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The Holy Priesthood

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

PAx domini bretheren...
I have this title because i still believe the priesthood is holy, and that it is because it is part and parcel with the Holy Sacraments. This is more a statement than a debate. There are many levels of holyness below GOD but all Holy.

Onward christian souls.
Jesus iz LORD.
God is GOOD.
Jesus. "there are many rooms in my fathers house."

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Here's a good article by Fr. John Hardon.

[quote]For in some way he is the continuation of Christ. The Mystics use stronger language but expressing the same truth. In one of her dialogues St Catherine of Sienna was told by Christ what He thinks of priests. "They are My anointed ones”, the Savior said, “and I call them My Christs because I have given them the office of administering Me to you. The angel himself, has no such dignity, for I have given it to those men whom I have appointed as earthly angels in this life."[/quote]


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In a book on Saint John Vianney it says "I became a Priest; another Christ." Those are pretty powerful and meaningful words. It had me thinking at first because it sounds heretical, but I just let the matter alone because the author most likely didn't mean Saint John Vianney was literally another Jesus. Or so I hope.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1341072704' post='2450886']
In a book on Saint John Vianney it says "I became a Priest; another Christ." Those are pretty powerful and meaningful words. It had me thinking at first because it sounds heretical, but I just let the matter alone because the author most likely didn't mean Saint John Vianney was literally another Jesus. Or so I hope.
*I'll attempt an explanation, but if I'm wrong, someone please correct me.*
Well, it sounds to me like St. John V. is referring to the phrase [i]alter Christus[/i], which does mean "another Christ." I think that what we mean when we describe the priest as another Christ, is that the priest is able to do things, such as offer Mas.s and absolve sins, that are things that no human being can do -- only Christ.

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Mark of the Cross

Jesus calls all the faithful to be his other self. Priests more so, but also the least of us. [i]This man is blind because the Father wanted to do a good work through him.[/i]' [i]'though you are you and I am I, yet we are one, one Christ.... I crowned my way of the cross by my death. You will have completed your way when you have crowned it with your life. [/i]
So priests are definitely another Christ by offering their life as he did.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
:) no matter how holy we believe the homilies to be or not to be. Who knows the holy priest that has no real spectacular hom ilies has a spectacular prayer life,or confesser life, or other works of charity that are unbeknown to the ordinary faithfull.
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