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How Does One Remain Fully Catholic While Watching T.v? .

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1337499435' post='2432902']
God gave you a discriminating mind, use it. There are good TV shows and bad ones just as there are good books and bad ones.

If TV is a problem for you, then read a (good) book, but don't put the blame on an electronic medium for your weakness. Take responsibility for your choices and choose wisely.

'God made wine to cheer man's heart' but an alcoholic can't have even one drink. Know your own limitations and live within them.

I thought God granted us the ability to construe alcohol for our health,st paul says "please have a little bit for what ails you." the primordial word here is ails/ailments and little bit. Like 1 wine after a hard days work to relax the tension of the muscles and skeleton.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1337875343' post='2434412']
Hmm, I think as lay people we're called to participate in our culture and try to transform it. Obviously there are terrible problems with standards of network television and whatnot, but we're called to try and find the good in it and push for more of that. For example, Stephen Colbert is far from a perfect Catholic, but knowing what other shows air on Comedy Central, the fact that he can get his crowd to cheer for a priest quoting Pope Benedict is fantastic. I love Doctor Who, but some of the episodes take a crack at God or organized religion because that's the culture the writers are in. But it's also very easy to see how the characters on the show parallel the call and response of a disciple, and how they're transformed into better people for knowing this amazing person, and then they go out and make their own worlds a better place because of it.

There's a lot to be said for self-censoring what you and your family watches on tv. But it'd be a shame to just write off everything unilaterally.

How iz it that you transform society in front of the box ?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1337895761' post='2434504']
Sorry for the double post.

And on another note, the Bible isn't rated G either, especially the Old Testament: adultery, rape, polygamy, incest, prostitution, murder, etc. [font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000] [/color][/size][/font]

For wan't of a better word i said t.v. but i also mean movies, people are addicted to it, in australia the average australian watches approx 3 hours t.v. a day, shouldn't that be better dedicated to family or friends and for us christians also prayer,holy bible,holy mass or even just thinking. i rekon any more than 2 hours a day iz to much time wasted,and even than it shouldn't be daily at least have sunday wothout it and if you wanna be a church militant have friday off as well :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1337966810' post='2434731']
there are good things in shows and movies. although just because a show has one positive note on catholic faith does not make it a good or even praise worthy show. i would argue a Colbert is worse for the catholic faith then positive. he puts it out there, his faith but then acts a certain way that is not a good example of being a catholic and so the general audiance thinks, ok this is how catholics act. at least shows that don't mention catholic faith don't mislead people into think something wrong about the catholic faith. its the same with pelosi or biden. one time biden wore ash's on his head. praise worthy? well look what else he does. he supports gay marriage and abortion. he makes people think catholics can support abortion and gay marriage. it would be better if he didn't announce his catholic faith sohe wouldn't mislead the public.

I agree with that statement <major edit> that we can't be such desperados to say any publicity is good publicity.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

what does more for a christian fantasy slightly based on reality orreading the holy bible and written works by or about the saint's,or alternatively watching movies portraying the holy bible and movies about the saints. Though i do like animal and geography shows and sports with zero volume and music without words going,it's funny as but for me no more than like an hour and def not everyday,we need to waste time sometimes and sports,geography or nature can be meditative for some but i hate the commentators. A priest told me adoration is real and that thats the difference between t.v./movies and adoration. I had my reality check 3 or so years ago and your right to be scared at majorly reducing your viewing time or stopping completely especially if your an addict. Green day "i don't wan't to be another american idiot.<dadadadad>.....T.V. the new drug of the nation."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i shouldn't even post that green day song because i know jesus said we are not to call each other words like block head, so my apologies.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1337975918' post='2434805']
But you can't just automatically exclude something because there's a depiction of sinful activity in it.
I watched 'Quo Vadis' again recently. All that depiction of Nero's sinfulness! In the part where Robert Taylor says (in The big guy fighting the bull scene) "Jesus give him strength!" negates all the sinful depictions of the entire movie. You get what you want out of a movie irrespective of what's in it. I like 'Extreme frontiers -Canada' but Charlie Boorman has a filthy and blasphemous mouth. But I'm not watching it for him, I'm watching it for the scenery.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1338400788' post='2437859']
Happy to see you back again, Tab. (I mean it.)

Gracious thanks,God is Good. Our Lord revealed to me while i have been away that i have being harbouring a resentment from a few years ago which snow balled into uncontrolable rage against pretty much everyone and everything.

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It's so annoying when Catholics hold Stephen Colbert to such a high standard. How many times do you muff up the visage of our Lord in your daily life? Do you think you may have given a bad impression of Catholicism in your deeds or words once or twice in your life?

I get that he's a "public person" and all. But seriously, if you think there's anyone out there who formulates their vision of faithful Catholicism based on the over-the-top persona you see at 11:30 p.m. on Comedy Central, I just don't know what to tell you.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1338440046' post='2438497']
It's so annoying when Catholics hold Stephen Colbert to such a high standard. How many times do you muff up the visage of our Lord in your daily life? Do you think you may have given a bad impression of Catholicism in your deeds or words once or twice in your life?

I get that he's a "public person" and all. But seriously, if you think there's anyone out there who formulates their vision of faithful Catholicism based on the over-the-top persona you see at 11:30 p.m. on Comedy Central, I just don't know what to tell you.

well there are people who formulates their opinions on catholics on whatthey hear on msnbc. 99% of catholic women use contraceptives. only 1% of women are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant or are not using birth control. stupid logic but people believe it. for a time the only cable news channel i had access to was msnbc so it was on alot. you would not believe what they say about catholics. so i have no doubt people get their catholic views from colbert just like they get their news from stewart.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1338443893' post='2438546']
well there are people who formulates their opinions on catholics on whatthey hear on msnbc. 99% of catholic women use contraceptives. only 1% of women are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant or are not using birth control. stupid logic but people believe it. for a time the only cable news channel i had access to was msnbc so it was on alot. you would not believe what they say about catholics. so i have no doubt people get their catholic views from colbert just like they get their news from stewart.

Disagree. Again, I have a hard ti[color=#282828]me believing that large groups of people [/color]for[color=#282828]mulate their views on Catholicis[/color][color=#282828]m based on a satirical character played on a co[/color][color=#282828]medy network.[/color]

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1337975918' post='2434805']
Showing today's television to a priest from any past or future time period is completely irrelevant to this situation. You say people are afraid of giving up their tv shows. I'll counter by saying that people who unilaterally write everything off are afraid of making complex moral judgments themselves. :) While I definitely agree with what you're saying about society as a whole and the general direction of television, Catholics in good standing [i]aren't [/i]society as a whole, and thus make moral judgments differently than Average Secular American Person.

People might watch something that depicts sinful activity in a positive (or neutral) light because they may find other reasons to watch the show. Maybe there's only one scene of gratuitous sex, but the rest of the movie is about some good message. Maybe you watch something like "A Game of Thrones" because you appreciate the story, and fast forward through the gratuitous nudity. Maybe you like Harry Potter because of its positive messages about friendship and self-sacrifice, and carefully explain to your kids the dangers of real magic. Some things don't have any redeeming qualities, sure, and should probably be avoided. But you can't just automatically exclude something because there's a depiction of sinful activity in it. We have to critically examine things, and figure out if we believe there are enough redeeming qualities to justify partaking in it. As lay people we can't just reject everything from our culture automatically and only interact with Catholic art and Catholic people. That's all I'm saying. :)

a priests opinion on tv viewing is not irrelevent. its only irrelevent to moral realativism. again why is something 100 years ago not ok to watch but today is?

i don't consider any movie moral with gratuitous sex scenes in it. I would never consider showgirls ok for a catholic to watch. although that's what you seem to be arguing. that movies with gratuitous sex scenes, excessive sex scenes, heck even things like broke back mountain can be watched and nothing is wrong with it. i disagree. no matter what you say, what you watch, what you do in life, what read all has an effect on you. positive or negative it has an effect. can't really see where watching full sex scenes in movies can have a positive effect on you.

also interacting with society as a catholic can be done without watching sinful tv shows. this is another arguement i have seen for watching anything on tv. last i checked a catholic can get along fine and interact perfectly fine with society without watching any tv. tv is not the end all be all of human interaction. if that was the case before tv no one must have been able to interact with anyone.

the factis at the end of the day peoplein general are to afraid to give up the things they are addicted to. america is addicted to sinful tv shows. people don't want to give them up,they would rather justify why its ok to watch it.

just ask yourself a simple question, would Jesus give this shows/movie a thumbs up? if not, then why watch it. if its not something Jesus would want to watch or give approval to, why do the opposite?

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I watch the Colbert Report and The Daily Show all the time. In fact, I just watched both of them. Though I think they are nice and are hilarious (Colbert more so), I'm obviously not a raging liberal.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1338444696' post='2438554']
I watch the Colbert Report and The Daily Show all the time. In fact, I just watched both of them. Though I think they are nice and are hilarious (Colbert more so), I'm obviously not a raging liberal.

Not yet! Give the[color=#282828]m ti[/color][color=#282828]me![/color]

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