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Best Friend Likes To Blaspheme


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We've been buds for a while now and we've helped eachother with a variety of things. Girls, relationships, work, etc. Always trying to better the other...mostly me trying to better him and lucky enough he does listen. But one thing has always bugged me. When he drinks...he takes the lords name in vain. Since i mostly visit him i've never felt comfortable correcting him in his house. We have never shared the same faith but we have a great mutual respect for one another. He has never belittled me or ridiculed me because of mine either. He has even compared me to a knight in some cases. I guess I just don't know how to approach this. What would you all do?

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Groo the Wanderer

burn him at the stake

just tell him how it makes you feel. if he's truly a friend, he'll take it to heart. if not...light the fire...

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I've had the same problem.
Talk to him. Don't 'teach' him, but tell him, how you feel when he's talking like that.
if he's a real friend, he will respect your beliefs.

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[quote name='blacksheep' timestamp='1339507161' post='2443868']
But one thing has always bugged me. When he drinks...he takes the lords name in vain.

Saying "Oh my God!" or "God beaver dam it!" as exclamations due to anger or surprise (or just to add intensity to the conversation) is an example of mild irreverence, not one of blasphemy.

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[quote name='Amory' timestamp='1339509862' post='2443881']
Saying "Oh my God!" or "God beaver dam it!" as exclamations due to anger or surprise (or just to add intensity to the conversation) is an example of mild irreverence, not one of blasphemy.
oh really? that's pretty much when it's said

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Basilisa Marie

Yeah, it sounds like he's not meaningfully "showing contempt for God or holy persons or things," so I don't think it counts as true blasphemy. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable, and he's your friend, talk to him about how it makes you feel.

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[quote name='blacksheep' timestamp='1339507161' post='2443868']
..mostly me trying to better him and lucky enough he does listen. [/quote]Just wow. You must be gratified.
I guess he doesn't have enough appreciation and respect for all you've done for him that you just can't ask him not to say certain things because it makes you feel uncomfortable? Some people are just ingrates. :stubborn:

Edited by Anomaly
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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Amory' timestamp='1339509862' post='2443881']
Saying "Oh my God!" or "God beaver dam it!" as exclamations due to anger or surprise (or just to add intensity to the conversation) is an example of mild irreverence, not one of blasphemy.
I got warned for using the 'beaver dam' not associated with God, just to indicate that I didn't care about something. Obviously the forum admins think that that is a bad word. Opinions please.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1339523872' post='2443972']
Just wow. You must be gratified.
I guess he doesn't have enough appreciation and respect for all you've done for him that you just can't ask him not to say certain things because it makes you feel uncomfortable? Some people are just ingrates. :stubborn:

Well..changing behavior is a slow process sometimes. I just have to be the better example, and pray that over time he may change.

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1339523872' post='2443972']
Just wow. You must be gratified.
I guess he doesn't have enough appreciation and respect for all you've done for him that you just can't ask him not to say certain things because it makes you feel uncomfortable? Some people are just ingrates. :stubborn:

And I am always grateful to God for giving me him as a friend.

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I would just mention it, saying something like "I'm sure you don't think its a big deal, but it makes me feel uncomfortable when you speak like that" It sounds like he would respect that.

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fides' Jack

I don't know if it's blasphemy or not, but it certainly is "Taking the Lord's Name in Vain", which is one of the highest of the 10 commandments.

There comes a time when you have to stand by God and let your friend decide if he wants to be friends with you.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1339546003' post='2444112']
its blasphemy. i gave some of my employees verbal warnings for doing it too

I'm not sure where anyone gets the idea that mere irreverent use of the name of God or of Christ is blasphemy. [i]OMFG[/i] (when properly expanded) is blasphemy because it states that God is "effing." However, "Oh my God!" by itself certainly isn't. Similarly, F. Scott Fitzgerald's statement, "God beaver dam God!" is blasphemous. But "God beaver dam it" isn't, unless the [i]it[/i] you are referring to is (for example) the Eucharist.

I don't normally say "Oh my God!" (unless of course I'm actually addressing Him), but I don't think it's a serious enough matter to demand fraternal correction. Such vulgar language is only venially sinful. Although we should avoid it ourselves while urging those under us (such as any children we have) to do the same, I don't think it's so important that we should correct our friends over its use, especially that that would anger or offend them.

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I would do what sixpence suggested. Ask him politely to please not to say such things around you. He will more than likely ask WHY? Be prepared to answer. He'll dismiss you if you tell him to stop.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Amory' timestamp='1339627993' post='2444401']

I don't normally say "Oh my God!" (unless of course I'm actually addressing Him), but I don't think it's a serious enough matter to demand fraternal correction. Such vulgar language is only venially sinful. Although we should avoid it ourselves while urging those under us (such as any children we have) to do the same, I don't think it's so important that we should correct our friends over its use, especially that that would anger or offend them.
[/quote]I don't know. . . I had a confessor who said it definitely needed to be confessed as taking the Lord's Name in vain. I've definitely asked someone not to say that in front of my kids, at the very least.

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