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The Thing About The Holy Mother Of Christ

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

PAx domini bretheren, sympathiesers and others...
If you are sola scriptora catholic christian or other christian than we must take into consideration how much the holy mother loved christ the son, more than any other. She was there all through the passion and the crucifixion, she loved him more than any other, than and still now, everyone else took off except the beloved disciple whom i assume only stayed due to the holy mothers intercession. And i say still does because she is still alive with the promises of christ whom is GOD made flesh,she was the 1st saint excepting the will of the father in the messenger angel Gabriel,and if she is the 1st saint than she is definately still alive with the promise of eternal life. But again if you hadn't noticed this point in scripture now you can meditate,pray and talk about this.

Onward christian souls.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also she was the first to convert and accept christ in the annunciation yes? And if she didn't quiet get it than she surely believed at the birth of jesus when the shepard boys came and told her all that the angels had told them, and than you have the three wise men also bearing gifts fit for a king.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

That is what i try to be Papist. Understanding though that the holy sacraments are all in scripture as is sacred tradition when jesus says "not all i do will be recorded in this remnission." (or words to that effect anyhow, unsure exactly where in the holy gospels though.) I see myself as a kind of sola scriptora catholic christian, i may be the first one, which i doubt. I have my L plates on and have been wandering the desert for 3 years without being able to read much of holy scripture,with only four or so years of holy scripture under my belt before entering the desert. Though i don't know much about sacred tradition, but hopefully a traditionalist catholic christian can enlighten me to some of sacred tradition.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Most of my faith is based on the holy sacraments,prayer,meditating on the holy mysteries of the rosary and sacred scripture. Though alas as i found myself in this seemingly never ending desert or storm or whatever it is am only able to venture into the holy mysteries of the rosary on the odd occasion also, but in that the LORD JESUS has allowed me to increase my attendance of holy mass and participation in the holy sacraments much much more. :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Of course i don't follow holy scripture to the bullseye all the time. Sola scriptora is older than christianity. There is a verse in the old testament in psalms or one of the books of wisdom(i think) that states "the wise man contemplates the precepts of the law always." I'm often in my head examining my concience with scripture that i can remember. I truely believe sacred scripture has the grace to save above all else but equal and not above the holy sacraments, knowing as i have said the holy sacraments are the living scripture and sacred tradition is an on going work of the holy spirit. The catholic catechism says that holy scripture has the power to save but should never completely replace the holy sacraments. For a catholic christian i assume the catechism is talking too, in this matter. Yes i love holy scripture and saint paul states all scripture is usefull. Please forgive my grammer it is very shoty.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

3 is 1 for me. Sacred Tradition(including holy mass),The Holy Sacraments and Holy Scripture(which encourages prayer,meditation and fellowship with the saints amongst other things).

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