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I'm Afraid To Sleep


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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1336167616' post='2427156']
sleep on the floor and get some RAID for the spiders

I'll try, but spiders are just so scary, especially in my area. Most of our spiders are very large, and our area is renowned for black widows and brown recluses, both being highly poisonous and too big for their own good.

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Groo the Wanderer

get yer butt to the sleep doc. took me 20 years, but when i finally went, i found out i had narcolepsy. taking meds for it now. feeleing better than i have in years...when i remember to take them

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1336167892' post='2427162']
I'll try, but spiders are just so scary, especially in my area. Most of our spiders are very large, and our area is renowned for black widows and brown recluses, both being highly poisonous and too big for their own good.

Anyone that thinks brown recluses and black widows are large spiders really is scared of spiders or likes hyperbole.

I've had to sleep in houses known harbor cuddly critters like this.

That was just the big ones, then there were these
[spoiler] [img]http://alfredocolon.zenfolio.com/img/s3/v25/p627612699-3.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

That was just in Puerto Rico, I lived in Texas where thay had similar crawlies but added the benefit of introducing these into the house invading cuddly beasty repertoire

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I would also add I seem to have this problem where my mind wakes up but my body doesn't, and I lay there paralyzed. It's the scariest thing in the world. It usually only happens when sleeping in the day or when sleeping in a car.

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Archaeology cat

Seriously, see a doctor. Tell them up front you need forms for uncompensated care and see what they can work out.

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1336170249' post='2427185']
Seriously, see a doctor. Tell them up front you need forms for uncompensated care and see what they can work out.

We've figured out a way to do it as I have gone in the past, but I just don't want to make my dad owe anymore money.

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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1336169845' post='2427178']
Anyone that thinks brown recluses and black widows are large spiders really is scared of spiders or likes hyperbole.

I've had to sleep in houses known harbor cuddly critters like this.

That was just the big ones, then there were these
[spoiler] [img]http://alfredocolon.zenfolio.com/img/s3/v25/p627612699-3.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

That was just in Puerto Rico, I lived in Texas where thay had similar crawlies but added the benefit of introducing these into the house invading cuddly beasty repertoire

Id rather have that whole assortment for pets than cats or dogs. Cheaper vet bills!! Less stinky poo...

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Spem in alium

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1336169960' post='2427179']
I would also add I seem to have this problem where my mind wakes up but my body doesn't, and I lay there paralyzed. It's the scariest thing in the world. It usually only happens when sleeping in the day or when sleeping in a car.

That sounds like sleep paralysis to me. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis[/url]

I can imagine how frustrating and difficult this would be for you to deal with. For a while I struggled with insomnia, and while it's not really related to your problem it was very tough. Problems with sleep can have quite a negative impact on a person's health and general wellbeing. My grandfather has sleep apnoea, and he uses a machine to supply him with oxygen throughout the night.
For what it's worth, I think you should try and see a sleep specialist.
I can't give you much help, but I do hope that you can find some relief. May God watch over you, bless you and strengthen you. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Archaeology cat

I know you don't want to make them owe any money, and I totally understand that. I've been there, too. But this really issomething that sounds like it needs a doctor. Praying for you.

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look online to see if you have a Catholic charities clinic in your area.

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1336174588' post='2427222']
I know you don't want to make them owe any money, and I totally understand that. I've been there, too. But this really issomething that sounds like it needs a doctor. Praying for you.

Well, this sleep apnea thing kinda scares me because my dad stops breathing a lot in his sleep, or at least he used to when I was younger. Should he get the breathing machine thing?

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1336175025' post='2427227']
Well, this sleep apnea thing kinda scares me because my dad stops breathing a lot in his sleep, or at least he used to when I was younger. Should he get the breathing machine thing?

He'd have to get a sleep study done to confirm it's apnea then they would write a script. Just had a sleep study done last month.

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Did anyone else besides me think of a certain "Men at Work" song when they saw the title?

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1336158918' post='2427101']
Sorry, but being strapped down like I'm a psych patient is not something I'm willing to try. Last night I tried putting a huge backpack beside me so I wouldn't be able to roll that way, but I figured out how to get past it so I decided against it. [/quote]

Well, you're going to have to do something. Maybe wear the backpack on your chest so that if you try rolling over it won't let you?

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1336155055' post='2427081']
That's out of the question, unfortunately. We don't have health insurance and we can't really afford to see the doctor right now.

How can that be? I thought Obamacare would solve all our problems!

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1336175025' post='2427227']
Well, this sleep apnea thing kinda scares me because my dad stops breathing a lot in his sleep, or at least he used to when I was younger. Should he get the breathing machine thing?

You may also try those "Breathe Right" strips.

Additionally, is it possible you have a deviated septum?

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Hi FP... this does not sound like sleep apnea because the suffocation you are experience is actually due to your breathing being constricted by an actual object. If you experience excessive daytime sleepiness even after 8-10 hours of sleep, you snore loudly, or wake up gasping for air without actually having any object constrict your breathing then those could be signs of sleep apnea... this is more common in those who are over weight and over the age of 60. If you are experiencing serious impairment in your awareness and ability to respond in your

You could experience a change in your sleeping habits as you get older since teenagers have a tendency to not only sleep deeper than adults but require about 10 hours of sleep on average in order to be at their peak performance. You'll also experience deeper sleep if you deny yourself your 8 hours as physical exhaustion really causes chaos for your sleep cycle.
You might want to buy a pillow made out of a more breathable foamy material... though I think a strap across your waist that sort of keeps you lying on your back might not be a bad idea and it's not exactly the same thing as being tied down like a mental patient.

The other issue you are having with sleep is called Sleep Paralysis and it's a fairly common though brutal ailment that you may suffer for the rest of your life. It happens usually as you are falling asleep or when you're waking up and people who are prone to sleep paralysis are usually back-sleepers as sleep paralysis usually happens when you are lying in the supine position.
During Sleep Paralysis, you wake up during a period of paralysis that occurs naturally during the REM cycle of sleep. Essentially your mind is semi-conscious while your body is completely asleep. Some people who awaken during this part of sleep not only experience paralysis but visual hallucinations (a common hallucination is a demon sitting on their chest!!)... you will want to take note of this in case that ever happens to you, that it's really just a waking dream.

I have tons of experience with sleep paralysis but it usually only happens when it's really hot and I've overslept.

Good luck with this issue! Sorry for such a long reply.

Edited by morakind
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