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The Silencing Of Christians On The Matter Of Homosexuality


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A video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ootrp7KSZDg

I just don't Like where our society is headed on this matter!! It has come to the point that by having a different viewpoint christiand are being "bigots"!!! I have lost friends over this matter and the worst part is that it is way to under the radar right now. Many people have become to intimidated to speak out! We need to not be frightened because God is on our side! Thoughts?

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I think the way we approach this issue is often wrong. We end up not being cautious enough, because this issue lies extremely close to the heart of those of the pro-homosexual side. The result is that we have to be more delicate in what we say and what we do. Sure, they may not be as 'tolerant' as we are, but as Christians we have to be the more loving side in this. And the fact is that as close as these persons identify themselves with the movement, we cannot forget that they are people and are as deserving of Love as anyone else.

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Ed Normile

[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1341673518' post='2453125']
I think the way we approach this issue is often wrong. We end up not being cautious enough, because this issue lies extremely close to the heart of those of the pro-homosexual side. The result is that we have to be more delicate in what we say and what we do. Sure, they may not be as 'tolerant' as we are, but as Christians we have to be the more loving side in this. And the fact is that as close as these persons identify themselves with the movement, we cannot forget that they are people and are as deserving of Love as anyone else.

Would St John the Baptist be so delicate ?

If not would he be somehow un-christian ? I ask as sometimes you have to stand for something or you stand for nothing at all.


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I know from my experience with debating this issue that I was never prepared properly to defend traditional Marriage because I think more emphasis (at least where I live) is put on other issues like being pro life or something. So, when I tried to defend it, I was made out to look like some weirdo from outer space :alien: . The thing is, that I tried to be loving and generous in the way I presented the argument but they were repulsed by the mere fact I was defending traditional Marriage.

So from my experiences I have concluded that:[list=1]
[*]They don't care if your nice when debating
[*]They want to force their opinion on you
[*]The Homosexual agenda has progressed so far that is is normal to be for Homosexual Marriage.
[*]Thus, having a different opinion is not an option and they will get upset at you no matter what.
I have had a lot of trouble trying to form my argument in a way which will not upset the gay activists. There was this one time I quoted from the bible and the person told me that the version of the bible I was using was not reliable! :wacko:

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Is it possible to debate this topic?
What aspects are up for debate?

I am pro choice (especially when it comes to capable adults making choices for themselves)
I am against government enforcement (especially on matters that do not make society unstable and dangerous)

So if you and me were to debate the topic, what is it that we could discuss in a mature, respectful way?

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Ed Normile

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1341698514' post='2453197']
Is it possible to debate this topic?
What aspects are up for debate?

I am pro choice (especially when it comes to capable adults making choices for themselves)
I am against government enforcement (especially on matters that do not make society unstable and dangerous)

So if you and me were to debate the topic, what is it that we could discuss in a mature, respectful way?

Well, seeing as how you are against government enforcement we could debate the pro-choice movements agenda of having the government mandating their cause through legislation, activist judges and the Obama-don'tcare program. :saint2:


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1341699137' post='2453200']
Well, seeing as how you are against government enforcement we could debate the pro-choice movements agenda of having the government mandating their cause through legislation, activist judges and the Obama-don'tcare program. :saint2:

That is a good point!

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1341699137' post='2453200']
Well, seeing as how you are against government enforcement we could debate the pro-choice movements agenda of having the government mandating their cause through legislation, activist judges and the Obama-don'tcare program. :saint2:

Could you be more specific, I'm not an American and am not up with USA politics?
What is being legislated that you don't like?

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Obama care basically make abortion legal on all levels. And there is a mandate he issued that make everyone no matter what they believe pay for unlimited contraception coverage. If you are morally objected to and don't pay it they will tax you a huge fine.

Edited by Annie12
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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1341699647' post='2453209']
Obama care basically make abortion legal on all levels.
Making something legal is removal of laws rather than addition of laws.
So personally I am fine with this. Let the mothers choose. I understand this doesn't take into account the "right" of the feotus.

[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1341699647' post='2453209']
And there is a mandate he issued that make everyone no matter what they believe pay for unlimited contraception coverage.[/quote]
Is this in reference to how government spend their tax revenue?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i hope this series 7 part series is true to the gospel because i listened to the 1st part and agree about christians being allowed to have an opinion on anything in general including homosexuality. I posted this on my facebook so it better not be a trick, or my stupidity or hope in trusting whichever it is gets me into trouble.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1341703042' post='2453224']
i hope this series 7 part series is true to the gospel because i listened to the 1st part and agree about christians being allowed to have an opinion on anything in general including homosexuality. I posted this on my facebook so it better not be a trick, or my stupidity or hope in trusting whichever it is gets me into trouble.

Don't worry!!!! I watched all 7 parts and it is fine!!! :like3:

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1341701266' post='2453213']
Let the mothers choose. I understand this doesn't take into account the "right" of the feotus.

No offence meant but... :blush:
Have you seen picture of aborted babies? (i'm not going to make you look at any right now but I encourage you to at least expose yourself to the pro-life opinion so that you can have the opinion you wish to have.)

Personally, I don't see why anyone could find a reason to be for abortion. I look at life as a timeline with different stages. And development in the womb is one of those stages, just like childhood, adolescence and adulthood (science even backs this up). Furthermore even if a mother didn't plan on being pregnant I believe God did and had that person in mind since before the creation of time and when one child is aborted a whole generation is lost along with it because that child could have had children and grandchildren and their children could have had children so on and so on. To prevent myself from going on for a gazillion more hours I think you would find this website interesting [url="http://naapc.net/"]http://naapc.net/[/url] God bless! I hope you can see where I'm coming from! :smile4:

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

ok i will believe you since your profile is all about christ and your title says catholic.

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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1341710872' post='2453278']
No offence meant but... :blush:
Have you seen picture of aborted babies? [/quote]
Yes. I have seen a picture of an aborted baby.

I have never participated in an abortion, but I have been lucky not to have been faced with such a difficult decision.
I don't see abortion as something that threatens the safety and stability of society, so I don't think it is a government issue.
I am fine with people trying to convince others not to have abortions, debate or discussion is fine. But I think ultimately adults are old enough and mature enough to make their own decisions, We don't need nor want our decisions to be made for us by our government.

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