OnlySunshine Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 Ok, so I made my Total Consecration to the Immaculate back in December 2009. I've been wearing a Miraculous Medal, but I don't recite the Little Office like I should. I really want to buy a copy of the book so I can recite it every day, but I'm wondering if any of you know where I could purchase a copy for less than $10? Money is tight and I don't want to spend a large amount. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spem in alium Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 (edited) [size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]A Total Consecration would be so beautiful to make. If you hadn't heard of it, the site is great for cheap books and delivery is free worldwide (which is great if you live many, many miles away from the UK), I get a lot of my textbooks from there, and I also purchased a few religious texts. Definitely recommend it. I found a couple of books that may interest you (I converted the costs to $US, you can change them if you are in a different location with different currency).[/font][/size] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]A Book Of Marian Prayers: A Compilation Of Marian Devotions From The Second To The Twenty-First Century (Hardback), $9.15: [/size][/font][url=""][/url] [left][font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][color="#000000"][size=3]A Catholic Book of Hours and Other Devotions (Paperback), $9.20: [/size][/color][/font][url=""][/url][/left] [left][size=3]Both books would be fantastic to own, but if you're unable to purchase both and are interested in either of them, I'd say the Marian Devotions one is probably better, as in the description it actually mentions containing a copy of the Little Office. And plus, with your Consecration to Mary, what's more fitting than a book of Marian prayers? [/size][/left] [size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I saw that Book Depository had a few specific editions of the Little Office that were currently unavailable - you can submit your email address and get a notification when they get the book back in stock. Amazon might be worthwhile to check too, they tend to have good deals. I hope and pray that you can find a suitable, affordable copy somewhere Will keep an eye out and let you know if I come across anything cheaper.[/font][/size] Edited July 1, 2012 by Spem in alium Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strictlyinkblot Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 You could try as well, postage is free or they have sellers selling books, its a pretty big website and some sellers have free postage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 Amazon has a few used copies for about $9 (scroll down the page to the 4th or 5th thing). Also, I recall you've been taking clarsees at the local college. You might still have a printing quota at their labs (or you could do this at home). Here's the complete Little Office online. You could print it off, put it in a thin binder with page protectors... all for like $3. [url=""][/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemma Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 [quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1341115995' post='2451068'] Ok, so I made my Total Consecration to the Immaculate back in December 2009. I've been wearing a Miraculous Medal, but I don't recite the Little Office like I should. I really want to buy a copy of the book so I can recite it every day, but I'm wondering if any of you know where I could purchase a copy for less than $10? Money is tight and I don't want to spend a large amount. [/quote] The LOBVM is online. One can go to the "Cloisterite Resources" page of our website and the link should be on that page. Http:// Blessings, Gemma Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
filius_angelorum Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 Well, the "official" Little Office, following the form of the modern Liturgy of the Hours, is available for about 11 dollars from That is quite cheap for the kind of devotional book you are talking about. You might look aroud though on Amazon and see if a used one comes on the market for less.The Extraordinary Form of the Little Office is published by Baronius Press, and is, I think, a bit more expensive. I have seen both books, and they would both be worth the money you spend on them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnneLine Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 Gemma and filius angelorum have given you good links for the little office. However....the other thing you might consider, Mater, is that many/most of the people who once used the Little Office have been encouraged to move to the actual Liturgy of the Hours because it is what the Church prefers us to use. I'm not positive, but I think ALL of the secular order type groups use that now. The reason they moved away from the Little Office wasn't because they wanted to give less honor to our Lady... but because while in the past it was recited in Latin (and most people just meditated while saying the words they didn't understand), now most people pray both it in the vernacular and it gets very boring to do the same psalms every day at exactly the same time of the day (the original Little Office) or even to do the same psalms on a one week cycle (as filius angelorum noted). (I know because I did that for many years....) Using the actual Liturgy of the Hours (Morning and Evening and Night) It is more connected to the Church year and there is a greater range of scripture and psalms. And it is what the Holy Father noted was really ideal for most Catholics. You don't need to purchase the whole 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours.... most people just start with Christian Prayer which has Morning, Evening and Night prayer.... and is what those groups and communities who used to pray the Little Office switched to.... If you can't afford the whole book right now, all of it is on line at [url=""][/url]. There also is book that just has the 4 week cycle of psalms and readings and a minimal selection of other materials taken from the actual Liturgy called Shorter Christian Prayer. (People often get those to use while traveling....) Check with your spiritual director or pastor, but my bet is they will suggest the LOTH, Christian Prayer or even Sorter Christian Prayer rather than the Little Office. And... the Little Office is actually just the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary prayed each day...... So... check with your director/pastor and then add obedience to your prayer! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
filius_angelorum Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 (edited) Just to push back a little Ann...The primary purpose of prayer, unless one is bound to recite the office, is a growth in love for God and man for God's sake. Sometimes I worry that, in focusing so much on what is "best" or highest, such as the full office, we lose sight of the fact that simpler things, like the Little Office, can help us grow in humility and purity more easily than higher things. If saying the Little Office helps you to become more like Mary, mm, say it, and avoid all temptations to "bigger and better" things. Or if the Little Office is what you can afford, thank God everytime you say it for your poverty. I hope I don't offend. Edited July 1, 2012 by filius_angelorum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnneLine Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 No offense at all! And good points. Different people are given different calls by God... .and God works with each of us as an individual. That's why I think it's important to both do what ones director is saying AND keep in mind the thinking of the Church... and reality,. Gotta run now -- Mass is calling! Blessings, AnneLine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OnlySunshine Posted July 1, 2012 Author Share Posted July 1, 2012 [quote name='filius_angelorum' timestamp='1341168779' post='2451208'] Just to push back a little Ann...The primary purpose of prayer, unless one is bound to recite the office, is a growth in love for God and man for God's sake. Sometimes I worry that, in focusing so much on what is "best" or highest, such as the full office, we lose sight of the fact that simpler things, like the Little Office, can help us grow in humility and purity more easily than higher things. If saying the Little Office helps you to become more like Mary, mm, say it, and avoid all temptations to "bigger and better" things. Or if the Little Office is what you can afford, thank God everytime you say it for your poverty. I hope I don't offend. [/quote] [quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1341170946' post='2451214'] No offense at all! And good points. Different people are given different calls by God... .and God works with each of us as an individual. That's why I think it's important to both do what ones director is saying AND keep in mind the thinking of the Church... and reality,. Gotta run now -- Mass is calling! Blessings, AnneLine [/quote] I appreciate the suggestion of praying the full office. The reason I don't want to do the full LOTH is because I have problems reciting it on my own. I really like praying with a community, otherwise I get distracted. I thought about the Shorter Christian Prayer since it is less expensive and less comprehensive. I'm still trying to decide between the two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnneLine Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 You might want to give the on-line [url=""][/url] a look. They have a print AND an audio version, and MANY people comment on how much they like being able to pray along with the audio because it does exactly what you indicated you want -- it reminds you of the reality that you are praying with the whole Church. I personally don't like the audio so much because I think it a little over-dramatized by one of the readers... but people either love it or hate their style... But I love knowing that if I am separated from my office book, I can almost always find a computer and pray.... The other thing that I personally have found super-helpful, is to find someone else who wants to pray it and pray it over the telephone. No I am NOT kidding. I do it a lot with those who are in training for our secular order, as it lets them learn to pray it well and ask questions as they come up. (There are ALWAYS questions as people are learning it!). But I also have a friend who is NOT in the secular order, but loves praying for the needs of the church and the LOTH, and we pray Evening Prayer each evening, and most of the time, Morning prayer each morning (sometimes we have to pray it by ourselves if one or the other of us has an appointment.) We usually get Office of Readings in either in the Morning or with Evening Prayer, too. What has been interesting is that our friends know we do this, and as a result, they call in and email prayer requests... and we always pray for the PhatMass prayer requests, too! So..... you might want to see if you can find someone else who wants to pray more regularly if that will help you get started. With the current days of free cell minutes and free house phone minutes across the US, it really is a do-able thing.... and lets us take back the phone lines for God, too!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnneLine Posted July 1, 2012 Share Posted July 1, 2012 (edited) Mater, you might find this helpful too.... This is what we suggest to people in the Secular Order who are discerning if they want to explore a vocation with us. We let them know from the start that while we don't expect ANYONE to come in praying the LOTH or having a regular spiritual practice, if they do decide to discern with us, and if they want to attend meetings and prepare to enter our Formation program as a novice, they will NEED to get this started, and we suggest they start slowly and work into habits. This is how we suggest they do it: Our formation requires that by the time they are accepted as novices(about 12-18 months after they start), they have to be regularly praying the LOTH morning and evening, and if possible night, doing some silent prayer each day, and also to be doing some study and lectio each day... and something in honor of our Lady.... and Maaaaaaas if they can get to it. That can be a daunting list for someone just starting. If someone tries to start all of it at once, they will crash and burn! So.... first we have them come for just a few months as 'guests' and we let them know 1) you will have to work into this; 2) you will need to have the humilty to fail a bit while you are trying to make this work; all kids fall down while they are learning to walk); 3) start small, and 4) work toward regular habits. First month, we suggest that they start just praying a decade of the rosary and/or a psalm or two in the morning and evening each day, and pray for the needs of the Church. (We want them to start to have a set time when they will do this in the morning, evening and just before bed. Once the time and place are established, it is much easier to drop in the LOTH.) Second month, we ask them to continue doing that, and to add the Benedictus in the morning, and the Magnificat in the evening. We also ask them to spend about 5-10 minutes just before bed. During this period we ask them to thank God for the day, to pray an act of contrition, and to end with a hail mary to say 'good night' to our Lady. These will later become the spots where 'Morning' 'Evening' and 'Night' prayer from LOTH will be prayed. If they aren't already doing this (most are!) we also ask them to start praying silently at least 15 minutes each day... again, where and when is up to them... and help them to get this started, too.... Third month, we ask them to continue doing those, and add 5-15 minutes of Lectio Divina (prayer over scripture) each day. They can choose the time and location and how they do it...and it can be part of their quiet prayer time. We want them to get into the habit of doing it each day. We suggest starting with praying the daily Gospel for the following day's Maaaaaaaaas.... Fourth month, we ask them to continue doing the first three, and now to include a little study into the week -- 15 minutes a day, or 30 minutes three times a week... or an hour and a half on a weekend. Each person is different, and so their reading and study habits need to match what works for them. We give them some material to start with.... and suggest that the catechism or some articles on spirituality (and we suggest some from our religious family) are good choices just to get started. They will have a lot to study if they decide to stay with us, so it's a good habit to get started.... Now is also the time they really try using the LOTH. We offer them a 'loaner copy' of Shorter Christian prayer (or suggest the on-line version) so they won't spend money in case they decide not to stay with us. We also show them the differences between the full 4 volume LOTH and the one volume Christian Prayer (which is just morning, evening and night prayer). We let them know that if they decide to stay with us, soon they will have to purchase one of them, and that they should be thinking about which is a better choice for them. Starting this fourth month, we ask them to either use the on-line [url=""][/url], or to use the Shorter Christian Prayer. They can either use the Common of our Lady or just try to follow the weekly cycle. Just try to do something morning and evening... we will add night prayer in later. We don't want them to worry about getting it right, just to try doing their best with using those during their usual Morning and Evening prayer periods. And to be patient with themselves, and see any errors they make as an opportunity to grow in humility. We also offer to pray a few times over the phone with them.... and they also have the experience of praying with the community during our meetings. The result is that by the time they actually start their 12 month aspirancy, they are already well on their way to having the structure in place.... and we can help them if it isn't falling into place.... Mater, I hope that you see that what we are encouraging is developing a 'regular habit' of prayer. It doesn't mean you don't miss a few times a month (most of us do miss occasionally, because our lives are pretty busy( ... but they are exceptions. Generally we pray it and miss it when it doesn't get prayed. This is far better than trying for a perfectionistic 'if I can't do it perfectly every time, I guess I might as well not do it.' That's pride, not prayer..... Hope this helps! Edited July 1, 2012 by AnneLine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emmaberry Posted August 22, 2012 Share Posted August 22, 2012 Wow AnneLine, that introductory plan you posted is very helpful. That seems like an excellent way to acquaint people with their vocational life-I am not sure whether to call it third order or secular, since each indicates different things. Do all secular/third orders give this kind of plan to newcomers to help them adjust, or is this unique? Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BarbTherese Posted August 22, 2012 Share Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) [quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1341115995' post='2451068'] Ok, so I made my Total Consecration to the Immaculate back in December 2009. I've been wearing a Miraculous Medal, but I don't recite the Little Office like I should. I really want to buy a copy of the book so I can recite it every day, but I'm wondering if any of you know where I could purchase a copy for less than $10? Money is tight and I don't want to spend a large amount. [/quote] I normally pray "Prayers from The Divine Office" Morning, Evening and Night Prayer, Office of Readings (separate book) with private prayer along with The Gospel for the day. However twice weekly I work in the offices of SVP for a day and since the Little Office of Our Lady is quite small and fits into a handbag, I pray Morning and Evening Prayer to and fro on the bus to SVP morning and late afternoon. I have just enough time on the bus to pray the appropriate Hour from the Little Office and a Rosary or the Chaplet of Mercy. Here in Australia, I did find it difficult to buy a copy some years back of the Little Office, but perseverance brought reward. Today is the Memorial of The Queenship Of Mary, 25th August, here in Australia. The Second Reading from today's Feast in the Office of Readings is really particularly beautiful with, of course, Our Lady as the subject. Edited August 22, 2012 by BarbaraTherese Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BarbTherese Posted August 22, 2012 Share Posted August 22, 2012 For any interested who may not have The Office of Readings, Universalis has the Office of Readings including for today's Memorial of Our Lady Queen of Heaven. The whole Hour is there and you will need to scroll down almost to the end of the Hour for the Second Reading - and particularly beautiful re Our Lady. [url=""][/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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