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Best Friend Likes To Blaspheme


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Your friend probably has no idea it even bothers you at all. I'd just say something if you feel you must.

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Mark of the Cross

I don't like it when someone says "Thank God it's the weekend." because that seems to trivialise God and show disrespect for all that is given. But if a bus just misses someone and someone says "Thank God!" Then that's reverence because he may well have had a hand in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say OMG from time to time, or God dam or whatever else expletive, not sure how it got into my swearing vocab, but I don't think about saying it, it just comes out.

It troubled a religious friend of mine, she was asking why I would say it, given that I don't believe in god.
I think maybe if I say it as a swear word then maybe it might make its way into her swear word vocab and then she would feel terrible about saying it herself. So I don't want to be the cause for her feeling terrible about herself.
I try very hard not to say it around her, problem is, if you consciously think about NOT saying something, then it is often what you do say.

Anyway, years later, I don't think I say it much, especially not around her.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1340825954' post='2449547']
I say OMG from time to time, or God dam or whatever else expletive, not sure how it got into my swearing vocab, but I don't think about saying it, it just comes out.

The use of Jesus and Christ as an expletive is very common in Australia. I don't think people even realise what they are saying or that it is offensive to some people. Many of those people would have a hissy fit if you told their kids there was no santa or easter bunny.

[quote]I try very hard not to say it around her, problem is, if you consciously think about NOT saying something, then it is often what you do say.[/quote]
I get impulses too and often wonder at the source!
Props for your consideration to another!

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Spem in alium

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1340841275' post='2449686']
The use of Jesus and Christ as an expletive is very common in Australia. I don't think people even realise what they are saying or that it is offensive to some people.

It is. So many people use expressions like that. My parents (who are Catholic) say "JC" time to time, as well as "OMG" and "God dam*" - and always when they're angry or irritated at something. In the past I've told them politely that their language makes me uncomfortable, and so they tend to be more mindful of when they use such words.

I think if you do as others have suggested (try and speak with your friend politely), you will have the best chance of making things easier.

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Ed Normile

My first cousin use G** D*** all the time, I tell him about it all the time. I consider it the worst of curse words the rest are all man made words that are just words that we put importance on as cursewords, using God's holy name in a curse and pairing it with profanity has to be blasphemy. Lately he says it less often, and when it slips out occasionally he says " sorry man " I say " you should ask God for forgiveness ".


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I tend to think some say it in hope GOD will help them and some say it blaming GOD, not always interlectual knowledge of doing this but deep down inside. But i also agree with one poster that it isn't nescisarily blasphemy, i tend to think blasphemy is breaking one of the 10 commandments paticularily though shalt have no other GOD beside the LORD your GOD. Blasphemy i think and i may be wrong is idol worship, and any sin can become idol worship paticularily in the form of it beccoming a grave disorder reducing charity in prayer,words and deeds. And with fear and trembling i will say again T.V and movies is like one of the biggest idols of this day and age, i think entertainment paticularily T.V series and movies takes up so much of valuble time which could be used for charitble works in prayer,word,deed and simply thinking and talking.

JC "be baptised and believe and you will be saved."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1341293285' post='2451842']
My first cousin use G** D*** all the time, I tell him about it all the time. I consider it the worst of curse words the rest are all man made words that are just words that we put importance on as cursewords, using God's holy name in a curse and pairing it with profanity has to be blasphemy. Lately he says it less often, and when it slips out occasionally he says " sorry man " I say " you should ask God for forgiveness ".


My grandpa used to say that also. My opinion is no man or woman has the rite to beaver dam, and if one is to damn it is to be GOD. But i still understand in the heart some or most aren't using such phrases delibrately with malice or intent, therefore in there heart of hearts there just crying out to GOD for help. It doesn't mean it shouldn't be corrected but than also it shouldn't be beaver beaver damed. :)

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Ed Normile

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1341308163' post='2451876']
My grandpa used to say that also. My opinion is no man or woman has the rite to beaver dam, and if one is to damn it is to be GOD. But i still understand in the heart some or most aren't using such phrases delibrately with malice or intent, therefore in there heart of hearts there just crying out to GOD for help. It doesn't mean it shouldn't be corrected but than also it shouldn't be beaver beaver damed. :)

With him its just a habit, but it really wears on me that in an average conversation with him he can vomit that utterance 10-15 times, and if he is mad at someone or something at least twice that many times. He is a catholic but he refuses to go to church, on that topic could you guiys pray for his return to the church as I do?


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I just handle it like Jules handled it when he told Vincent not to blaspheme in Pulp Fiction.

The first time he uses the Lord's name in vain (this includes OMG), just say, "Don't blaspheme". If he does it again say, "I said don't do that!".

I do this with my daughter's friends all the time. Sometimes they say "I didn't, I said God dang!" To which I explain it is the use of God's name in vain that is offensive, rather than the use of other curse words.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i get steamed even when i let out a far out, or floppin heck , or any phrases to that effect coz usually it's over something very minor like knocking my tea cup flying that i just filled up and i soooo covent tea :( and i feel like i'm blaming GOD even without the god dame it or jesu christi , like who else am i talking to, maybe i should just start saying idiot, and if anyone asks i am saying to myself because the bottom line deep in my heart i am saying it to myself not GOD, in my case anyway. But than the free masons put a curse on themselves, maybe i can't even call myself an idiocer

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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