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Trisha's Multifarious Musings


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Hi Trisha. Just figured I would invade your thread...

Any reason to procrastinate is a good one! Okay, maybe not. Just feeling silly, I guess!



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[color=#4b0082][size=6]I can haz posts nao!?[/size][/color]

Wooooooooooooot! :cool:

I don't understand why you say you cannot post. I can post as you just fine. -dUSt

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Well, I promise I wasn't crying wolf! I got the "You do not have permission to reply to this topic" every time I tried before. Then I was in a thread and saw the "reply to topic" button at the top, which had not been there previously, so I clicked it and it actually took me to the full editor! So not only is it fixed so I can post, but I have access to the editor which I haven't had for months! :smile4: :dance: :bounce:

Thanks for fixing everything, dUSt!

Now to go see if I can create new topics...

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l am writing this on a tablet (pen & tab!) It's really cool, except for the fact that l am a very slow writer. If l could get used to this thing I would never have to touch a mouse or keyboard again! Yeah... not happening, but this is really fun to play with!

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There are a lot of fun things you can do with a tablet. I'd like to try the Flockdraw again some time. I have never tried using mine to replace keyboard input, so I'm curious how you go about that. Handwriting recognition? Or just an on-screen keyboard?

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