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Trisha's Multifarious Musings


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Hey, did you know I got that job? Now I get up at 4 am. Bedtime for me! Miss ya!


Congrats! :) The 4am wake up does not sound fun :\ Bedtime for me too, have to go to the early mass 'cause I work late tomorrow. And I miss you, too!

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Boo being up early due to working late :(  Going to 4:45pm instead of 7am because I don't want a possible lawsuit for "pushing my religion" by having ashes during class.


Hey, did you know I got that job? Now I get up at 4 am. Bedtime for me! Miss ya!



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Tricia, I know you are one of the people who was kindda interested in the FLYLady for Lent thread... well, I opened it.... pray for me/us!

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Words I am reflecting on tonight, which seem very fitting both for this beginning of Lent and in light of Papa Bene's announcement:


"Here we face the typical Christian paradox,
according to which suffering is never seen as the last word but rather,
as a transition towards happiness; indeed, suffering itself is already
mysteriously mingled with the joy that flows from hope."

                                                    - His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI


This is actually an excerpt from an "interview" with Pope Benedict I received from Jimmy Akin's e-mail club, which I thought was pretty amazing. You can read the whole thing here: http://www.aweber.com/t/5LNgU

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Just saw this music suggestion on Facebook and meme-fied it



Uploaded with [url=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]

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Warning: I'm about to vent.


I am freezing... :cold: the small heater in my room  isn't working and  has been out since last evening. We don't have any other form of heat upstairs since the house is so old that the only form of heat was originally wood stoves and a fireplace, but due to new safety and building codes the wood stove had to be taken out years ago. Now I have one of those infrared heaters by EdenPURE. I have no idea what on earth happened to it... and can't get it replaced anytime soon.


Right now the wind is gusting to over 50 mph and the temperature is 29 degrees F, but weather.com says "feels like" 15 F!! The temp is supposed to get down to 16 degrees F, "feels like 3 degrees." :(  


I would go downstairs, but I have to work from my room and the door has to be closed when I'm working, so I can't even get residual heat until 7pm when I'm off work - after the sun will have already gone down. :unsure:


I'm covered up in a sweatshirt, comforter,  blanket, slippers, even gloves and I'm still really cold. Even the dog is uncomfortable.


I'm wondering how people have dealt with the cold in the past... I just want to crawl into bed under a few big blankets and stay there.

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I can actually answer that for you, Tricia.... next time you are out, trot down to a drugstore or similar place and get a hot water bottle.  Seriously.  The danged things make a HUGE difference.... and you can put them on your lap or under your feet like a puppydog.  You can even get one DELIVERED to you if you get out....


And you can put it into a pillow case (flannel ones are perfect!) if you don't want to advertize the 'HWB'.


Alternatively, maybe one of those 'heated throws' -- they plug in and aren't really warm to the touch... but they make a difference.  (just don't use the hot water bottle and heated throw at the same time!)


If you aren't covering your head, think about it (hooded sweatshirt?) -- because your whole body will stay warmer if your head and neck are warm.


You might also like this website -- it has all sorts of interesting things from 'times past' and you might get some ideas....




Also... be sure to have some hot water, tea, or something similar regularly.  It realy will help to keep you warm.  Again, can you have a small hot water pot in your room?  It got me through many an unheated winter in my last office... where there was no heat.


Hang in there.....

Edited by AnneLine
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Thank you for all the good ideas! I did have my head covered actually - with a blanket lol. I did remember that from when I used to have no heater in here (but was able to keep the door open) as I used to wear a hat to bed or just wrap everything but my face in the covers.


Thankfully, it doesn't look like I'll have to order a hot water bottle or anything, as I fiddled around with the machine and figured out how to reset the sensor, and it's now working! :yahoo:

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