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You Support Abortion If.....?


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I cant say I agree with this thread. Its not judging people, but it is close. Boycotting all these peoples music is like having a friend who disagrees with your catholic stance, you dont just stop being friends with that person. It would be different if these were catholic bands who supported abortion, but they arent...they dont believe as we do, and if we boycot them then we logically are saying we have to boycot everything that is not in agreement with our views, like deeds mentioned in reguards to Microsoft. Then we just stay in our catholic little world we have made. If I listen to one of those bands it doesnt logically follow that I support abortion. You can follow or be a fan of someone without agreeing with every word or viewpoint, Jesus is my exception (I agree with him entirely). Hope this doesnt come off negatively I mean well. Inform me if I am off, cause I am writing this off of pure emotion.


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This is different it is a matter of humanity. I will not boycott someone that for example disagrees with my view on Mary or even Jesus. But when someone advocates the killing of innocent and the most vulnerable people on earth one cannot sit and watch. Whether a person is Catholic or not it is a non issue in the case of abortion. It is the killing of children...i dont think it matters what the musicisains religious affiliation is in this case. The reason i believe that Rock For Life is Catholic is that on the site they speak out against contraception as well as abortion. Also on their site it says that it is a project of "American Life League" and the American Life League is a Catholic organization.

Edited by Crusader_4
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Thank the Lord that Bob Dylan isnt up there. I like Neil Young and Ani DiFranco a lot though... uh oh.

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I know what you mean though i love no doubt and red hot chilli peppers but we all have sacrifices to make to promote the culture of life over the culture of death.

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i think that wisely choosing where and when and how to spend your money is important in the fight against abortion. you can listen to that music, just don't buy the cd's because the money may go to a pro-abortion cause. you can write to the artist and say, this is why i am not buying your cd. libraries have good collections and you can always listen to the radio or borrow a c.d. from someone. listening to a band isn't necessarily supporting them, but giving your money to them can be seen that way. let's be responsible consumers.

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I agree complety think about how much infleunce we could all have if we screened what we bought and when alternatives were we took them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just found out that Bob Dylan used to be pro-choice, but then when he switched to christianity he became pro-life... now he says hes keeping his opinions to himself

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while rock for life is definlty christian the leaders that are in charge (they switch) some you willl find are indeed catholic.

which i think is cool.

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[quote]112; Alice in Chains; Anderson, Laurie; Aus-Rotten; Babes in Toyland; [b]Bangles, The; Barenaked Ladies[/b]; Betty; Bikini Kill; Blige, Mary J.; Blues Traveler; Bonham, Tracy; Buffalo Tom; Bush; Byrne, David; Cash, Rosanne; Chapin Carpenter, Mary; Cher; Chin Music; Cockburn, Bruce; Cole, Paula; Corrine; Cowboy Junkies; Crosby, David; Colvin, Shawn; Cox, Deborah; Dance Hall Crashers; [b]Dave Matthews Band[/b]; Dice Raw; Di Franco, Ani; Etheridge, Melissa; [b]Everclear; Everlast[/b]; Eve’s Plum; Face to Face; Father MC; Ferrick, Melissa; Fishbone; [b]Foo Fighters[/b]; Four Non-Blondes; Fugazi; [b]Green Day[/b]; Griffith, Nanci; Hatfield, Juliana; Hawkins, Sophie B.; Helmet; Henry, Joe; Hole; Holy Mary Mother of Bert; Hornsby, Bruce; [b]Ian, Janice[/b]; Iggy Pop; Indigo Girls; Jackson Browne; Jett, Joan; [b]Jewel[/b]; Jones, Rickie Lee; Keb ‘Mo’; Kennedy’s, The; Khan, Chaka; Korn; L7; [b]Lauper, Cyndi[/b]; Letters to Cleo; Living Colour; Lovett, Lyle; Lunachicks; Luscious Jackson; Madonna; Mann, Ami; Martino, Cathie; Mary’s Danish; McDonald, Audrey; McLachlan, Sarah; Meatplow; Ethyl; Merchant, Natalie; [b]Mighty Mighty Bosstones; Morissette, Alanis[/b]; Morphine; Mudhoney; Nash, Graham; Newcomer, Carrie; [b]Nirvana; No Doubt[/b]; Odetta; [b]Offspring[/b]; Osborne, Joan; Pavement; [b]Pearl Jam[/b]; Perlman, Josh; Phair, Liz; Phish;[b] PINK[/b]; Possum Dixon; Prankster, Mary; [b]Presidents of the United States of America[/b]; Primus; Ramones; Rage Against The Machine; Raitt, Bonnie; Rancid; [b]Red Hot Chili Peppers[/b]; Red Light, The; Reddy, Helen; [b]R.E.M.[/b]; Rollins, Henry; Rusted Root; Salt, Veruca; Salt ‘N Pepa; [b]Santana[/b]; Screaming Trees; Seven Year B*&ch; Shudder to Think; Sleator-Kinney; Snow, Phoebe; Soul Asylum; Sound Garden; Spearhead; Sponge; Stone Fox; Stone Temple Pilots; Sweet, Matthew; Toad the Wet Sprocket; Waits, Tom; Watt, Mike; Ween; Wilson, Winter Drive, Cassandra; Wray; X; Yo-Yo; Young, Neil;

[img]http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~jedielf/pcrying.gif[/img]!!! Nooooo I LIKE THEIR MUSIC!!!!

[quote]you can listen to that music, just don't buy the cd's because the money may go to a pro-abortion cause.[/quote]

And don't buy the MP3s either!!! Go imesh or kazaa!!! (even if they have spyware which is annoying)

Thank the Lord that Good Charlotte, Powderfinger, Something For Kate and The Living End (among some in my collection) aren't up there either!

A child's right to life, to me, is not only an issue of ethics, but it's pretty personal as well. My parents came to Oz because we were pretty much pushing the One Child policy. I have two older sisters who were born before it was implemented, and they would never have been able to support another girl if they stayed in China. If I were born in China, I would probably have been drowned in a bucket, left in a rubbish tip or sent off to an orphanage where a lot of babies end up starving to death because they simply don't have enough staff, funding or facilities to look after them.
Huge kudos to those who do everything they can to rescue these kids and raise them as their own.

Edited by justfran
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[quote name='justfran' date='Jun 12 2004, 12:11 AM'] And don't buy the MP3s either!!! Go imesh or kazaa!!! (even if they have spyware which is annoying) [/quote]
LimeWire is groovy :punk: and Spyware free :cool:

Yeah...this list makes me sad, considering I have always been a Sarah McLachlan fan :sadder: But babies are more important ^_^

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[quote]I just wanted to provide a list of bands that support abortion that way we can all stay clear of their music for the most part.  ( i got this off the Rock for Life site which is affilited from what i can find with the Catholic faith not completley sure but around 90% sure from what i have foudn out.)

112; Alice in Chains; Anderson, Laurie; Aus-Rotten; Babes in Toyland;[b]Bangles, The; Barenaked Ladies[/b]; Betty; Bikini Kill;[b] Blige, Mary J[/b].; Blues Traveler; Bonham, Tracy; Buffalo Tom; [b]Bush;[/b] Byrne, David; Cash, Rosanne; Chapin Carpenter, Mary; Cher; Chin Music; Cockburn, Bruce; Cole, Paula; Corrine; Cowboy Junkies; Crosby, David; Colvin, Shawn; Cox, Deborah; Dance Hall Crashers; [b]Dave Matthews Band[/b]; Dice Raw; Di Franco, Ani; Etheridge, Melissa; Everclear; Everlast; Eve’s Plum; Face to Face; Father MC; Ferrick, Melissa; Fishbone; [b]Foo Fighters[/b]; Four Non-Blondes; Fugazi; Green Day; Griffith, Nanci; Hatfield, Juliana; Hawkins, Sophie B.; Helmet; Henry, Joe; Hole; Holy Mary Mother of Bert; Hornsby, Bruce; Ian, Janice; [b]Iggy Pop;[/b] Indigo Girls; Jackson Browne; Jett, Joan; Jewel; Jones, Rickie Lee; Keb ‘Mo’; Kennedy’s, The; Khan, Chaka; Korn; L7; Lauper, Cyndi; Letters to Cleo; Living Colour; Lovett, Lyle; Lunachicks; Luscious Jackson; Madonna; Mann, Ami; Martino, Cathie; Mary’s Danish; McDonald, Audrey; McLachlan, Sarah; Meatplow; Ethyl; Merchant, Natalie; [b]Mighty Mighty Bosstones[/b]; Morissette, Alanis; Morphine; Mudhoney; Nash, Graham; Newcomer, Carrie; Nirvana; [b]No Doubt;[/b] Odetta; Offspring; Osborne, Joan; Pavement; [b]Pearl Jam;[/b] Perlman, Josh; Phair, Liz; Phish; PINK; Possum Dixon; Prankster, Mary;[b] Presidents of the United States of America; Primus; Ramones; Rage Against The Machine;[/b] Raitt, Bonnie; Rancid; [b]Red Hot Chili Peppers;[/b] Red Light, The; Reddy, Helen;[b] R.E.M[/b].; Rollins, Henry; Rusted Root; Salt, Veruca; Salt ‘N Pepa;[b] Santana[/b]; Screaming Trees; Seven Year B*&ch; Shudder to Think; Sleator-Kinney; Snow, Phoebe; Soul Asylum; Sound Garden; Spearhead; Sponge; Stone Fox; Stone Temple Pilots; Sweet, Matthew; [b]Toad the Wet Sprocket[/b]; Waits, Tom; Watt, Mike; Ween; Wilson, Winter Drive, Cassandra; Wray; [b]X;[/b] Yo-Yo; [b]Young, Neil;[/b]


I Especially enjoy REM's and the Ramones' music.. so that makes me especially sad :(

Edited by Tony
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If you boycott all that music shouldn't you boycott anything from China and change your whole life on this one aspect of people. Buying the music isn't necessarily supporting a pro-choice institution. I mean it's one part of a person and that's not what they are making money off of. I guess I see the point, but I can't agree with the blanket boycott. If the bands were singing about being pro-abortion I could understand, but most of them aren't proclaming this belief to the world.

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