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Why Do You All Believe In Christ?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1336694409' post='2429588']
That's cute, Betty. Is that how you first got your husband to fall for you?

Yes Hasan chop it is a beutiful thing real sex when you remove all the plastic(credit cards inclusive.) and reflect the holy trinity, ie: you do it for love,you do it with the chance of making a baby and you do it for pleasure, you need all three for love, but also it don't matter what size anyone iz or how long or short you go for,1 arm 1 leg don't matter neither, if you have the big 3 combo it just works and also your not a cat so probably best to get that dog tested before you consumate. :P us we gotsta wait till where married so everyone iz virgin and s.t.d free ,except for el stupidos like me, but i've been tested and have a clean bill of health,alleluia.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Mark of the Cross


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fides' Jack

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1336678706' post='2429517']
1. Ockham's Razor is basically a heuristic, not a strict logical principle. 2. Consider the cosmos in terms of Kolmogorov complexity and positing a multiverse is more parsimonious. Et cetera. More pontifications upon request. 3. I hereby declare your claims about "the main reason behind" multiverse hypotheses to be wrong. Doc dump upon request. 4. Sixpence: The general subject of teh multiverse is not completely outside the realm of scientific inquiry. Doc dump upon request.

1. I didn't cite it (with a misspelling) thinking that it was a strict rule, but it can certainly be applied in this case
2. I am unfamiliar with Kolmogorov - please elaborate (I may even read it - since I'm interested!)
3. Just because you declare something doesn't make it so. I will continue to insist that it is the main reason behind the 'multiverse' hypothesis, probably even if you 'doc dump'.

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why do i believe in Christ? Because he exists! :hehe2:
Ya know, I had this ( I guess you can call it ) a conversion experience when I was in 10th grade. I did and "believed" everything my parents told be until one time when I experienced his love and could feel it from the bottom of my soul. I KNOW he exists you just have to have faith! It's kinda funny but for me I build my relationship with christ based upon my unshakable, belief that he truly exists.

People can tell you all about him but what it really boils down to is that you need to experience him for yourself. Start by introducing yourself, then start a conversation with him. For a LONG time I had always thought it was a one way conversation when I prayed but now that I have been doing it for a long time, I can actually understand his voice replying back to me! I think he replies to our hearts and then we interpret what he has said. His voice is quiet! You just have to listen with your heart. ears are for this world hearts are for heaven! ha ha!

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Groo the Wanderer

because only He could fit a backup of the Internet on a single floppy.

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I find no compelling reason or evidence to believe in Christ or God. I've found it doesn't make people any nicer, any more moral, any more kinder than the next person. A priest can choose to molest kids and embezzle from his parish, a nun can choose to dedicate her life to serving the poor, a CEO can choose to embezzle from his company or molest kids, an auto mechanic can choose to cook meth and pimp his kids, a doctor can choose to visit other countries and risk his life providing health care and surgeries in war torn areas like Somalia or Iraq, a church elder can choose to beat his wife, an aethiest can choose to love his wife faithfully for decades and sacrifice his material gain to provide for his children that he loves. I have experienced no coorelation of being religious and being a good person. If God exists, he certainly isn't limited to, explained by, or justified by the thousands of religions, philosophies, or concepts of a god that humanity has conjured up over history.

If your choice of diety makes you happy and helps you be a nice person, that's great.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1336767497' post='2429866']
I find no compelling reason or evidence to believe in Christ or God. I've found it doesn't make people any nicer, any more moral, any more kinder than the next person. A priest can choose to molest kids and embezzle from his parish, a nun can choose to dedicate her life to serving the poor, a CEO can choose to embezzle from his company or molest kids, an auto mechanic can choose to cook meth and pimp his kids, a doctor can choose to visit other countries and risk his life providing health care and surgeries in war torn areas like Somalia or Iraq, a church elder can choose to beat his wife, an aethiest can choose to love his wife faithfully for decades and sacrifice his material gain to provide for his children that he loves. I have experienced no coorelation of being religious and being a good person. If God exists, he certainly isn't limited to, explained by, or justified by the thousands of religions, philosophies, or concepts of a god that humanity has conjured up over history.

If your choice of diety makes you happy and helps you be a nice person, that's great.
Being a Christian doesn't make you any more or less a human.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1336678706' post='2429517']
4. Sixpence: The general subject of teh multiverse is not completely outside the realm of scientific inquiry. Doc dump upon request.
There's not enough room in my imaginoverse for more than one universe or a doc dump. However there is room for a link to satisfy my curiosity. Is there a God for each universe or did God have to make a lot to get one that works or is he bored and has nothing else to do except make universes? :hehe2:

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fides' Jack

I think a better question is:

God existed for an infinite amount of time before He created the universe. Was He ever bored during that time?

To make this even more fun, any answers to this question cannot include anything about God existing outside of time.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1336771147' post='2429886']
Being a Christian doesn't make you any more or less a human.
[/quote]If it doesn't than you are doing it wrong...

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1337021782' post='2430544']
If it doesn't than you are doing it wrong...
Well you answer the question and explain to Anomaly why many atheists are nicer more moral people than many Catholics. Lets say that's a false impression caused by the devil working harder on those he doesn't own. But As 'Anomaly' points out if you take any group of Catholics and compare them to any group of athio/humanists you will find them very much the same. Being a Catholic hasn't made me better than non Catholics, I'm still sinful. I would say my ethos has made me what I am and it made me a Catholic. Being a Catholic is hard work!

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1337017369' post='2430519']
I think a better question is:

God existed for an [b]infinite amount of time[/b] before He created the universe.
? How do you know this?

[quote]To make this even more fun, any answers to this question cannot include anything about God existing outside of time.[/quote]

Time is a parameter of the physical Universe and it is variable for any given cartesian coordinate. It is confined to the physical universe I think. I would think God is not subject to cartesian coordinates and is outside of physical time.

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I believe in Christ because I can feel his presence working in my life. While that might not always entail feeling a spirtual arm around my shoulders (sometimes it does), there have been plenty of trying and emotional events in my life where it would have been completely expected of me to be blithering, angry, and devastated, but have (almost) always been able to be level-headed and have composure. My only explanation would be the Grace of God.

History and science are also pretty exciting, I think, if you're a believers. There are no accidents, and when we occasionally get to see ways in which God has connected the dots, it can be mind-blowing. Equally mind-blowing is realizing that we really know squat about anything.

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Slammed with work. Been light on teh phatmassing. I'd love to get into teh multiverse thing though. I think a new thread would be better though. Someone please start and I'll participate when I can.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1337209248' post='2431430']
Slammed with work. Been light on teh phatmassing. I'd love to get into teh multiverse thing though. I think a new thread would be better though. Someone please start and I'll participate when I can.
I'll start one in a universe with more time for you.

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