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Groo the Wanderer

my bro has a bone to pick with that bastige claiming the govt is the reason my bro was able to build his business

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342572019' post='2456587']
floopy that socialist kitty cat

I'm beginning to think that dUSt had to create the fiddler just for you. <_<

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Obama is under the impression that every thing in this country was wrougth by socialists. He states that no one has acquired wealth by being smart or working hard, someone helped them or gave them a break. He elaborates by saying the roads were built for them, the monies were loaned to them, yet try and get a loan to go into a business venture without a sound plan and a feasible product/offering. The entrepeneurs that create wealth have ideas, smarts and are driven hard workers, they do not set and say give me, they only ask, allow me to acheive, stay out of my way and do not take my money through confiscatory taxes. Obama does not understand this as he fits the model he preaches, he never held a job, he fell in with George Soros and the corrupt Chicago Politboro, spent a brief stint as senator, during which time he never committed to a vote by voting present so he would enter the arena with nothing on his record to distract the gullible youth voters who annointed him as the savior of america without having ever accomplishing anything in either his political or personal life. Of course he beleives that everyone that gets anywhere was given that postion. He does not beleive in America, Americans. or American exceptionalism, heck he can not even pronounce Corps from Marine Corps, which he butchered as Marines Coarpes, and this from the smartest man in the world.


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fides' Jack

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1342614371' post='2456714']
Posted Image

Your mom has a posted image...

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[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1342626169' post='2456744']
Your mom has a posted image...

She did?

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1342577032' post='2456618']
my bro has a bone to pick with that bastige claiming the govt is the reason my bro was able to build his business

That's not what he said. Although I'm pretty willing to bet a fair sum that your brother wouldn't have been able to build his business without the existence of government. Things like roads, a public education system, a single authority with a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, a standing army to repel foreign forces, a police force to deter crime, and, you know, a legal system so that contracts can be enforced et cetera probably helped your brother get his business off the ground.

That doesn't negate the hard work and intelligence that your brother needed to start his business.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1342634972' post='2456785']
And don't forget being allowed to breathe.

I didn't list things like foraging for food. I listed specific things that a government does that is highly important to the running of a business. Is it logically impossible to run a business without government? No, obviously not. But it is a whole hell of a lot harder.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342630335' post='2456768']
That's not what he said. Although I'm pretty willing to bet a fair sum that your brother wouldn't have been able to build his business without the existence of government. Things like roads, a public education system, a single authority with a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, a standing army to repel foreign forces, a police force to deter crime, and, you know, a legal system so that contracts can be enforced et cetera probably helped your brother get his business off the ground.

That doesn't negate the hard work and intelligence that your brother needed to start his business.

The problem is that Obama didn't specify those as the *only* things he meant when he made that comment, so even if you say that's what he meant it's not necessarily true until he says so and apologises for making it sound otherwise.

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1342641399' post='2456840']
The problem is that Obama didn't specify those as the *only* things he meant when he made that comment, so even if you say that's what he meant it's not necessarily true until he says so and apologises for making it sound otherwise.

He should apologize for making it sound otherwise to who? To me his comments were pretty clear. The businessman depended on infrastructure, which he didn't build, for his business. And while that doesn't negate the hard work and intelligence he put in to make his business successful, he can't pretend that his success was totally his own doing. As painful as it may be to his ego, he's not John Galt (whose author owed much of her success as a 'writer' to the soviet programs she benefited from as a child in the USSR, by the way). I was out of the country when the remarks were made and wasn't exposed to positive or negative commentary before I happened upon the speech in question as I was trying to catch up on the news. To me it was pretty obvious what he meant. I don't think Obama has to be responsible for the neurosis of his more fanatical opponents who will attempt to twist any observation he makes, no matter how incontrovertibly true, into a declaration of the glories of class warfare.

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