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Communion Rails


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I went to a Latin Mass today. Latin Mass isn't my thing, but I did love receiving from the communion rail. It felt so much more holy!

However, I have mixed feelings about them. It feels to me that they rope off Jesus and make him seem not approachable. A parish near me that doesn't use it anymore recently had it removed. It made the liturgy seem much closer and personal. So I guess the way I feel about it is, they are great if used, and a nuisance if not used.

Does this make me a monster liberal?

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That never crossed my mind of unused communion rails. I like communion rails, but I would never to people they had to use them.

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I like communion rails in that they make the person receive on the tongue. I used to receive by hand until I randomly started to receive by the tongue. I was more reverent and it forced me to realize that Christ is TRULY present in the Eucharist. So, I like them. (at my parish they have a kneeler which I find to be totally razzle dazzle!)

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[quote name='dells_of_bittersweet' timestamp='1338171256' post='2436083']
However, I have mixed feelings about them. It feels to me that they rope off Jesus and make him seem not approachable. A parish near me that doesn't use it anymore recently had it removed. It made the liturgy seem much closer and personal. So I guess the way I feel about it is, they are great if used, and a nuisance if not used.

Kind of hard to criticize disciplines that are over a thousand years old

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[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1338172529' post='2436107']
Kind of hard to criticize disciplines that are over a thousand years old

I am saying use it or lose it, more or less. I am not criticizing its use. In the Latin Mass, its great. If its the Novus Ordo and its still used, great. But if it is a Novus Ordo Mass where you just process in a line and you receive standing, I'd rather not have a communion rail because I feel that it fences Jesus in.

Edited by dells_of_bittersweet
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Sometimes altar rails are worthwhile to keep people out of the sanctuary. I've had some weird experiences with people trying to rush at the altar.

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Tally Marx

[quote name='dells_of_bittersweet' timestamp='1338173904' post='2436134']

I am saying use it or lose it, more or less. I am not criticizing its use. In the Latin Mass, its great. If its the Novus Ordo and its still used, great. But if it is a Novus Ordo Mass where you just process in a line and you receive standing, I'd rather not have a communion rail because I feel that it fences Jesus in.

My parish church has never used a communion rail, but one was installed a few years ago. It is very beautiful. I never felt that it "fenced Jesus in". This may be because of the way our altar is shaped and the fact that the large gap in the rail (for walking, of course) leaves nearly the entire altar rail-less. But, no, I have never had a problem with it; I actually like it. We do not use it for communion, which negates the point, I suppose, by I pray my Rosary at it all the time. I like it.

(Edite: confusion with the subject and direct object; you know how that goes...)

Edited by Tally Marx
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Groo the Wanderer

i like that they separate the pews from the sanctuary. discourages people from tromping through there like its just another aisle.

some feeling of reverence for the altar was lost when they were removed

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[quote name='Lil'Monster' timestamp='1338180231' post='2436226']
I read "Communion Rails" as "Cinnamon Rolls"


i think you are tired from the retreat. go.to.bed.

Edited by Lil Red
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