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Pedestals And Pride.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I hate pride and pedestools. :bomb: Everything falls short @ times and i come crashing down with the pride or pedestool i have created.

St Benedict "prefer nothing whatsoever to christ."

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I think you're going through a very hard time and you shouldn't be going through it alone. Do you perhaps know a good Priest that you can talk to about your problems, or maybe even a Religious? Priests and Religious can do the same wonders a therapist can but for free and with general love and concern for you.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1338865496' post='2441056']
I hate pride and pedestools. :bomb: Everything falls short @ times and i come crashing down with the pride or pedestool i have created.

St Benedict "prefer nothing whatsoever to christ."

i feel the same way sometimes... but I've learned that being a Christian involves trying hard and messing up a lot, but most importantly, getting back up and trying again (with the help of God's grace). Prayers for you!! :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

it urks me when christians say there proud of something outside of christ, thats all. St paul said it is one of the seven deadly sins right. I am learning to not use that word and say i'm glad about somone elses victory or for my own thanks be to GOD and/or alleluia if i truely believe it's from christ,i use alleluia for others too but i try not to throw it around like it's water. I read somewhere we shouldn't say GOD speed to somone whom isn't a christian. I guess because you could be enabling them to contininue on there merry way without christ.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1339142464' post='2442460']
it urks me when christians say there proud of something outside of christ, thats all. St paul said it is one of the seven deadly sins right. I am learning to not use that word and say i'm glad about somone elses victory or for my own thanks be to GOD and/or alleluia if i truely believe it's from christ,i use alleluia for others too but i try not to throw it around like it's water. I read somewhere we shouldn't say GOD speed to somone whom isn't a christian. I guess because you could be enabling them to contininue on there merry way without christ.

There must be a distinction noted. Being "proud" of something does not necessarily mean you are being prideful in the sinful sense. The sin of pride is the only sin that has double meanings to it nowadays. When a person says "I'm proud of my son for finishing college" or when Bear Grylls says he is very proud of his knife it does not mean they are being prideful in the sinful sense. It means they are simply really happy with him/it and they might brag about it to other people because they are so happy. It's really wording more than anything else. Perhaps someone else can have a better explanation, but seeing as how it is very late and I can't seem to be able to fall asleep this is the best you'll get for now.

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Keep in mind Tab, we humans are not perfect and will fail. Some people do mistake pride. Many times it is used to express your joy. I try not to tell my sons that I am proud of them for something they did, rather I tell them it brings me joy. For example, 'Son, it brings me joy that you made your bed and cleaned your room without being told to do so. Thank you."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1339158629' post='2442487']
Keep in mind Tab, we humans are not perfect and will fail. Some people do mistake pride. Many times it is used to express your joy. I try not to tell my sons that I am proud of them for something they did, rather I tell them it brings me joy. For example, 'Son, it brings me joy that you made your bed and cleaned your room without being told to do so. Thank you."

I agree, that's wonderful that you refrain from using that word to reward your children. I do understand though(without agreeing with it) how alot of people fling around the word pride just as some fling around curse words without the intention of harm though, which to me validates how cunning and baffling the enemy is in all areas. And also i do believe that where not perfect and fail at times, though again the other side of that sword is the constant call of GOD home to his image and likeness.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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