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To Jesus Through Mary

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[quote name='Totally Franciscan' timestamp='1342991929' post='2457915']
I think this is the way it should be for those who leave an order. I have heard that many orders will not even talk to anyone who has left, which I think is uncharitable. I was in two orders; the first one I continue to have communications, even phone calls from my mistress and other sisters. It just warms my heart. The second order refused to have any communication with me (my idea to leave, not theirs) and treat me like persona non grata. To Jesus Through Mary, I am so glad you went up to your sister. That was a beautiful encounter that brought tears to my eyes.

Totally Franciscan, I so understand what you just said. I had the same experience. It is sad ... because it is wonderful when the relationship can be kept.

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To Jesus Through Mary

Thank you all for your prayers. I am on the bus on the way back to NYC from DC. The meeting with my sd was very difficult but so good. He called me out on a few things that he was definitely spot on about. But none-the-less painful. But God is so good to want to purify me from these faults. I did run into some of the brothers I knew. It was slightly awkward. But not all that bad. Frankly I shouldn't care how I am viewed. That is just my pride. So thank you again for your prayers and support!! God bless. TJTM

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I am glad it went well! It sounds like you have a wise spiritual director and are seeking humility-an excellent combination.

I was thinking of attending Mass with the sisters while I am in DC. Are they in DC, and are their Masses open to the public? Thanks.

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To Jesus Through Mary

They do have 2 houses in DC. One of which is a formation house- although it is in their convent chapel, if you called I am sure they would allow you to go to Mass there. They are most welcoming!! And the other house doesn't normally have Mass there because the sisters work at various parishes. Just give em' a hollar. I will PM you their contact info.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1343085610' post='2458274']
St. Teresa of Avila reformed the Carmelite order to include that none of the Sisters speak directly to each other -- only through the Reverend Mother -- during recreation. This helped them detach themselves from worldly relationships in order to maintain pure friendships with the entire community. They also are supposed be doing small work during recreation. Some orders, like the 1991s have loosened this rule to allow Sisters to enjoy playing board games, but most 1990 cloisters keep the rule in place.[/quote]
Okay, old (somewhat) thread here, but I remember reading this and was meaning to post. Actually it is just in the Novitiate that this is done .. to not speak directly to the others Sisters, but only through the Novice Mistress. However, not all 1990 Carmels keep this practice very strictly. For instance, I know a friend asked about this when visiting Iron Mountain and they said they do not do this anymore as actually it does not date back to the time of St. Teresa. It was introduced later. So that works for them. I know Valparaiso and Buffalo and their foundations still do this (Valparaiso sounds the most strict in this area from hearing others experiences) and I think there are very good reasons, especially as the Novices are new to the religious life and could confuse each other/form particular relationships, as mentioned above. So again, whatever is best for the individual communities.

Anyway, but yeah, it is just in the novitiate :like:

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