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Modesty And Swimwear...


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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1338429995' post='2438315']
I think if we didn't care about what Jesus wanted, we wouldn't be having this discussion. It is because we do care that we want to strike a good balance between what society sometimes tells us we want, and what Jesus wants.

I'm remembering the comments of Corrie ten Boom (the protestant evangelical whose sister died in the concentration camps in Germany) who commented on the insight that her sister had during one of the weekly 'inspections' in the concentration camp. She described how much they dreaded the weekly ordeal, when they had to stand around without their clothing... while the guards laughed and gawked at them. It made all the difference when her sister, Betsie, whispered to her, 'they took His clothes, too.' It helped her to realize Jesus understood what it was like to have that experience, and it helped her to focus on His love. I am sure that is what you are trying to get us to understand, too, Vee...


Ive never heard that story before, its beautiful.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1338420444' post='2438190']
It's kind of funny how the particular picture above is not sexual in the least bit but I still advert my eyes! I think american culture has tuned the human body into a sexual object even if it's not meant to be sexual at all.I'm not saying everyone should run around naked ( :eek: )but I do think American culture has messed with our brains a bit. Now I'm just talking about how people are called "sexy" if they are pretty and another term that is used it "Hot". I think American culture trains people to either be bashful about sexuality or go overboard and become perverts. The proper view of human sexuality in found ( i would presume) in JPII's "Theology of the Body" (I still need to read that!).

hmm - i don't think it's just American culture - i think we've been dealing with the things you're mentioning since Adam and Eve's Fall, which is something TOB addresses - excellent reading and would highly recommend it. :)

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1338429263' post='2438308']
oh..speak of puritans....

wow you act all friendly to me on other threads then this? if you are trying to be funny it isnt.

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since when is posting a picture of Jesus puritanistic? perhaps she just wants us to remember Him first, before our own opinions ...

..for me, when it comes to threads like these, we have to make sure we don't speak as if we have the authority of the church.... these threads are basically just a lot of opinions being thrown out there, but its not exactly Church teaching...

pictures speak a thousand words, I guess for Vee, pictures are better than comments.. for me, the picture brings into focus a man-God --Jesus Christ, who had his skin ripped to shreds in order that the sins of the flesh be conquered and those of us who are weak and fall into them would have recourse in confession...He brings us hope in a world so sexually saturated that it has forgotten that only the "pure of heart see God." We as Catholics should strive with everything to arrive at purity of heart... and not take from our own opinions on what modesty means, but rely on what the church has traditionally handed down to us in these matters...

I think Catholics should never wear bikinis... regardless of intention, the world at large does not have the balanced, mature adult catholic opinion on modesty and sexuality that you all do... not everyone is where you guys are at... remember, phatmass isn't only us, its public and we do not know what others are thinking by the comments we post or the pictures we post--- what might they take from the conversation..???

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1338431823' post='2438333']
yeah using crucifixion pics to score points ... may not be well received.

read anne lines post.. im not trying to score anything,

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338431620' post='2438329']
wow who knew that a pic of Jesus on a Catholic website would result in the previous posts.

It was a beautiful photo a mastery of art and detail, as well as a reminder of the great pains our Lord endured for me a chief of sinners and for us all.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338431620' post='2438329']
wow who knew that a pic of Jesus on a Catholic website would result in the previous posts.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338431977' post='2438337']
im not trying to score anything,

if you say so.

to be honest I was reading this thread and it occurred to me "wonder when v is going to get here and post a crucifixion photo." and you did not disappoint.

You do it a lot. In debates. It's very effective because its so dramatic and can really shut down the other side. But when you use a photo of Jesus on the Cross to prop up your point of view in a debate ... well I just find that really offensive.

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[quote name='AnneLine' timestamp='1338429995' post='2438315']
However.... I have actually known people who find it hard to look at a crucifix because of the exposed, uh, skin.

I do hope, Vee, you aren't asking Him to wear a T-shirt.

His own Blessed Mother wanted to cover Him up, I'm sure. The Romans crucified Him naked to further "shame" him....

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19 pages is past my teal deer threshold, sad to say. What's this thread all about? People wearing clothes the right way?

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1338432591' post='2438344']
It's very effective because its so dramatic

I don't think it's effective, I still don't understand what point is being made?? Jesus doesn't like swimwear? Confused.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1338432591' post='2438344']
if you say so.

to be honest I was reading this thread and it occurred to me "wonder when v is going to get here and post a crucifixion photo." and you did not disappoint.

You do it a lot. In debates. It's very effective because its so dramatic and can really shut down the other side. But when you use a photo of Jesus on the Cross to prop up your point of view in a debate ... well I just find that really offensive.

why is it offensive? we are to keep Him before us so we stay on track..

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Vee...post are flying as I type this.

I wasn't sure what you were trying to say at first, I'll be honest. My initial reaction was a little shocked, and a little irked. It did feel like a slap - and partly because you didn't use any words to explain your thoughts.

But as I wrote about Corrie's Sister's insight that Jesus was willing to do this for us, I realized that you were trying say what KC said well. Jesus did indeed love us this much.

DS, I understand where you are coming from, and basically I agree with you about the bikinis. When I was in my teens I had one, once. (long ago....!) I would never have done anything to have offended our Lord or his mother... I was just thoughtless, and liked the suit. I'm one of those people who has to do more than see and hear -- I get stuff by touch and experience. I didn't realize I wasn't comfortable until after it was home, and I realized when I had the thing on, I just didn't feel right... and I think I wore it out of the house only once for that reason. And I had a one piece at one point that -- while I loved it and thought it was beautiful -- I realized might be a little more revealing than I would be comfortable wearing. That one never even left the house....

But that was my point about 50 posts back.... that if we keep our focus on God and listen to what our bodies tell us, we'll know the right thing to do.

The point of this kind of discussion is so that we can know better the WHY of why we choose a particular suit.... and sometime it just does take 19 pages!

Ironically... now I am going to go put on my one piece AND my sweat suit and head over to the pool!

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