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As suggested on another topic, I am introducing myself. Im a (young) 59yr old who entered Carmel way back in 1979 and have spent the last 32yrs there, in 3 Carmels in all - one amalgamated, then a few years later I realised the amalgamated monastery was not for me. I am currently exclaustrated while I nurse my very elderly mother (I lost my father some years ago, and only weeks later my only brother was killed in a road accident, so I had little option but to come out and care for my mother). I have been out for 3 months so far, my exclaustration is for a year initially but at present I suspect I may go back in sooner as my mother seems to be failing. I miss my community very much but am treasuring my time with my mother. Im also very new to the internet so please forgive any mistakes.

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well I am sure there will be a lot of girls who will be very happy to ask you lots of questions about Carmel!
It's a blessing to have you here (you're not the only Carmelite btw).
Prayers for your mother.

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Welcome! :welcome:

Sounds like you have been through a lot. Holding you and all your sisters (and your mom!) in prayer.

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I've been in a few myself. what country are you in?

One of the nuns at a Carmel in Australia where I was, left for 20 years to nurse her elderly mother and then was accepted back after her mother died. So these things do happen!

I also knew another sister in the UK who was exclaustrated for 3 years but I don't think she stayed out the whole three. She ended up going back as well.

I also knew another sister here in the US who was exclaustrated to care for her elderly mother but I don't know how long she was out or if she went back - I lost touch with her.

Anyway, prayers for you and your mother, and welcome to the phatmass phamily.

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Mary's Margaret

Welcome, Sr. Miriam. Prayers for you and your mother. Your community must be missing you, so prayer for them as well.

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