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Blue Cloud Abbey (sd Benedictine Monks) Closing


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Effective August 5, 2012.


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The message was difficult to read, I can't imagine how hard this is on those monks. God willing they find accepting and loving new homes (I feel like I'm talking about puppies :doh:.)

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This is so sad. I think I looked into them once. It is very unfortunate and I am sure they had a hard time coming to this decision, but at least they are open to God's Will. I will pray they each find suitable Monasteries/Hermitages. I recommend others do the same.

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What a very tough decision. I can't imagine living with a group of brother monks for 62 years as a community and then suddenly having to split up. :(

I read "Come & Follow Me" recently about vocations and Fr. Manelli mentioned that the reason some good orders have to close is because some people who are receiving the call to religious life are ignoring it. Some are too afraid. Some are selfishly denying it. This is what comes of it. A sad reality indeed...

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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My heart truly breaks for these monks. It is so sad to see them losing their home and their community.

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[quote name='Lumiere' timestamp='1340071602' post='2446094']
Tell me, do these monks wear habits?
If you actually look at the picture on the letter from the abbot it sure looks that way. He is in a habit.

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Well, people in other threads have stated that communities that wear the habit are thriving while those that have given up the habit are dying. What has happened here?

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It's not as cut-and-dry as habit or no habit. There are habited communities that are not receiving vocations, and there are some non-habited communities that have a steady stream of new vocations.

This is part of a greater issue, the decline of religious in the U.S. Both male and female numbers have dropped dramatically (particularly in the late 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s), but there were never as many men religious as women.

In 1965, there were over 12,000 religious brothers, which includes most monks and many friars, and in 2011, there were only 4,606. Even the religious priests number, which includes most Dominican friars, Jesuits, Fathers of Mercy, etc., dropped from 22,000 to 12,000. (Source: CARA report here: [url="http://cara.georgetown.edu/CARAServices/requestedchurchstats.html"]http://cara.georgeto...hurchstats.html[/url])

Some abbeys, which might have had smaller numbers of brothers to begin with, might not be able to stay afloat. On phatmass, we often talk about the New Springtime, renewed interest in vocations, etc. But it was a very long winter for these communities who maybe didn't receive a new brother or sister for 20 years. In the letter, the abbot says that even if they received a wave of new applicants now, they wouldn't be professed for several more years, by which time, it would be too late.

This is a truly heartbreaking situation. May they be blessed with strength during this difficult transition. :amen:

Edited by Lisa
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Also has to do with publicity. If vocations don't know a monastery is in their backyard (exaggeration, but you know what I mean), that monastery will end up closing due to lack of vocations.


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