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God's Love Different (sorry If This Has Been Asked Before)


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Does God love some people more than others? The answers I find are conflicting. The idea that He loves people more (implying that he therefore loves some people [i]less[/i] ) makes me sadface. Aquinas's Summa seems to suport this view yes?

Just curious on your thoughts.

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I found this in the article that you posted that is worth thinking about, rather than wondering if He loves someone more than you:

" Even if God loves each of us differently and unequally, he still loves us all. Thinking of sanctity, we have to ask also about our love for God. Do we all love God equally? Obviously not; but why not? What makes great saints, however, is the desire to please God in every detail of their lives. A holy life is also a gift to the saints themselves. It must be prayed for."

I think the point is that while we can admire the love He has shown others and how they have returned that love is certainly inspirational but He doesn't ask us to love Him like Saint so and so. He has created each of us to love Him in a very special and unique way and He asks each one of us to love Him in a special and unique way as well. The love that you could give to Him is not the love that another could give to Him. Each of us are very dear to Him and nobody could take the place that He has given us in His Heart. He looks at you and loves you like there is nobody else to love; because His love for you is that great and that special. The place He has prepared for you to be with Him in Heaven can't be taken by another. If we want to love Him more than we should humbly ask for more of His love so that we can give Him more of our love. Its best not to question if He loves someone else more, but rather know and accept that love He has for you and how you can love Him the way He wants you to. :)

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I don't mind that God loves us differently (in fact little st therese has a great quote about us all being different flowers and such) but the fact that God loves other people more is troublesome to me because it opens up the following questions: can we make God love us more (or less)? Why does He love others more? Can God's love be quantified?

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1342418954' post='2455997']
Does God love some people more than others? The answers I find are conflicting. The idea that He loves people more (implying that he therefore loves some people [i]less[/i] ) makes me sadface. Aquinas's Summa seems to suport this view yes?

Just curious on your thoughts.

If I were God I'd love me more than other people too. It's only fair.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342550090' post='2456414']
If I were God I'd love me more than other people too. It's only fair.

If you were a god I would be an atheist. :bounce: Have a nice day!

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1342550708' post='2456422']
If you were a god I would be an atheist. :bounce: Have a nice day!

Just because you don't believe in me doesn't mean that I don't exist.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342550786' post='2456423']
I don't exist.

Ok :bananarap:

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1342551109' post='2456428']
Ok :bananarap:

I don't think that you are giving my comments the respect and serious attention that they deserve.

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Mark of the Cross

I would have thought that Hasan would have fitted Knights idea of God perfectly.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1342418954' post='2455997']
Does God love some people more than others? The answers I find are conflicting. The idea that He loves people more (implying that he therefore loves some people [i]less[/i] ) makes me sadface. Aquinas's Summa seems to suport this view yes?

Just curious on your thoughts.
God is perfect and unique. Therefore God loves us all uniquely and perfectly, (Christ on the cross:-[i] "I could have called a legion of angels to save me from this terrible end! But how else could I show my love for you? How could I ask you to bear your pain if I had avoided mine?"[/i] My reply:[i] I look at you and think, is my soul worth this much? How much you must love me![/i] [i]How can I show my love in return[/i]? [i]I must accept whatever sickness, torment or agony is yet to come, to every cross I touch my lips that lets me be with you a co-redeemer of humanity. [/i]) However I'm sure that teh children as in my avatar have a significant edge. Which do I love most, my wife, my son or my daughter? Each one is unique and my love for each is, well, unique, but different. I don't think comparison is possible nor is Gods love comparable, it's all embracing!

Edited by Mark of the Cross
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1342550708' post='2456422']
If you were a god I would be an atheist. :bounce: Have a nice day!
I am an atheist, and I believe in Hasan

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342550786' post='2456423']
Just because you don't believe in me doesn't mean that I don't exist.

If only it was that easy.

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1342685010' post='2456968']
I am an atheist, and I believe in Hasan

Your faith has saved you. Come into my father's house.

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