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Trisha's Multifarious Musings


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Yeah, I was pretty exhausted after that lol

Right now I should be cleaning my room... instead of posting about the fact that I should be cleaning my room. :|

I need some motivation, as well as some upbeat music to clean to.

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I know that feeling well... :| I'm thinking tomorrow I either do laundry or walk and then do slides for like 2 chapters. Saturday sleep in and then go to new cohort party. Sunday go to Mass and then work on dissertation.

However, I'm just posting to Phatmass also :P Isn't PM fun?

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It is! Especially when there are actually people here and active! Which is why it's so hard to leave right now... haha.

And I guess the laundry vs. walking part I would decide based on the amount of clean clothes I had left. If you aren't going to have good clothes to go to mass Sunday, do laundry! Laundry is also a workout, IMO, even if it's not as good as walking.

Do you have to go to a laundromat?

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I know what you mean, things are so hopping right now on the Phorum!

And it's across the complex, but we have a laundry room. If you don't do it first thing in the morning, you don't get a spot. I could probably do them Monday morning if I had to... :)

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[quote name='xTrishaxLynnx' timestamp='1348193323' post='2484892']
I've been cleaning for over an hour... why does it look like it's more of a mess in here than before!? :doh:
That was me last weekend. And then when it was all clean, I couldn't find my shopping list!

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Be like this:

Not lame (like me)

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Progress not Perfection!!!!

"Housework done imperfectly still blesses your family" (FlyLady) (you knew I would, didn't you!

Flylady dustmoping her house in 2 minutes....


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Yes, I had a feeling you'd reference her :hehe:

She's so funny! I'd never seen a video of her actually cleaning... that's neat! :)

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Some of the other videos are even funnier....

I kept waiting for the laptop to go flying.....

One of these years for Christmas, my beloved husband will give me a bottle with 100 flies or something. I really need to expand my horizons....

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Did you think hubby would get tired of the flylady vids and rid you of the laptop? Or were the flies going to carry it away? :hehe:

Well if he does get you flies you can tell him "at least you weren't able to get them off the window sills!" I am sure he really appreciates all that the FlyLady has inspired you to do :)

I have done pretty much nothing today. I slept in, got up and brought the dog outside to play, helped my sister prep for making breaded chicken tenders from scratch (usually I do the whole thing myself, today she did most of it! :proud: ) Gonna eat soon, and go to Mass at 6pm. That's about it. :)

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