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Eduardo Saverin Renounces Citizenship


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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1337445993' post='2432646']
He's not born American though, he's natively Brazilian. He no longer lives in the US and if he doesn't plan to return then why hold on to it? Especially if as Archeology cat says you're still taxed whether you're resident or not.

SERIOUSLY????? Why bother holding on to it????

I think people must live in a freaking dream world.

Everyone needs a country. If you don't think you need a country, I suggest you go spend some time with the people in this world living without a country - and see what their suffering is like.

So if America is your country, what value does that have. What does it mean to be an American. What does it mean to walk around spaceship earth with legal confirmation that your life liberty and pursuit of happiness will be guaranteed by the wealthiest nation in recorded history. Rich people from rich countries never have to think about it, I guess. Too used to having it so good they don't realize how dumb lucky they are.

My students are mostly poor immigrants. Try walking around spaceship earth with your life and liberty guaranteed by Mexico. NOT as much fun, I promise. I was explaining to a parent that his son's education is important, it's something that can never be taken from him. And his response was that he wants to give these kinds of gifts to his son, the kind that can never be taken. In fact he sold an organ so that his wife could give birth on American soil, so that his son's first breath would be full of American air, so that he would be an American FOR LIFE.

This Saverin guy is willing to surrender his citizenship for some tax breaks.
He thinks that is a good deal.
He thinks the money he makes can more than buy him the benefits of American citizenship.
He is a dingbat.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1337475390' post='2432796']
that picture makes no sense...oh i get it :|

it makes perfect sense mikolbe, the container that is being pored into the other container has a fiddler.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1337477776' post='2432827']

That is the coolest picture of a nightingale vampire hunter i have ever seen.Well thats what i see in that picture anyhow.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337491540' post='2432871']

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337491540' post='2432871']
SERIOUSLY????? Why bother holding on to it????

I think people must live in a freaking dream world.

Everyone needs a country. If you don't think you need a country, I suggest you go spend some time with the people in this world living without a country - and see what their suffering is like.

So if America is your country, what value does that have. What does it mean to be an American. What does it mean to walk around spaceship earth with legal confirmation that your life liberty and pursuit of happiness will be guaranteed by the wealthiest nation in recorded history. Rich people from rich countries never have to think about it, I guess. Too used to having it so good they don't realize how dumb lucky they are.

My students are mostly poor immigrants. Try walking around spaceship earth with your life and liberty guaranteed by Mexico. NOT as much fun, I promise. I was explaining to a parent that his son's education is important, it's something that can never be taken from him. And his response was that he wants to give these kinds of gifts to his son, the kind that can never be taken. In fact he sold an organ so that his wife could give birth on American soil, so that his son's first breath would be full of American air, so that he would be an American FOR LIFE.

This Saverin guy is willing to surrender his citizenship for some tax breaks.
He thinks that is a good deal.
He thinks the money he makes can more than buy him the benefits of American citizenship.
He is a dingbat.

He has a country, it's just not the US. He was born on Brazilian soil and is a Brazilian. I can't speak for how he feels about his Brazilian nationality but we as a nation are darn proud of our country.

Just because you think the sun shines only the United States doesn't mean everyone else does. And given all that's been going on in the US recently with the HHS mandate and all I wouldn't be boasting about your supposed liberties. Especially when half those "liberties" come at expense of poorer countries that are bullied by the West.

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Brazil has a great record. Except for that military dicatorship thing. But that was back in the 70s, so ancient history, right? But for real, I know Brazil is a lovely country. This is not about "my country is better than your country, neener-neener-neener." This is about the value of American citizenship in a dangerous world.

I think Americans don't understand their own privilege. But it remains true that a fake American passport is the most expensive one you can buy. There are REASONS for this. The world is set up for the ease of Americans. When people get in trouble overseas, you don't hear them say "you can't do this to me, I'm a Brazilian citizen." Only a US citizen would waltz into Europe or the Far East and be offended when they can't find an English speaker. Let's say your doing buisness in Qatar and your buyer refuses to pay you. "I'm calling Antonio de Aguiar Patriota" does not have the impact of "I'm calling Hilary Clinton."

The world order is set up for the ease of rich people, too. But your money can be taken overnight. Lets pretend: one day Mr. Saverin is chewing gum, watching Singapore TV. Suddenly a breaking news report announces that Facebook turned out to be a passing fad. Mr. Severin has lost everying. Horrified, he spits out his gum, which is a crime in Singapore. So the police arrest him and arrange to have him caned. What's he going to do? He is just a poor Brazilian. Google Michael Fay. Leniency was applied to his sentence because Americans were offended that this clearly guilty brat should have to abide by the local law.

MANY people maintain dual citizenships so that if croutons hits the fan in one country they can find shelter in the other. There is no better security blanket, for the rich or poor, than an American passport. Giving that up for something as transitory as money is just short-sighted and dumb.


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I am escaping house arrest. I need to flee to the American embassy!! But wait, the Brazilian one is closer!! WHAT TO DO!?!?
(True Fact: if you are an actual American citizen, fleeing to the American embassy will work EVEN BETTER!)


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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337491540' post='2432871']
My students are mostly poor immigrants. Try walking around spaceship earth with your life and liberty guaranteed by Mexico. NOT as much fun, I promise. I was explaining to a parent that his son's education is important, it's something that can never be taken from him. And his response was that he wants to give these kinds of gifts to his son, the kind that can never be taken. In fact he sold an organ so that his wife could give birth on American soil, so that his son's first breath would be full of American air, so that he would be an American FOR LIFE.

Probably off topic, but you just summed up why I'm ambiguous on illegal immigration. (Not that I'm going to make assumptions about this particular guy's legality.) People pay big money to be smuggled over the border, or do it themselves in 100+ degree heat for a better life. Some of them going through the US military's largest artillery testing range to do so.
[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1337502409' post='2432908']
Just because you think the sun shines only the United States doesn't mean everyone else does.

True. Many Latin American immigrants, for instance, go to Mexico for a better life. The grass being greener is a relative thing.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337522759' post='2432929']
Brazil has a great record. Except for that military dicatorship thing. But that was back in the 70s, so ancient history, right? But for real, I know Brazil is a lovely country. This is not about "my country is better than your country, neener-neener-neener." This is about the value of American citizenship in a dangerous world.

I think Americans don't understand their own privilege. But it remains true that a fake American passport is the most expensive one you can buy. There are REASONS for this. The world is set up for the ease of Americans. When people get in trouble overseas, you don't hear them say "you can't do this to me, I'm a Brazilian citizen." Only a US citizen would waltz into Europe or the Far East and be offended when they can't find an English speaker. Let's say your doing buisness in Qatar and your buyer refuses to pay you. "I'm calling Antonio de Aguiar Patriota" does not have the impact of "I'm calling Hilary Clinton."

The world order is set up for the ease of rich people, too. But your money can be taken overnight. Lets pretend: one day Mr. Saverin is chewing gum, watching Singapore TV. Suddenly a breaking news report announces that Facebook turned out to be a passing fad. Mr. Severin has lost everying. Horrified, he spits out his gum, which is a crime in Singapore. So the police arrest him and arrange to have him caned. What's he going to do? He is just a poor Brazilian. Google Michael Fay. Leniency was applied to his sentence because Americans were offended that this clearly guilty brat should have to abide by the local law.

MANY people maintain dual citizenships so that if croutons hits the fan in one country they can find shelter in the other. There is no better security blanket, for the rich or poor, than an American passport. Giving that up for something as transitory as money is just short-sighted and dumb.

You're still not getting it, kid.

Are you actually intending to imply (by your LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT 'MERICA floopy YEAH" cheerleading), that our government should punish people for renouncing their citizenship?

Believe it or not, people have [i]different values[/i]. I know, it's hard to believe that anyone would disagree that 'Merica is exceptional, graced by God, and that every other nation is wallowing in disease and filth, but people really do believe that. Of course, they all drop dead within moments of entering other nations, because it is just that bad. No one who moves out of the US, much less gives up citizenship, knows anything, and the only reason this guy did it was money.

I personally hope he does well. Of course, I'm not a jingoistic mind reader. Maybe I'd feel differently if the US was my church.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337522759' post='2432929']
Brazil has a great record. Except for that military dicatorship thing. But that was back in the 70s, so ancient history, right? But for real, I know Brazil is a lovely country. This is not about "my country is better than your country, neener-neener-neener." This is about the value of American citizenship in a dangerous world.

I think Americans don't understand their own privilege. But it remains true that a fake American passport is the most expensive one you can buy. There are REASONS for this. The world is set up for the ease of Americans. When people get in trouble overseas, you don't hear them say "you can't do this to me, I'm a Brazilian citizen." Only a US citizen would waltz into Europe or the Far East and be offended when they can't find an English speaker. Let's say your doing buisness in Qatar and your buyer refuses to pay you. "I'm calling Antonio de Aguiar Patriota" does not have the impact of "I'm calling Hilary Clinton."

The world order is set up for the ease of rich people, too. But your money can be taken overnight. Lets pretend: one day Mr. Saverin is chewing gum, watching Singapore TV. Suddenly a breaking news report announces that Facebook turned out to be a passing fad. Mr. Severin has lost everying. Horrified, he spits out his gum, which is a crime in Singapore. So the police arrest him and arrange to have him caned. What's he going to do? He is just a poor Brazilian. Google Michael Fay. Leniency was applied to his sentence because Americans were offended that this clearly guilty brat should have to abide by the local law.

MANY people maintain dual citizenships so that if croutons hits the fan in one country they can find shelter in the other. There is no better security blanket, for the rich or poor, than an American passport. Giving that up for something as transitory as money is just short-sighted and dumb.

How can you not see the world being set up for the ease of Americans is wrong?!?! You can sit there and wallow in all your "rights" and lord it over other people but those rights are bought at the expense of other people, of [i]my [/i]people. America-biased international policies have been abusing and oppressing other parts of the world for decades, so that America can stay on top and keep the poorer nations down. That's not something you should be proud of, you should be downright ashamed.

I lived in Singapore, I know all about Michael Fay. The guy was an idiot and deserved what he got and probably deserved more. The Americans shouldn't have interfered. He broke Singapore law, which is not unreasonable, and therefore should be punished according to their laws. As should Mr. Saverin if he breaks Singapore laws.

And are you really so narrow-minded that you think the US is the only country in the world that looks after it's citizens overseas? If you really think that then you're seriously missing something.

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1337527850' post='2432952']
How can you not see the world being set up for the ease of Americans is wrong?!?! You can sit there and wallow in all your "rights" and lord it over other people but those rights are bought at the expense of other people, of [i]my [/i]people. America-biased international policies have been abusing and oppressing other parts of the world for decades, so that America can stay on top and keep the poorer nations down. That's not something you should be proud of, you should be downright ashamed.

I lived in Singapore, I know all about Michael Fay. The guy was an idiot and deserved what he got and probably deserved more. The Americans shouldn't have interfered. He broke Singapore law, which is not unreasonable, and therefore should be punished according to their laws. As should Mr. Saverin if he breaks Singapore laws.

And are you really so narrow-minded that you think the US is the only country in the world that looks after it's citizens overseas? If you really think that then you're seriously missing something.


I think the point is not that it's right. The point is, that's the way it is.

Nobody ever escapes to the Guatemalan embassy. Or the Japanese embassy. Or the Kenyan embassy.

Ever notice that?

I wonder why?

Do you have any ideas?

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Sorry that the US lets people leave it with their own money. The senators are irritated that they couldn't get their share if others money, like politicians all over the world. Fortunately, until recently, theUS hasn't been as successful stealing from their citizens as most other regiemes in other countries.

Perhaps that's why US prospered a bit more than South America despite SA having more gold and as much natural resources.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1337491540' post='2432871']
SERIOUSLY????? Why bother holding on to it????

I think people must live in a freaking dream world.

Everyone needs a country. If you don't think you need a country, I suggest you go spend some time with the people in this world living without a country - and see what their suffering is like.

So if America is your country, what value does that have. What does it mean to be an American. What does it mean to walk around spaceship earth with legal confirmation that your life liberty and pursuit of happiness will be guaranteed by the wealthiest nation in recorded history. Rich people from rich countries never have to think about it, I guess. Too used to having it so good they don't realize how dumb lucky they are.

My students are mostly poor immigrants. Try walking around spaceship earth with your life and liberty guaranteed by Mexico. NOT as much fun, I promise. I was explaining to a parent that his son's education is important, it's something that can never be taken from him. And his response was that he wants to give these kinds of gifts to his son, the kind that can never be taken. In fact he sold an organ so that his wife could give birth on American soil, so that his son's first breath would be full of American air, so that he would be an American FOR LIFE.

This Saverin guy is willing to surrender his citizenship for some tax breaks.
He thinks that is a good deal.
He thinks the money he makes can more than buy him the benefits of American citizenship.
He is a dingbat.

In our sad sad world, he's actually probably right. If you are wealthy enough you CAN buy the benefits of American citizenship and then some.

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I guess everyone is missing my point, except you Maggie I guess that identical DNA thing is working for us right now.

I do not have a love it or leave it attitude about American citizenship. My attitude is whether you love it or hate it, your best interest is to NOT leave it.
I do not have any moral judgment about Mr. Saverin giving up his citizenship except to say that it is a STUPID thing to do. Not wrong - STUPID.

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