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Sisters Of Life Promotion Video


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I found this video on YouTube by Salt and Light TV about the Sisters of Life. I know them well and respect them for the work they do -- especially when the sanctity of life is being threatened to the extreme in our society. My friend, Sr. Annunciata Maria, is preparing to make her First Profession of Vows this August! Please pray for these loving women of God and consider a vocation within their order.


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The one receiving the medal of the Madonna of the Streets at around 4:20 is Sr. Hosanna Christi. She is amazing.

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Sister Bethany Madonna and their vocation directress ROCK!

Edited by emmaberry
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Sister Hosanna Christi, Sister Bethany Madonna, Sister Annunciata Maria....their names are so unique sounding, and so beautiful. They kindof roll off of your tongue and make you think of heaven.

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Oh I KNOW right!? That's the only reason I am slightly bummed about the cloistered life concerning my religious name--usually nuns have more 'mainstream' names, but I just love the SOL's unique and completely Catholic names and their meanings. DROOL :love:

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[quote name='emmaberry' timestamp='1338951552' post='2441624']
Oh I KNOW right!? That's the only reason I am slightly bummed about the cloistered life concerning my religious name--usually nuns have more 'mainstream' names, but I just love the SOL's unique and completely Catholic names and their meanings. DROOL :love:

I don't know if I quite agree with this but I will save it for another discussion.

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I LOVE the Sisters of Life! If I felt called to apostolic religious life, I'd be at the Sisters of Life in a heartbeat.

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It WORKED!!!! YAY!! and all through the video I had shivers up my spine and then when they got to the profession I thought I was going to cry! ( Yeah! I definitely think I'm called there!) :saint2:

Edit: I LOVE the SoL and can't believe I'm going to meet them this summer!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Annie12
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Sister Marie

[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1339052426' post='2442109']
I LOVE the Sisters of Life! If I felt called to apostolic religious life, I'd be at the Sisters of Life in a heartbeat.

Just to clarify - they aren't apostolic. According to their website, they are contemplative/active. I know all you meant was that they weren't cloistered but there is a difference. :)

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Not sure if this is a contradiction or not, Sr. Marie, so forgive me if I'm repeating what you said............

The Sisters of Life are not a contemplative-without-a-cloister community. The term "contemplative-active" is preferred by members of the CMSWR to refer to apostolic/active congregations since the fundamental goal of all religious is "assiduous union with God in prayer". I've spent quite a bit of time with the Sisters of Life and can attest to the fact that they are [u]very much active,[/u] with an active apostolate that is directly involved in saving the lives of unborn children (do you know their success rate is that over 90% of the women they serve carry their children to term?) and in providing continuing support to those mothers and their children. They also have a deep prayer life and devote every Friday to silence, Adoration and Fasting to make reparation for, and dispel the demon of abortion.

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Sister Marie

[quote name='mantellata' timestamp='1339101253' post='2442263']
Not sure if this is a contradiction or not, Sr. Marie, so forgive me if I'm repeating what you said............

The Sisters of Life are not a contemplative-without-a-cloister community. The term "contemplative-active" is preferred by members of the CMSWR to refer to apostolic/active congregations since the fundamental goal of all religious is "assiduous union with God in prayer". I've spent quite a bit of time with the Sisters of Life and can attest to the fact that they are [u]very much active,[/u] with an active apostolate that is directly involved in saving the lives of unborn children (do you know their success rate is that over 90% of the women they serve carry their children to term?) and in providing continuing support to those mothers and their children. They also have a deep prayer life and devote every Friday to silence, Adoration and Fasting to make reparation for, and dispel the demon of abortion.

I know they are quite active - that is not what I meant at all! I don't really think either that your post contradicted what I said - actually it kind of supports what I said. They themselves describe themselves as active/contemplative on their website. Your description of their prayer life is a testament to that character of their community as "active/contemplative". An apostolic religious is much more engaged with the world though because they see their call as a call to "apostolic sanctity." They wouldn't have a day of silence like these sisters do. It is difficult to describe the difference but in an apostolic congregation the sisters will be involved in more professional ministries [b]full-time[/b] and, usually overtime :). They don't do this because they are workaholics but because their call to holiness is expressed by their going out and ministering. I could never have a Friday off for prayer and penance (unless you count seventh graders as penance, which I imagine you could! :) ) because I'm in school teaching five days a week. Prayer is always the most important thing in religious life but the way sisters in different types of communities approach it is different. My prayer is usuallly [i]fit in[/i] my schedule, not because it is secondary, but because my path to holiness is through apostolic sanctity coming from working for the Kingdom of God. Please don't misunderstand me - I am not saying that the sisters are not working for the Kingdom - they obviously are! It's just the focus of the work and its place in their religious life is different than in the religious life of more apostolic congregations.

I've never heard any sister say that the difference in these terms is relative to a community being a member of the CMSWR or the LCWR and I do not believe that is really relevant. In my mind they are all terms; contemplative, semi-contemplative, active/contemplative, apostolic, cloistered...... All are sisters, they just live in different ways. Then you get into; franciscan, carmelite, benedictine, dominican.....

I think you thought my comment was made as a jab at the sisters or as a negative comment towards them. It wasn't. I have no doubt that their apostolate is very successful - being active v. apostolic has nothing to do with being better at a certain work. I wasn't. It's just a different character of religious life. There are so many and its good to use the right terminology to describe both so that we don't start confusing the way different types of communities should live.

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[quote name='mantellata' timestamp='1339101253' post='2442263']
Not sure if this is a contradiction or not, Sr. Marie, so forgive me if I'm repeating what you said............

The Sisters of Life are not a contemplative-without-a-cloister community. The term "contemplative-active" is preferred by members of the CMSWR to refer to apostolic/active congregations since the fundamental goal of all religious is "assiduous union with God in prayer". I've spent quite a bit of time with the Sisters of Life and can attest to the fact that they are [u]very much active,[/u] with an active apostolate that is directly involved in saving the lives of unborn children (do you know their[color=#ff0000] success rate is that over 90% of the women they serve carry their children to term[/color]?) and in providing continuing support to those mothers and their children. They also have a deep prayer life and devote every Friday to silence, Adoration and Fasting to make reparation for, and dispel the demon of abortion.

WOW! Really??? They are such a blessing to our world!

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