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God's Love Different (sorry If This Has Been Asked Before)


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1344023849' post='2462290']
My only beef was with your comments regarding God's nature. He is all perfect. He is all loving. He is all powerful (almighty).
The only one I questioned was the 'all powerful' Which I think most people misunderstand. God is all powerful in that what he wants to happen will happen and the devil has zero hope of prevailing.

[quote]He does love 100%. He can't possibly love any less because He [i]is[/i] love. He's also almighty. To be any less would mean that He's not God.[/quote]

[quote]You seem to think that our own failings reflect negatively on the nature of God. They don't.[/quote]
Well not exactly. I did try to explain that we failed not because God couldn't make us perfect and hence be infallable. But because making us imperfect is the only way that we could attain perfect love for a union with he who is perfect love by giving us the free choice to love or not. No I agree with the epilogue of the stations of the cross. [i]Accept each moment with faith that all that happens has purpose. seek me not in far off places for I am near at hand. Your office workbench kitchen are all places where you offer love to others. I am with you there![/i] And by everything, I mean everything! Including our fallen nature.

[quote]You also seem to have a better grasp than I do on the philosophical meaning of a lot of this, so I'm perplexed as to why you're having an issue with this stuff.[/quote]
I get a bit frustrated especially with knight that I cannot make myself understood and have a productive interaction, because he obviously has read a lot more than me and does have a lot of knowledge at his disposal which I could make use of. I joined Catholic phorums mainly for what I could learn from them, but of course there is always the hope that something I may write will be usful for someone else even if only in a small way and that's why I usually persist where common sense says I should quit. The priests homily yesterday, he said that fasting is not just with food it should be applied to our addictions too. So that they will not master us. After the Mass I said to him. "But my addiction is Catholic forums where I feel closer to people who are close to God." Like Knight, I think he missed the point because he said. "You should take a break now and then!" But even in that I saw wisdom, because when I get frustrated I tend to be unkind to people. So yes of course he is correct.

[quote]The above are truths taught in the Catechism. God is all perfect, all knowing, all loving, almighty, etc... Some of these things will seem contradictory to us, because we are limited in our understanding. That might sound like a copout - as you appeared to suggest above - but the truth is that if you need to understand the logical proof of God's nature to believe, you'll never believe. That's why we also need faith.[/quote]
I agreee with Apo on pretty much nothing except his comment that logic is Gods nature. So I seek a closer relationship with God in logic. The comment "It's a mystery, we can't understand." Is undoubtedly true. I will never understand a small part, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try does it? After all scripture is available to us all. It is the work of satan to keep it from people. God gave us a thinking brain that thirsts for him by knowledge of him. And as stated Everything has a reason.

There is another thing that I'm wrong about. The statement that we are on a different bus. :) I can see where you are coming from now.

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