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These are
[*][url="http://www.stceciliasabbey.org.uk/"]Benedictines Isle of Wight[/url]
[*][url="http://www.tyburnconvent.org.uk/"]Benedictines (Tyburn Convent)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.colwichabbey.org.uk/"]Benedictines (Colwich Abbey)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.bernardine.org/"]Bernardine Cistercian[/url]
[*][url="http://www.bernardine.org/brownshille.html"]Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard (Bernardine Cistercian)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.bernardine.org/hyninge.html"]Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (Bernardine Cistercian)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.warecarmel.com/"]Carmelite Monastery at Ware[/url]
[*][url="http://www.opnuns-fh.org/"]Contemplative Dominican Nuns[/url]
[*][url="http://www.holyfamilybordeaux.org/"]Holy Family of Bordeaux[/url]
[*][url="http://www.nazarethfamily.org/"]Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth[/url]
[*][url="http://www.poorclarestmd.org/"]Poor Clare Colettine Community[/url]
[*][url="http://www.stanbrookabbeyfriends.org/"]Stanbrook Abbey (English Benedictine Congregation)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.hsc-uk.org/"]Sister Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.turveyabbey.org.uk/"]Olivetan Benedictines/Vita Et Pax (Turvey Abbey)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.poorclaresarundel.org/Pages/default.htm"]Order of the Poor Clares of Arundel (featured recently on BBC)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.holycrossengland.org.uk/"]Sisters of the Holy Cross[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ibhnursinghome.org/"]Augustinian Canoness of the Mercy of Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.boarbankhall.org.uk/"]Canonesses of St Augustine (Boarbank Hall)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.graceandcompassionbenedictines.org/"]Benedictines Grace and Compassion[/url]
[*][url="http://www.cjengland.org/"]Congregation of Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.daughtersofcharity.org.uk/"]Daughters of Charity in Britain[/url]
[*][url="http://www.daughters-of-divine-love.org/"]Daughters of Divine Love[/url]
[*][url="http://www.fillesdejesus.org/"]Daughters of Jesus (Filles de Jesus)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.daughtersofmaryandjoseph.org/"]Daughters of Mary and Joseph (Dames de Marie)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.pauline-uk.org/daughters.asp?id=60"]Daughters of St. Paul (Paulines)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.fillesstesprit.org/site/english/291.html"]Daughters of the Holy Spirit (Filles du Saint-Esprit)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.daughtersofwisdom.co.uk/"]Daughters of Wisdom[/url]
[*][url="http://www.dominicansisters-bushey.org.uk/"]Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena (Bushey)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.stone-dominicans.org.uk/The_Dominican_Sisters_-_Stone.html"]Dominican Sisters of the English Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena (Stone)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.fcjsisters.org/"]Faithful Companions of Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.franciscan.co.uk/"]Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Little Hampton (FMSL)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.franciscansm.org/"]Franciscan Sisters Minoress[/url]
[*][url="http://www.franciscanvocations.org.uk/"]Franciscan Sisters Minoress - Vocations Website[/url]
[*][url="http://www.adoratrices.com/home.php?lang=en"]Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity (Adoratrices)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.holyfamilybordeaux.org/"]Holy Family of Bordeaux[/url]
[*][url="http://www.infantjesussisters.org/"]Infant Jesus Sisters[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ibvmloreto-uk.org/"]Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.laretraite.ws/"]La Retraite[/url]
[*][url="http://england.lcmglobal.org/"]Little Company of Mary[/url]
[*][url="http://www.littlesisters.org/"]Little Sisters of the Assumption[/url]
[*][url="http://www.smr.org/"]Marie Reparatrice Sisters[/url]
[*][url="http://www.marists.org/"]Marist Sisters[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sndden.org/"]Notre Dame de Namur[/url]
[*][url="http://www.carmelite.org.uk/"]Order of Carmelites Discalced[/url]
[*][url="http://www.poorhandmaids.com/"]Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ[/url]
[*][url="http://www.poorservants.com/"]Poor Servants of the Mother of God[/url]
[*][url="http://www.presentationsisters.co.uk/"]Presentation Sisters[/url]
[*][url="http://www.assumptionreligious.org/"]Religions of the Assumption (Assumption Sisters)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.claretiansisters.org/"]Religious of Mary Immaculate (Claretian Sisters)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.rsccaritas.ie/"]Religious Sisters of Charity[/url]
[*][url="http://www.servites.co.uk/"]Servite Sisters (Servants of Mary)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.bonsecours.org/"]Sisters of Bon Secours[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sistersofstpaulsellypark.org/"]Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sistersofchrist.org.uk/"]Sisters of Christ[/url]
[*][url="http://www.soeurs-charite-evron.com/"]Sisters of Evron[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ourladyofmercy.org.uk/"]Sisters of Mercy[/url]
[*][url="http://www.cenaclesisters.co.uk/"]Sisters of the Cenacle[/url]
[*][url="http://www.christian-retreat.org/"]Sisters of the Christian Retreat[/url]
[*][url="http://www.cptryon.org/scp/"]Sisters of the Cross and Passion (Passionist)[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sndl.org/"]Sisters of Our Lady[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sacredheartsjm.org/"]Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary[/url]
[*][url="http://www.shcj.org/european/index.html"]Society of the Holy Child Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.societyofthesacredheartvocations.co.uk/"]Society of the Sacred Heart[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sistersofsion.org/"]Sisters of Sion[/url]
[*][url="http://www.anh.org.uk/"]Sisters of St. Augustine of the Mercy of Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sistersofstjoseph.org.uk/"]Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy[/url]
[*][url="http://www.csjp.org/"]Sisters of St Joseph of Peace[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ssmn-e.com/Welcome.htm"]Sisters of St Mary of Namur[/url]
[*][url="http://www.sacredheartsjm.org/"]The Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ursulines.co.uk/"]The Urusulines[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ursulinesjesus.org/"]The Urusulines of Jesus[/url]
[*][url="http://www.ursulines.ie/wales.htm"]The Urusulines of Wales[/url]

Edited by maximillion
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Maybe I missed it, but the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph in Tyringham, England doesn't appear to be on the list.

This is the Community in which our beloved Laetitia Crucis (now Sister Mary Catherine) is in her first year of the novitiate.

The Web site of the Community is [url="http://www.dominicansrs.co.uk"]www.[b]dominicansrs.co.uk[/b][/url]

In the picture on the home page, Sister Mary Catherine is the second from the left in the first row. However, this picture was taken before her clothing last fall, so she is still wearing her postulant garb. If you look under News & Events on the left on the home page, and scroll down several pages, there is an article about Sr. Mary Catherine's clothing and LOTS of pictures.

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Wonderful list Max - thanks. I will be touring around England this summer, checking out monasteries and convents, so I might look at some of these communities. I will also be visiting with my old Carmels, just to say hi to dear friends. The friend I will be staying with says we may even travel to Scotland or Wales or Ireland, and I might even pop over to Europe at some stage. What's the point of being that close to everything if not to take advantage of it!

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My sisters are right at the top of the list!

And of course don't forget Sr. Faith's community, [url="http://carmelitesnottinghill.org.uk/"]Notting Hill Carmelites[/url].

I run a vocations blog that has a list of UK communities: www.vocationoperation.blogspot.com what we do is similar to what Gemma does.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338146523' post='2435834']
IGGGYYYYYYY\!!!!! :wave:

Hey there! I was just checking your profile to see how/what you've been up to.

How come you're here and not in a convent? j/k When God wants you in a convent, you'll be there.

So nice to "see" you! :dancer2:

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1338147368' post='2435840']
Hey there! I was just checking your profile to see how/what you've been up to.

How come you're here and not in a convent? j/k When God wants you in a convent, you'll be there.

So nice to "see" you! :dancer2:

I ask her that same question.... she needs to get to Carmel now...

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1338147368' post='2435840']
Hey there! I was just checking your profile to see how/what you've been up to.

How come you're here and not in a convent? j/k When God wants you in a convent, you'll be there.

So nice to "see" you! :dancer2:

I was just wondering yesterday where youd been, and today you pop up. I cant go anywhere right now because I have to care for my mom. I think I talk about it a bit on that blog I have with ds that she never writes in.


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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338149250' post='2435854']
I was just wondering yesterday where youd been, and today you pop up. I cant go anywhere right now because I have to care for my mom. I think I talk about it a bit on that blog I have with ds that she never writes in.


Sorry about your Mom, but thank-you for your blog link. I've just added it to my "Favorites."

Isn't it funny how that happens--that you're thinking about someone and then they just pop up? Sometimes I even know who is calling me on the phone before I check caller ID. Obviously, I "got" your message somehow.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1338148874' post='2435851']
I ask her that same question.... she needs to get to Carmel now...
[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338148936' post='2435853']
<_< shut up ds you just want some peace and quiet!! :bash:

LOL DS! I figured the opposite--that Vee8 wasn't in a convent (yet) because DS would be too lonely if Vee8 couldn't be online.

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to prevent further hijacking of this (and many other threads) ds and I have this you can post in anytime


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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1338150251' post='2435862']
to prevent further hijacking of this (and many other threads) ds and I have this you can post in anytime


Thanks for the reminder!

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For anyone that's interested you can get a full list of men's and women's communities in Ireland here www.vocationsireland.com

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