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Crazy Theory Or Plauseable Thruth?


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So, I have been thinking lately and have been able to tie together messeges found in Marian apparitions,100 years of Satan prophecy and the three days of darkness prophecy (by Padre Pio). I personally think they all are credible. In the end though all that matters is that I/ we get to heaven but its still interesting to think about this kind of stuff. What are your thoughts?

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ROFL!!!! I'm saying that the chastisements which the Blessed Virgin Mary talks about In many of her apparitions, I believe will be the three days of darkness which padre Pio was told about by Jesus and I think that this will happen at the end of the 100 years of Satan which pope Leo Xiii overheard in a conversation between God and Satan. Personally, I think the 100 years will end in 2017 because it will be the 100th anaversary of Fatima. I was thinking we could debate this but since everyone thinks I'm nuts now...

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I don't think you're crazy, I've just never really thought about that stuff before. From time to time I think it's interesting to try to figure out what all the prophecies mean and how they fit together, but more often than not I just let it go without much thought. I have nothing to fear because it's in God's hands. Knowing or understanding what's going to happen in the future won't even change how I pray about it because the best course is to pray for God's will for humanity, to pray that whatever happens (aka whether we like the circumstances or not) we move closer to Him.

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Ed Normile

Yup, Mrs. Peanut, there has been a lot of people who have made the same conclusion. I feel as if we believe in God than why worry about it as He said, we will not know the time... besides you could be harvested by Planters tomorrow and thus today would be your last day so you should always prepare and be ready.


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I don't think you're nuts at all. I was always raised to believe in the Three Days of Darkness. When I was a young'n I had plans for what I was going to do, in fact. I was going to go to the old church (I say old because it is destroyed) and hide in the basement, and I was going to put buckets of holy water on top of the doors and windows so if demons tried to come in they would fall on them and burn them. :hehe:

I am not so sure on a specific date or anything, and I do not believe that it absolutely will happen, but I do think there is a good chance that it will. So don't worry, if you're in the crazy club I'm a fellow member.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1341334530' post='2452008']
When I [b]was[/b] a young'n[/quote]

What do you mean by "was"?????

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1341417687' post='2452321']
What do you mean by "was"?????

The word "young'n" implies very young. So "was" is appropriate.

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fides' Jack

Young'n doesn't have to mean any more young than yourself. Young'n could mean 58, depending on who's using the term.

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fides' Jack

But Annie - yes, you're crazy. :) Just try not to get too into it - always thinking about the end and darkness and whatnot can lead people to the dark side - literally. So learn about it, but don't get obsessed.

Edited by fides' Jack
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[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1341419118' post='2452327']
Young'n doesn't have to mean any more young than yourself. Young'n could mean 58, depending on who's using the term.

Yes, it depends on who is using the term. I used the term, therefore it implied four or five. :hehe:

[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1341419205' post='2452329']
But Annie - yes, you're crazy. :) Just try not to get too into it - always thinking about the end and darkness and whatnot can lead people to the dark side - literally. So learn about it, but don't get obsessed.

I echo the above statements. It can sometimes lead to very bad things, such as paranoia, and I know a lot about paranoia. Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I am afraid the devil may decide to come into my room and torment me. I start hearing strange noises, and sometimes swear I see odd shapes. What is ironic about that is he is already tormenting me in those times, so he has no reason to physically appear to me.

Just do not get too into this. It is acceptable to believe in the Three Days of Darkness and all that, and it is fine to study up on it, but do not get overly zealous about it and try not to ponder it every single day.

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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1341063746' post='2450816']
ROFL!!!! I'm saying that the chastisements which the Blessed Virgin Mary talks about In many of her apparitions, I believe will be the three days of darkness which padre Pio was told about by Jesus and I think that this will happen at the end of the 100 years of Satan which pope Leo Xiii overheard in a conversation between God and Satan. Personally, I think the 100 years will end in 2017 because it will be the 100th anaversary of Fatima. I was thinking we could debate this but since everyone thinks I'm nuts now...

What's interesting is that this is well quoted but to my knowledge, not verified. I've read several biographies of Pope Leo and this is never mentioned. I've never found a direct source for this story. It's almost a Catholic Urban myth

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I was just researching all of this because I wanted to see it it was a legit thing. I'm not obsessed! :hehe2: Don't worry!

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1341450122' post='2452426']
What's interesting is that this is well quoted but to my knowledge, not verified. I've read several biographies of Pope Leo and this is never mentioned. I've never found a direct source for this story. [b]It's almost a Catholic Urban myth[/b]

That would be better if his name was Pope Urban. :hehe:

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I think its all interesting, but it all kind of gives me the same feeling as watching weird History Channel shows

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1341971691' post='2454545']
That would be better if his name was Pope Urban. :hehe:

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