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Lisa Ling Explores Religious Life


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While watching "Our America with Lisa Ling" tonight, I saw a preview of next week's show in which Lisa Ling goes into the convent/monastery to speak to the nuns and those entering. The episode is titled "Brides of Christ," airs June 17th 10/9c on OWN.

This video is a promo of the season's episodes. The one showing the sisters is about [u]30 seconds in[/u]. [b]Warning: some of the episodes feature sexual material.[/b]


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OWN's scouting agency stopped by our place looking for assistance. I told them the process to enter the monastery was a long one, and usually exceptionally private. This ep is the second to come out of their efforts. The first was the interview with the DSMME.


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Sr Mary Catharine OP

She wanted to do a one hour story on us but we said NO! We feel that this is just about keeping their ratings given the success of the DSMME story. LIsa Ling is intrigued by religious life, I must admit.

THey would have been here for 10 days! UGH!

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I have seen this on Winfrey's old show. If it is the same show I have seen, Winfrey just doesn't get it.

However, the sisters are great and do not waver.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' timestamp='1339418483' post='2443441']
She wanted to do a one hour story on us but we said NO! We feel that this is just about keeping their ratings given the success of the DSMME story. LIsa Ling is intrigued by religious life, I must admit.

THey would have been here for 10 days! UGH!

I can just imagine how intrusive that would feel to the life of the community. While I appreciate the inside look into religious life, it can become jaded by secular media. I certainly respect your community's decision. :)

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Chiara Francesco

[quote name='franciscanlady' timestamp='1339394180' post='2443395']
While watching "Our America with Lisa Ling" tonight, I saw a preview of next week's show in which Lisa Ling goes into the convent/monastery to speak to the nuns and those entering. The episode is titled "Brides of Christ," airs June 17th 10/9c on OWN.

This video is a promo of the season's episodes. The one showing the sisters is about [u]30 seconds in[/u]. [b]Warning: some of the episodes feature sexual material.[/b]


Speaking of the "sexual material", though it wasn't explicit on Oprah's show with the DSMME's, what I did not like about that show was Oprah and Lisa CONSTANTLY (it seemed) to be bringing up sex, men, etc. while they could have discussed so many other things. The constant emphasis of their thoughts and questions on "aren't you going to miss sex" or whatever, was terrible and shows the typical sex-obsessed world they and others are in. Sure to ask maybe once and formed with the "won't you miss love and marriage" or something is an honest question but they just seemed to harp on it.

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I tried but it wouldn't let me watch it. I would think it would be very intrusive for the community.

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Oprah did "harp" on the sexuality thing, but arguably that slice of society really feels that it is the be all and end all of life. So it evangelized a completely different section of society not normally accessible to the Catholic church. Based on what the Sisters have said, both Oprah and Lisa Ling were very taken in by the joy, the hospitality and the freedom that the DSMME Sisters exude. They don't exactly "get it" yet, but they are way closer than before - an seem to have a genuine appreciation for the chaste life. Oprah asked the questions that those who watch the show are wondering about and I commend the DSMME for reaching out to a society that desperately needs the evangelization of a chaste life - and the freedom that it brings. Was it a one sided and incomplete portrayal - yes - but it wasn't a false portrayal. I think better to pray that the seeds bear fruit.

Edited by mantellata
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IMO the show on the DSMME's was perfect for the audience that was mainly watching it. Of course, like other PMers have said, the questions were redundant and focused on the trivial sacrifices of the life, but the sisters joy still shone through. However, I believe the things that annoyed me and other PMers might have been just what the average Oprah watching crowd needed to hear about religious life. If the sisters had talked about things we would have liked to hear them talk about, it might have gone over many of the viewer's heads--that's not to be arrogant, just realistically stating that the intricate beauties of a religious vocation, to many, might sound strange and unfathomable. Hopefully, Lisa LIng will take a different approach with the next batch of nuns, but even if she asks the same questions, I am sure it will satisfy a lot of curious viewers who know next to nothing about religious life, since I am sure most of their imquiries revolve around the renunciation of marriage, family, and material pleasures. I am looking forward to the segment!

Thanks for the vid franciscanlady!

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Here are the links--I hope they work!

Edited by emmaberry
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Safia, in 2010, Lisa Ling spent 24 hours with the Sisters and Oprah invited a few of them onto the show. Here's some clips: [url="http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Lisa-Ling-Goes-Inside-a-Convent"]http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Lisa-Ling-Goes-Inside-a-Convent[/url]

That fall, she returned for the entrance and vow ceremonies. Those clips are here: [url="http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Marrying-Christ-Video"]http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Marrying-Christ-Video[/url] These aren't the full show, but you'll get the idea!

Haha, Emma beat me to it!

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Thank you! Very razzle dazzle. I do, however, struggle with any documentary-type stuff like this, as it's impossible to portray that what goes on in the heart, and it is the heart -- Christ -- that matters most.

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If you watch right to the end, if you can get past all the other explicit stuff, there are actually some Carmelites in there. I'm thinking Terre Haute? Maybe someone could identify for sure.

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