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[quote name='xTrishaxLynnx' timestamp='1342577828' post='2456625']
I'm beginning to think that dUSt had to create the fiddler just for you. <_<

Hassy and Winnie are our helpers in finding bad words that haven't been added to the fiddler yet.

Don't be hatin' y'all.

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' timestamp='1342831601' post='2457391']
Hassy and Winnie are our helpers in finding bad words that haven't been added to the fiddler yet.

Don't be hatin' y'all.

I'm not a hero. I just keep flooping that chicken.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342641801' post='2456846'] As painful as it may be to his ego, he's not John Galt (whose author owed much of her success as a 'writer' to the soviet programs she benefited from as a child in the USSR, by the way).

Ayn Rand was an idiot, no doubt. But I'm pretty sure Russia wasn't exactly paradise when she was there.

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technically obama is right in that no one in private business built thier own business by themselves. it was all do to God. although i doubt obama was going down that route for reasoning.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1342805862' post='2457296']
yeah...there is a very special place prepared for der Fuhrer...

You should be ashamed, comparing Obama to Hitler. It just shows that aside from being an incredibly biased tool, you are also woefully ignorant of history.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342641801' post='2456846']He should apologize for making it sound otherwise to who? To me his comments were pretty clear. The businessman depended on infrastructure, which he didn't build, for his business. And while that doesn't negate the hard work and intelligence he put in to make his business successful, he can't pretend that his success was totally his own doing. [/quote]

sorry, i'm slowly reading through this thread, so forgive if this has already been brought up...

but what about government red tape that a business has to jump through in order to be able to even try to run their business? (not necessarily just talking about federal, but also state government).

government usually makes it HARDER to run a business. not easier.

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(my father-in-law owns his own business and my husband is in the process of taking it over. so that's where my examples come from.)

example: because of [i]one[/i] bad water sample due to replacing a pipe, they have to take [i]daily[/i] water samples for [i]three years[/i] without a bad sample.

example: when paying quarterly taxes, they can only pay with a business savings account [i]or[/i] personal checking account.

just two smaller examples of government red tape.

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While it's a truism that no man is an island, Obama was clearly trying to claim that government, rather than the efforts of entrepreneurs, is primarily deserving of credit, in order to push forward his tax-and-spend political agenda.

Here's some solid and intelligent commentary on the matter from Charles Krauthammer:

"[url="http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/310088/did-state-make-you-great-charles-krauthammer"]Did the State Make Your Great? Obama sees the ever-growing state as the ultimate expression of the collective.[/url]"

And from the great Mark Steyn:

[url="http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/310166/golden-gateway-dependency-mark-steyn?pg=1"]"Golden Gateway to Dependency"[/url]

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1342855153' post='2457498']
You should be ashamed, comparing Obama to Hitler. It just shows that aside from being an incredibly biased tool, you are also woefully ignorant of history.

hhhmmm- maybe not exactly like Hitler, but they at the very least have some commonalities. And one very distinctive one- Eugentics and the open disregard of human life. Such as being a huge support of Planned Parenthood who was founded by Margret Sanger- who is a was a strong believer in Eugentics. (And is still practiced today in that company)... he is responsible for not only the millions and millions of pre-born babies killed here (and now we get to- and already have been- paying for it), he is also responsible for foreign deaths. Such as, one of his first acts in offices was to reverse Bush's restriction of the funding to Mexico to fund abortions (the funding was originally put in place by Clinton).

And don't let the millions fool anyone. It is easy to get lost in a number so large. We forget a reality. To put it in a more tangible understanding. A man authorized a lethal injection for these3 people. He had the authority to save or condemn. None-of-whom had ever been convicted of a crime. Each one begging for their life, tears, sweat, the whole nine. But in a matter of 7-12 minutes it is done. You observed the whole thing. You begged him to spare their lives and he called you a fanatic. That these people were a drain on their families and society. Then to top it off, this man made you pay for the lethal injections. This horror that you just observed in the death of these 3 people now multiply that by a 1000 and that isn't how many happen each day just in the US. So amount of people killed due to Hitler is much less in comparison to President Obama.

Oh and they both speak well. :)

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