addressed that - "Are you going to leave Me, too?"

maybe people wouldn't take such offense at you if you didn't constantly talk down to them...something I don't remember Jesus doing.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1344695977' post='2466024']
maybe people wouldn't take such offense at you if you didn't constantly talk down to them...something I don't remember Jesus doing.

People were taking offense before that.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1344694184' post='2466016']
I suppose one wouldn't have to be privy to the nuances of a delicate situation like this when his birth control needs have always been addressed by his personality.

And what is that supposed to mean? Tell me in person the next time you are in Chitown, preferably at the gym.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1344685963' post='2465980']
You are absolutely right...

my unwillingness to be a Johnsonville brat to a young lady in a bad situation is EXACTLY why other young ladies have gotten pregnant.

please pardon the lapse in my logic.

tisk tisk, such language from a regulator who is supposed to be setting a good example :nono:

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1344689730' post='2466001']
Norse, Nobody is saying people should tell the girl it's great she's an unwed mother. We're just pointing out that it is unkind, hostile, rude, uncharitable, and boorish to point that out and comment on it during a brief encounter. Behavior like that is more likely to compound the problem because the mistake of getting pregnant outside of marriage has already happened, too late for admonishing prevention Captain Oblivious.

At that point it would seem the most prudent course would be a work of mercy to prevent the mom from deciding it's better to kill her baby than deal with admonishment, disapproval, rejection, isolation, and buttknuckleish attitudes? I've seen that work. I've been married to a bastard who's mom has been married to her dad for fifty years. Believe me, they weren't admonished to stay married for fifty years and parent their bastard. They were encouraged and supported to do so.

I see nothing uncharitable or rude in what I originally posted - in fact, that remark is tailored to be as unoffensive as possible.

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"Dan Quayle was right":



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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344666494' post='2465949']
And people were alienated by Christ's words regarding transubstantiation, but did Christ say, "Gee, this is just alienating people, so I shouldn't say this"? Christ said that He came to cause division.

You may want to read that passage again. Jesus was instructing the ignorant, not admonishing the ignorant.

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344666494' post='2465949']
The Bible also commands us to warn people if they are doing wrong otherwise we would be held accountable with them. If we warn them but they don't listen or are "alienated", then we are off the hook/CYB.

As others have already pointed out, your warning is about nine months too late.
And I do not do any of the works of mercy to get myself "off the hook". I do them because they are things owed my fellow Children of God. I also think that you can be held accountable for driving people from Christ, if only a change in attitude and approach would have led them to Him.

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344666494' post='2465949'] a calm "I just wish it were under different circumstances" or a look of disappointment should not elicit temper tantrums in normal, reasonable people.[/quote]

No, it will elicit a sarcastic "No s. Sherlock". Not the sort of reaction a normal, reasonable statement would elicit.

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344666494' post='2465949']Lastly, it is not "lack of education", but rather that society has gone from frowning on unwed pregnancies to accepting them as mainstream. I've seen the changes over the past 30 years, which is longer than many of youse on the board have been alive.

Every time you point out how old you are, you simply remind us how long you have had to forget how young people work.

With admonishment went education. Too long has the oddity we call "marriage" and "family" been around; teens today see it as "normal". It is a desensitization has been going on since the thirties. Young people today are ignorant. You don't admonish the ignorant, you instruct them.

If you are going to rectify the mistakes of your generation, please do it well, for the sake of the kids of mine. A half hearted attempt to get yourself off the hook is not going to do these kids much good.

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344699128' post='2466048']
I see nothing uncharitable or rude in what I originally posted - in fact, that remark is tailored to be as unoffensive as possible.

Many teenagers are devastated when they find out they are pregnant. They do not want to be pregnant. It will change their lives--in their mind, ruin their lives. They view pregnancy with the same feelings a cancer patient views cancer.
Now, go tell a cancer patient, "I wish things were different. Anyway, good luck!"

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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1344699974' post='2466055']
Every time you point out how old you are, you simply remind us how long you have had to forget how young people work.

Oh really? That's funny, because I clearly remember knowing when I was growing up that messing up/getting in trouble could jeopardize my future.

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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1344700314' post='2466059']
Now, go tell a cancer patient, "I wish things were different. Anyway, good luck!"

If they were smoking a cigarette, then yes, I WOULD make a sarcastic remark. I've done it to my neighbor (although he doesn't have cancer, he would complain about other health problems that could be related to smoking).

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1344700873' post='2466068']
If they were smoking a cigarette, then yes, I WOULD make a sarcastic remark. I've done it to my neighbor (although he doesn't have cancer, he would complain about other health problems that could be related to smoking).

So, when you see a suffering person, you rub their noses in it and screech, "You asked for it!" ?

......most people would consider that rude, offensive, and uncharitable.

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