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The Silencing Of Christians On The Matter Of Homosexuality


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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1341896889' post='2454262']
discrimination isn't always a bad thing. When an army goes to fight a war, I sure as hell hope they discriminate between civilians and combatants. When the city hires bus drivers, I hope they discriminate against people who have a pooty driving record, and women who are clearly inferior drivers ;).

So sure, the church discriminates between women and men for the priesthood and positions of institutional authority. Who cares? She also discriminates against mentally ill (a schizophrenic will likely be disallowed from the priesthood). She even discriminates against children by not allowing them to marry! And she discriminates against the healthy by not conferring the sacrament of divine unction.

Ergo, the church hates women, schizophrenics, children, and healthy people.

I luvs logic.

I totally read "wealthy people".

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1342129233' post='2455131']
People don't only procreate out of duty. Like all animals we have a natural desire for sexual intercourse.

I never said anything about duty. Lust looks to its own pleasures and objectifies the partner. Love is the opposite.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1342128810' post='2455130']

Lust is not a natural part of anything, because lust is only concerned with its own pleasure.

lust isn't concerned with anything. It is an emotion an emotions do bot have their own intentional states. People experiencing lust can be concerned with just their own pleasure or they can can be also concerned about their partner's pleasure. And. Lust is natural. It is a naturally occuring human emotion.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342163789' post='2455259']
lust isn't concerned with anything. It is an emotion an emotions do bot have their own intentional states. People experiencing lust can be concerned with just their own pleasure or they can can be also concerned about their partner's pleasure. And. Lust is natural. It is a naturally occuring human emotion.

You're too intelligent not to know that she meant [i]natural[/i] in the Aristotelian-Thomistic sense rather than in the Darwinian sense.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1342159130' post='2455251']
It's ok to objectify people if they consent.

*devil's advocate*

Sometimes you don't even realize it. Objectification happens for the most part without people even realizing it, unless they were raised differently or if they were told otherwise.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342163789' post='2455259']
lust isn't concerned with anything. It is an emotion an emotions do bot have their own intentional states. People experiencing lust can be concerned with just their own pleasure or they can can be also concerned about their partner's pleasure. And. Lust is natural. It is a naturally occuring human emotion.

another human emotion is hate. shouold we embrace that also?

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1342383483' post='2455881']
another human emotion is hate. shouold we embrace that also?
Hate could be something likened to pain, emotional pain rather than physical.
It is a very important tool, just as physical pain lets you know you need to react, remove yourself from that which causes physical pain, hate lets you know that there is a problem, that you need to react, remove yourself from that which causes emotional pain.

These sensations allow you to be aware of the problem and take action towards healing.

These sensations are natural and important for a successful life, they are to be embraced and used for what they are.

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1342387558' post='2455895']
hate lets you know that there is a problem, that you need to react,

These sensations allow you to be aware of the problem and take action towards healing.

These sensations are natural and important for a successful life, they are to be embraced and used for what they are.


Healing via the final solution

Mr. Godwin, pbuh.

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Mark of the Cross

A priest once told me that emotions were not a sin. It's how we deal with our emotions. Channelling lust into formation of family is not a sin, it is the mark of a higher form of life. Even animals have it to varying extents.

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1342387558' post='2455895']
Hate could be something likened to pain, emotional pain rather than physical.
It is a very important tool, just as physical pain lets you know you need to react, remove yourself from that which causes physical pain, hate lets you know that there is a problem, that you need to react, remove yourself from that which causes emotional pain.

I agree! Hate is a pain, maybe the worst. And it lets you know that there is something wrong. Something wrong with the bearer! It's the one emotion that has no useful purpose and a person is wise to overcome. Hate gives no joy, so even without religion hate is destructive to all that it infects.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1342383483' post='2455881']

another human emotion is hate. shouold we embrace that also?

What do you mean embrace? You can admit that hate is a naturally occuring human emotion. Like lust.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1342436404' post='2456015']
You can admit that hate is a naturally occuring human emotion. Like lust.

Possibly, but is our "natural" inclination as humans inherently good?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1342418020' post='2455994']
from my experience love is more painful than hate.
But love has constructive results, whereas hate is always destructive to not only the victim but also the bearer. Therefore love is a pain that expresses spiritual positiveness. ie we witness the sufferings of others and our compassion causes us pain. The result is we are motivated to positive actions. Hate causes pain because it can never be satisfied, it's a false promise of satan and it's result will always produce pain.
If you are referring to a love lost, then it is not really the love that causes the pain. It's the absence of the love returned from the other person. An incomplete love.
[quote name='RandomProddy' timestamp='1342476438' post='2456176']
Possibly, but is our "natural" inclination as humans inherently good?
Our human inclination is a mixed bag of good and bad emotions. Our spiritual inclination should be toward goodness. Suppress bad emotions and nurture the good emotions.

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