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Our President The Chauvinistic Pig


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So this is the type of jokes they tell around the White House these days, huh? Seriously? Does he think he's still a frat-boy at Harvard?

[color=#ff0000]WARNING! Sexually Explicit Humor by our Commander-in-Chief Below [/color]

Really, Mr. President? About your own wife? Really? We have sunk to a new low in this country. I mean, wow.

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you can pretty clearly tell that was unintentional. kinda pathetic that is on a "take down obama" webpage

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Yeah that doesn't seem like it was intentional.. In any case, it would be better to watch the whole thing to get the context.

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I think if it was intentional he woulda gave a wink and a knowing smile to the crowd,

not look like an ignoramus who didn't get the joke/memo

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Basilisa Marie

Um, I think it's pretty obvious that everyone ELSE in the room took that joke to a place he had no intention of taking it to, and he look of "Seriously guys?" and just continues without acknowledging the fact that everyone else's minds are in the gutter. For a president who is no stranger to cracking a joke or laughing, that looked NOTHING like the times when he makes an actual joke.

And even if he had made that joke, that's not chauvinism anyway. So...yeah.

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Vincent Vega

Seemed like a simple case of not thinking about what one was going to say before he said it.
Look at his facial expression. He's pretty clearly embarrassed by it. When he tells jokes, he's much more proud of himself.

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As stupid as this is as an argument against the President there is an underlying point which is quite fair. In a situation like the one Michelle was in she cheats not only herself but also her partner in exercise when she decides to go down half-heartedly for Ellen.

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I know when people say something they didn't mean. I think you know that I am a black belt in saying things I didn't mean to say. It pains me to disagree with El Rushbo, but... I do think this was unintentional. I mean, if I had not heard people say it was inappropriate I never would have caught it had I been there listening to the speech. Maybe I have re-cleaned my mind (Which was no easy task, by the way.), but I honestly wouldn't have noticed it, and I do not think Obama meant this in such a context. It's great to know I have to do the forget and re-cleaning process again, though...

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