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Why Do You All Believe In Christ?


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fides' Jack

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1337038701' post='2430647']
? How do you know this?

Um - Catechism of the Catholic Church. Ever heard the term, God is eternal? He always was, He always will be, and He is unchanging. Of course, the theology is a bit deeper than that, but you get the idea.

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1337038701' post='2430647']
Time is a parameter of the physical Universe and it is variable for any given cartesian coordinate. It is confined to the physical universe I think. I would think God is not subject to cartesian coordinates and is outside of physical time.

Game FAIL - do it without saying that God is outside of physical time. That's the only rule to this game, as described above.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1337038701' post='2430647']
Time is a parameter of the physical Universe and it is variable for any given cartesian coordinate. It is confined to the physical universe I think. I would think God is not subject to cartesian coordinates and is outside of physical time.

... relatively speaking, of course...

Yes, time is confined to the physical universe, because time is relative to movement. If something is staying completely still in the universe, time does not exist for that object.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1337275999' post='2431721']
Um - Catechism of the Catholic Church. Ever heard the term, God is eternal? He always was, He always will be, and He is unchanging. Of course, the theology is a bit deeper than that, but you get the idea.
I don't think the term 'God is eternal' means the same as existing for an infinite amount of time. Physical Time usually has a beginning and an end, that is it is a series of actions of which there is always a first and a last, these can flow at differing rates. Therefore is generally not considered to be eternal. Universal time had a beginning at the 'big bang' and the rate of time has been changing ever since. Maybe one day it will stop! But God will still exist! Actually there is nothing wrong with what you wrote I was just a bit puzzled at your last comment and was being a little pedantic. In truth we don't know how it works outside the universe hence the general term 'God is eternal'. Undoubtedly he has his own theory on his succession of events beyond our comprehension.

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Groo the Wanderer

but God IS outside of time by definition. He created time, ergo He is not constrained by it in any way. The creation can never encompass the Creator.

if stating that fact is outside the rules of the game, then the game is broken.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1337288209' post='2431838']
I don't think the term 'God is eternal' means the same as existing for an infinite amount of time


Yep it does. That is exactly what it means. God IS.

Or think of it this way, the universe is appx 13.7 billion years old. Before that God IS :) as well.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1337356926' post='2432207']
Yep it does. That is exactly what it means. God IS.

Or think of it this way, the universe is appx 13.7 billion years old. Before that God IS :) as well.
As I explained to Fides I was being pedantic. As far as we know God has not created an eternity of time ie it had a beginning at least in the big bang. God can also not be contained within his creation. When Time ends God will still be, therefore he would exceed all of time even if it were infinite, because he is outside of it. IMO the term God exists for an infinite amount of time seems to be containing him within the physical creation. And yeah I'm splitting straws here, it's a moot point. God said "I am!" and that's it! Which is pretty well what you wrote.

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Basilisa Marie

Because I was born into a Christian family, and later on it makes the most sense to me. And I've witnessed the journey of others from atheism to Catholicism.

Plus it's way more fun than any other religion.

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Another great plus is that other Christians have to forgive me when I make mistakes. I'm also a big fan of the infinite love and mercy from God. Basically, being Christian makes everything in my life better - if it didn't, I'd have to consider that I might be on the wrong path. The Lord knows me & knows what I need - so He reassures through my journey that this is where He wants me.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I believe in christ because half the world or a third or a 10th or 70 percent, i don't know the exact figures,but whatever the number the world seems to believe in the law of karma whether interlectually or not and only give to recieve back,asap or at a later date and if you don't pay back what is owed better duck the curse that could be surmounted. But with christ i come before him to recieve that i may give without demanding some kind of payment which is the total opposite and it iz a wonderful thing.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I'm sorry hasan for my stupid comment on page two, i don't even remember that post and the dog and cat comment is hell low and again i'm sorry, i think i have been hankering to punch you and a few, one below the belt, after you jumped on the 'Tab is a drunken idiot' ban wagon,idiot is one of my most hated words and people seem to becoming apt at saying it without saying it which is saying it anyway. And i look at that post now and see you where possibly just being cheeky to whomever you posted the 'is that how you got a wife' bit, and i don't know you may be serious and i have totally misjudged you, and if so than possibly you can suggest a pennance for me within reason that i can task myself.

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Believing take a leap of faith. Take the leap of faith and find out for yourself! I dare you! :hehe2:

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[quote name='blacksheep' timestamp='1336507865' post='2428804']
What was the clencher? What told you yup he's real? What told you it was worth it? Are you just acting on what you've been told or have read? Is it something you feel?

For me the belief in Christ through Catholicism came from my parents. Though in high school I found my way back to it (never lost the moral code just finally going to Mass regularly, etc) through history and philosophy. Also a measure of trust and faith. Some things do not need lofty exhortations...they just are.

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What boggles my mind is how someone who watches the nova nature shows can possibly think there isn't a God. Then the next question is who is he? Does he reveal himself to us? I have studied many other religions. Mormonism, Hinduism, Budhism, etc. etc. Even Islam to some degree. There is nothing that comes close to the Bible, the historical evidence, the prophecies fullfilled, etc. etc. that comes close to Christianity and in particular Catholicism. You may say I am biased but then so are you. Aren't we all. If one looks at the evidence with an open heart I truly believe he will have to agree. But of course this requires the grace of God.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1337987704' post='2434884']
Is this where we post ponies? I can't seem to find that thread.

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