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Should I Stop It?


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A lot of these comments have been really helpful to me. I struggle a lot with the same kind of things Annie struggles with, only sometimes my posts tend to be more, as Lisa said, "politicizing Catholicism." My problem is that I've known for a while that this is a problem, but
(1) I don't quite know how to stop or cut back, and
(2) I don't know how to repair what I see as the loss of trust or the self-righteousness that some of my friends probably think I feel (I most certainly don't!).
I really want to fix this, but I'm not sure how. I've tried many times already, but I've fallen into the same pattern. Can anyone help me out?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1343856004' post='2461250']
So, I can't help being fervent. It makes me very unpopular with people who know me. They see me as a "Jesus freak". It's just that I can't help it. I have no control. I open my mouth and out comes catholic stuff. It's especially bad on Facebook. I certainly have no discretion on there. I always share and post religious stuff. I've even noticed my number of friends listed on my profile is going down. I can't help but be FERVENT!!!!!! I CAN'T KICK THE HOLY SPIRIT OUT!!!! (nor do I want to) but I can't stop and was wondering should I stop or is this what God wants me to do? :saint2:

I only have one thing to say. PRUDENCE! But you must understand most of the saints og lacked prudence and it was the last thing they learnt. Be at it real, with the chill or bringing heat, it's all good with christ jus don b luke warm. PEACE

:edit: p.s. Saint peter i was told woz famed for being hot and cold.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Dearie its really simple, divide your friends up into groups, religious and non-religious. Then direct your postings to the proper group. I have a phatmass group at fb where I direct religious stuff, and a gamers group for the fv stuff.

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I've heard of this happening to friends and noticed it occurring myself as I became more involved in my faith. Today many do take religion offensively, they believe simply showing your love for Christ or talking about how you went to church on Sunday is forcing religion on them, when in truth it isn't. That would be like me telling someone 'why must youalways talk about school?' to a student. And there should be no reason why harmless talk about something important in your life should be offensive to anyone. If faith is a big part of your life, you should be allowed to share it, and if people do not like, well all they have to do is 'hide the story' I new feature on facebook. I use it when people on my friends list post inappropriate or gross photos/status updates. If I don't want to see it I won't. But I think if your friends list is depleating it may be just a way to tell who your real friends are. Your real friends will stick around, your acquaintences won't. If something bothers me on facebook and I realize that its from someone who was in a project group with me two years ago and we haven't spoken since, I will simply remove said person from my friends list, if its a cherished friend, I tolerate it, sometimes comment on it. As long as everyone exercises self control, mutual respect, and tolerance of opinions, we can all intereact peacefully online. =)

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1344690840' post='2466007']
Annie12 should marry Norseman so they can tag team.

Ummm....errrrrrr.....ah hem. :unsure:

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Noel's angel

Usually, I'd say screw 'em, but something in your initial post concerned me. You say: "I can't help it. I have no control." Perhaps you should work on it then, because you SHOULD have control over what you write. Before you post, stop and think whether the post is 1. necessary and 2. is likely to turn people towards God or away from God.

Let me use an example from my own Facebook circle. I used to be in a private Catholic group. A lady joined who seemed initially just to be very involved with the pro-life movement. As time went on however, she completely alienated the rest of the group (all of whom are Catholics in the true sense, and most definitely pro-life). All she would talk about was abortion and how it was an act of worshipping Satan etc. and how the rest of us weren't pro-life enough. It was highly insulting. On her own page, too, she posts constantly about being pro-life. It is a complete turn-off.

My point is, yes, be fervent, but also take the time to stop and think about why you feel the need to post something. It's difficult to advise you because I don't know what you are posting on facebook, or how frequently, but always stop and think first. How many things have I posted today? Am I encouraging people to follow Christ, or am I actually turning them off by coming across as too full-on? Don't be the internet equivalent of those people who turn up at your door at dinner time to tell you you're going to hell unless you listen to them.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1344605545' post='2465465']
Dearie its really simple, divide your friends up into groups, religious and non-religious. Then direct your postings to the proper group. I have a phatmass group at fb where I direct religious stuff, and a gamers group for the fv stuff.
That's what I do. I only talk about religion with my Catholic friends. My/our athio/agnostic friends know I am a devout Christian, but when they complain about people pushing religion I agree with them and explain that we don't do that because it only drives people away. We (Our RCIA group) believe that it is Gods call that they are answering and let enquirers know that we are only there to answer questions and walk with them if they choose to take the faith journey.
BTW beware of FB it's a great place to get bullied. But then if someone is unpleasant don't forget.

[i][[url="http://drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=47&ch=5&l=11#x"]Matthew 5:11[/url]] Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: [url="http://www.drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=47&ch=5&l=12#x"][12][/url] Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. [url="http://www.drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=47&ch=5&l=13#x"][13][/url] You are the salt of the earth. [/i]

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1343940454' post='2461683']
I just defriended someone today for posting blatantly anti-Christian stuff; however, I had only met them once of twice.
Prolly a good move since I don't know the circumstances. But just be alert, sometimes such things are a cry for help. You never know if you can turn a person around if you don't investigate the possibility. Often in such circumstances you need to pray for help.

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Annie I would still suggest what I said before. Even though I was more focused on how you lead your real life life, how you lead your internet life should be the same. Do not allow the passionate flame that burns within your soul for Christ to be diminished in anyway because of what others may think, say, or do to you. The more you love Christ the more the world will hate you anyway. Do and say what you know to be right, do not fear man.

The level of your passion and love for Christ is rare, beautiful and good. Keep it, strengthen and deepen it. God will use it for His glory. You may be called to the religious life or marriage but the love that I've seen you proclaim for Christ can lead to Sainthood. Many Saints lost many friends. The more they loved God the more friends they lost.

You are not wrong, perfect your methods perhaps, but keep the flame burning and do not be afraid.

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Mark of the Cross

That's very devout and noble, albeit a little naive'. Not everyone is called to martyrdom. A friend and I were walking past the church and passed a group of kids who were looking for mischief and asked if we believed in God and generally behaved disrespectful. My friend said to them that they might die tomorrow and that they should show more respect. Since they were only very young and didn't look terribly mean this was probably a good response to chastise them. Had they been a gang of adult bikies, what would you have done? Not necessarily disagreeing, just curious to investigate this a little further. Do you consider the other posters who suggested to use diplomacy and tact to be in error? I'm just a bit concerned about young people being led down a path that could end up leaving a very nasty taste of life when there are better ways to serve the Lord. I would suggest Annie pray and be Guided by the Spirit rather than someones opinion. She has expressed in another thread the ability to be guided in this way.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1344900664' post='2467199']
That's very devout and noble, albeit a little naive'. Not everyone is called to martyrdom. A friend and I were walking past the church and passed a group of kids who were looking for mischief and asked if we believed in God and generally behaved disrespectful. My friend said to them that they might die tomorrow and that they should show more respect. Since they were only very young and didn't look terribly mean this was probably a good response to chastise them. Had they been a gang of adult bikies, what would you have done? Not necessarily disagreeing, just curious to investigate this a little further. Do you consider the other posters who suggested to use diplomacy and tact to be in error?

How is it naive I did not state she was called to martyrdom. I did not say anyone was in error. I said Annie was not wrong and that she should perfect her methods. If a gang of bikers asked me if I believed in God even if answering in the affirmative would mean my death I would answer "Yes, I most certainly do and may He have mercy on us both." Or at lest I would try if I only got the chance to say yes.

I would have to know what other questions would be asked to answer them and in what manner the question was asked to know if it would be worth it or throwing pearls before swine. Also calling a biker gang a bikies gang would prolly get you killed a lot quicker than preaching to them.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1344902565' post='2467218']
I would have to know what other questions would be asked to answer them and in what manner the question was asked to know if it would be worth it or throwing pearls before swine.
Thanks that's what I wanted to know, I wanted you to make that clear! :)

[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1344902565' post='2467218']
Also calling a biker gang a bikies gang would prolly get you killed a lot quicker than preaching to them.
Grammar bikers LOL. I better consult with Winy next time.

Just did a Google on that. Google is happy with bikie or biker gang. :harhar:

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1344983353' post='2467637']
Thanks that's what I wanted to know, I wanted you to make that clear! :)

Grammar bikers LOL. I better consult with Winy next time.

Just did a Google on that. Google is happy with bikie or biker gang. :harhar:

LoL! Still though I doubt the Hell's Angels would buy the "but the googles told me bikie was ok" line. Just saying! :pirate2:

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