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Eduardo Saverin Renounces Citizenship


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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1337534542' post='2432966']
In our sad sad world, he's actually probably right. If you are wealthy enough you CAN buy the benefits of American citizenship and then some.

as long as you are rich. But money can disappear overnight and then what do you have. American citizenship is yours forever unless you give it up for a quick buck.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337522759' post='2432929']
Brazil has a great record. Except for that military dicatorship thing. But that was back in the 70s, so ancient history, right? But for real, I know Brazil is a lovely country. This is not about "my country is better than your country, neener-neener-neener." This is about the value of American citizenship in a dangerous world.

I think Americans don't understand their own privilege. But it remains true that a fake American passport is the most expensive one you can buy. There are REASONS for this. The world is set up for the ease of Americans. When people get in trouble overseas, you don't hear them say "you can't do this to me, I'm a Brazilian citizen." Only a US citizen would waltz into Europe or the Far East and be offended when they can't find an English speaker. Let's say your doing buisness in Qatar and your buyer refuses to pay you. "I'm calling Antonio de Aguiar Patriota" does not have the impact of "I'm calling Hilary Clinton."

The world order is set up for the ease of rich people, too. But your money can be taken overnight. Lets pretend: one day Mr. Saverin is chewing gum, watching Singapore TV. Suddenly a breaking news report announces that Facebook turned out to be a passing fad. Mr. Severin has lost everying. Horrified, he spits out his gum, which is a crime in Singapore. So the police arrest him and arrange to have him caned. What's he going to do? He is just a poor Brazilian. Google Michael Fay. Leniency was applied to his sentence because Americans were offended that this clearly guilty brat should have to abide by the local law.

MANY people maintain dual citizenships so that if croutons hits the fan in one country they can find shelter in the other. There is no better security blanket, for the rich or poor, than an American passport. Giving that up for something as transitory as money is just short-sighted and dumb.

If Saverin is stupid then why keep beating that horse? I would feel vindicated I were you.

LOL, loving the flames in here. So warm and toasty. :)

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1337527850' post='2432952']
How can you not see the world being set up for the ease of Americans is wrong?!?! .

Ding dong! Rightness/wrongess has nothing to do it. This is not a "my-country-is-turrific" diatribe. If I was living 150 years ago I'd want my kids to be British citizens --- not because the Queen is amesome but because I would want every advantage for them.

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1337534750' post='2432970']
If Saverin is stupid then why keep beating that horse? I would feel vindicated I were you.

I DO feel vindicated, I DO!

also, its not patriotic to wear the good ol' red white and blue as clothing. Not only does it violate the flag code, the stripes make one look like a fatty.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337537230' post='2432978']
the stripes make one look like a fatty.

You'd make a great GBF

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337537230' post='2432978']
I DO feel vindicated, I DO!

also, its not patriotic to wear the good ol' red white and blue as clothing. Not only does it violate the flag code, the stripes make one look like a fatty.
Turning an actual flag into clothing is a violation of the "flag code".

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1337537355' post='2432981']
Turning an actual flag into clothing is a violation of the "flag code".


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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1337537355' post='2432981']
Turning an actual flag into clothing is a violation of the "flag code".

Oh God, I'm so sorry. How embarassing of me. I didn't realize that you hand-sewed the shirt in the picture and of course would be sure it wasn't made from an actual flag before modeling it for us. And I hope you know I didn't mean to call you fat.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1337536722' post='2432976']
he looks mad

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1337538038' post='2432984']
he looks mad
You look mad.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337537895' post='2432983']
Oh God, I'm so sorry. How embarassing of me. I didn't realize that you hand-sewed the shirt in the picture and of course would be sure it wasn't made from an actual flag before modeling it for us. And I hope you know I didn't mean to call you fat.
That's my mom.

This is me[img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3RBEswSkE-w/TLlWIj-HC3I/AAAAAAAAAcY/Akc8mW-6Wps/s1600/rkd5.jpg[/img]

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1337538038' post='2432984']
[s]he [/s]looks mad

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