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Anarchism And Property Rights


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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1340228381' post='2446836']
u mad bro?


I troll u
You are an agorist.

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I know you are but what am I infinity

edit: for teh lulz

Edited by Laudate_Dominum
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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1340227160' post='2446829']
There's a healthy dislike for democracy amongst the anarchists I read.

I've certainly seen it amongst the anarchists I have read as well, not always healthy imho. I find it somewhat odd because some form of democracy would seem to be needed in an anarchist form of government or society in which each person is his own authority. If they consent to have leadership, how else is that leadership to be chosen? If they do not consent to have leadership but still wish to remain a group or society there will still be times they will have to decide to do "x" or to do "y". How else can they as a group make decisions on unavoidable or necessary events if not some form of democracy?

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1340230363' post='2446844']
What if I told you that I'm the doctor.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d941hp6VKgw"]Doctor who?[/url]

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1340231676' post='2446849']
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d941hp6VKgw"]Doctor who?[/url]

[center][background=rgb(243, 243, 243)]
You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1340232539' post='2446851']

[background=rgb(243, 243, 243)]You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day[/background][/center]



Rory is the Master. He will be realved as much when Amy meets her tragic end. Or maybe he's just Rory and the both bite the dust when they leave the show. Can't wait to find out.


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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1340193635' post='2446652']
There, there little anarchist.

How cute. An "anarchist" is all in tears about the failure of a recall attempt which would have restored out-of-control government spending and entitlements to Wisconsin.

Anarchy!!!! (Just don't cut my government entitlements!)

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Anarchy is relative. It's not so much a system as a guiding spirit (like "freedom" or "happiness"). What is anarchic in one system differs from what is anarchic in another system. Anarchy does not have to be a rejection of authority, but rather the art of seeing how far and how often we can decentralize and deinstitutionalize authority. One does not have to be against leadership in order to be an anarchist.

The goal of anarchy, as I conceive it, is about building alternatives (or as Ghandi called it, "experimenting with truth"). The test of any institution is its ability to facilitate free action rather than control, block, and dictate. That is also the test of authority.

Are our modern institutions facilitating free action? Does our system of government make us freer? Our media institutions? Our educational institutions? Our technological institutions? Anarchists of many different persuasions have analyzed these institutions and found them wanting. How then does one build something new in the midst of repressive institutions? Through anarchy, that is, through the creative use of autonomous action that acts outside of the current institutions and ways of doing things. The goal of anarchy is not necessarily to do away with institutions and government, but to conceive of them according to certain principles: decentralization, culture, spirituality, solidarity, charity, etc.

Can anarchy be achieved within the system? Probably not. Can anarchy create a new system? Probably not...and that's a GOOD thing, because the point of anarchy is to be another balance of power, but this balance is dispersed among each individual, not merely among elected representatives. There are lots of creative experiments with truth going on in society, outside of our structures of government and society. That is anarchism, the continuous search for better alternatives. The very founding of America was anarchic, in its own context, but America, as all systems of power inevitably do, has become rigid in its civilization. Anarchy is the continual search, not necessarily for "progress," but for restarting anew. One does not have to forget or discard what went before in order to start anew (just the opposite...anarchy is useless if it tries to recreate the wheel).

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1340040724' post='2445835']

Anarcho-syndicalists sometimes say that, don't they?

Anarchists say that.

Thus sayeth I

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1340317201' post='2447213']
How cute. An "anarchist" is all in tears about the failure of a recall attempt which would have restored out-of-control government spending and entitlements to Wisconsin.

Anarchy!!!! (Just don't cut my government entitlements!)
I doubt she would recognize the name "Rothbard".

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

this is all to heavy for me, choose jesus for he said "my yoke is easy and my burden light." was he talking our burden on him or his burden on us ? or BOTH ?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1341205474' post='2451393']
this is all to heavy for me, choose jesus for he said "my yoke is easy and my burden light." was he talking our burden on him or his burden on us ? or BOTH ?

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a light burden to take on the sins of the world. So he was referring to what he will ask of you. Your burdens will not become too great for your strength.

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