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For Those Young Professionals Who Entered The Convent Or Seminary


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This is something my friend struggled with before she re-entered the convent. She left in March 2011 and quickly got a job at her parish as a Junior High Youth Minister, serving primarily 7th and 8th graders. She told me that she did not plan to get a job as a youth minister, but the parish staff knew that she had majored in Theology so they felt she would be the perfect fit.

She served until June this year -- right up until she was to leave for the convent. Her boss told her to reconsider staying another year because she really touched the lives of all that she served. It was VERY difficult for her because she became close with her co-workers, too. She told me what we going on and I urged her to follow her heart to the convent because that is what she had been pursuing and what she wanted to do for so long. I know she would have had regrets if she had waited and she is super happy in the convent.

Consider the disciples, Simon and Andrew. Simon (who would become Peter) was a fisherman who made a pretty good living.

[i]Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. -- [/i]Luke 5:10-11

Also, consider the young man who had everything he ever wanted but still wasn't happy in this life.

[i]Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."[/i] -- Matthew 19:21 :)

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this is a great thread. i am discerning and just graduated and starting my career in the corporate world...and am already worried about how hard it would be to leave a job i love, a salary, my company stock, living in the city, and if I left a convent and came back to the world...how i would explain that gap on my resume :o

obviously i am overanalyzing this way too much and I don't even know if I am called to religious life ;)

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[quote name='mantellata' timestamp='1344295267' post='2463614']
I'm out of props but I just want to prop the above ^^^^^^

It's the thought that counts! Thanks mantellata! :)

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I did not really have time to read all the posts, but I just want to say: Be not afraid! One of my biggest worries before entering was, if I would miss my scientific university world.... And right now I can really say: No, I do not miss it. I am thankful for my "broad horizon", that I have a profound theological education, but I do not run to my psalm commentaries after each prayer to check the hebrew spelling of something... At least for now it is like this for me. I will see the long time development...

God gives grace, if you are in need of it!

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You're "out"! Thanks for dropping by and for the words of encouragement. It's very helpful hearing this from you, especially since you have recently entered and you're fresh out of the world so to speak. I have been thinking about this the last couple of days and wondering (well more like worrying) that I will miss everything too much to focus and truly abandon myself to God's Will.

Praying that you are well.

p.s. I am totally in need of His Grace right now.

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  • 1 year later...

this is a great thread. i am discerning and just graduated and starting my career in the corporate world...and am already worried about how hard it would be to leave a job i love, a salary, my company stock, living in the city, and if I left a convent and came back to the world...how i would explain that gap on my resume :o

obviously i am overanalyzing this way too much and I don't even know if I am called to religious life ;)



HAHA. so i am writing my letter of resignation right now to give to my boss tomorrow.


i found this thread and my old post after googling how to quit a job to enter the convent ;D

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Its fun to look back on these threads and see how we have changed over time and where our discernment paths have taken us!

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