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Spem in alium

Prayers for you. Do not give up. There seems to be a general human desire to make decisions quickly and to know where we are going in life as soon as possible. With a vocation, we can't rush. There is no time limit or deadline by which you need to have made a decision - in fact, I think vocations should take extra time and thought than most other things :)

Live each day in patience, faith, hope and trust. Let the Lord enter your heart and guide your life. Take each moment just as it comes, full of joy and readiness for any consequence or change. In the beginning stage of my discerment, I was lost and feeling similar things to those you describe. I started to begin each day by telling the Lord that I am His servant, and asking Him to do with me what He wills. This really helped me, because it made me realise that as much as I wanted to, I couldn't control or instantly decide this. You may also find it beneficial.

May the Lord bless you in this time.

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Because I love Him

Hi! So I am more of a lurker here but I thought I would reply to this one.

The point of religious life is to love, it is to love the whole world through Christ and by imatating Him.

Do you want to be married for the sake of being married, or do you want to marry because you want to love?

Do you want to be a nun for the sake of being a nun, or to love?

Also, don't worry about over romanticizing what it is like to be a nun, it can happen and you should procide with caution but the happy things are more often than not a sign of vocation.

Think of your self on your death bed as well, would you rather die a nun or a wife? What would make you happiest? Because ultimately that is what will make Jesus happiest.

And finally, in Gods time. He will make it known to you what he wants when he thinks it is right. Live your life day to day looking for the smallest hints in either directions and when he wants it known to you, he will make it known.

Hope it helps!!! And good luck :D

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Making a decision can be tricky, I agree! But know that just because you make a decision to enter a community you are not pressured into staying. I know of many nuns who have been in a different community than they are in now. So do not fear about making the wrong decision. He has been guiding you.. and still is guiding you. (: Trust in Him. Once you are a nun you will look back and see that He was there all along, but sometimes it may be hard with the devil trying to distract us and overwhelm us with questions or doubts. Know that you are not the only one who gets these times in their discernment.. I have been through many times of doubt, discouragement, fear.. and I am sure there are many discerning here that have been through the same. If my advice helps, I would say to have fun in your discernment. Don't worry to much on if you are called or not. Visit different communities and experience the life. In time God will make it very clear to you what He wants of you. Be patient ;)

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