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What Determines A Man's Value?


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The subject of abortion has been going through my mind recently and the one thing that has had me pondering is the statement that life is sacred. I mean that is the battle cry of many who fight against atrocity that is abortion. Abortion is muder because you are destroying a human life and thus it is sacred. But what determines that assumption that life is sacred?

Many would say is because we were created by God and therefore we have value...but not everyone believes in God...or the same God. So that has to be thrown out the window. Some may say it is because we bring about something great to society with our intelligence, our talent, our skills, our ideas and with those we better society...but if that were true we would be the greatest sofisticated world in all creation. So that's a bust. Some say we make up our own value, that it's all relative...but if that was the case...why can't I say I have the greatest value above all others and destroy those who don't agree. Why do we punish those who do kill, maime, rape, and destroy other human beings? That just doesn't make sense.

So what's the answer? Love

Man's capability to love and be loved by another human being determines his value. This is something everyone does. From the very holy to the most wicked. This love is why we must stop abortion and contraception in marriages because we are preventing love from entering this world and we despratley need that more than ever now a days. This is what needs to be spread to the masses. Not pictures of brutally decapitated fetuses, blame and shame. People need to realize that it is not just a wad of cells but a perfect seed of love. They may not see it now but they are destroying someone's son, daughter, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother...someone's Best Friend that will get them through this utterly depressing soul crushing world. Once people see that...then maybe abortion will finally come to an end....we can only pray...

Edited by blacksheep
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

unfortunately dude some people don't believe in love or some have a very twisted view of what love is. Love the Superman or Love Jesus, Superman is at a click of the button,Jesus is everywhere, Click of the button control,Jesus' everywhere no control. Man can not control God therefore man is scared of God, when man is scared man will try and gain power over the powerless.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Man doesn't realise that all the power he needs is found in God, but in that the begginings of wisdom is in fearing God, i only just got that just than, the faster i learn to not dominate the powerless and instead to lift them up the faster i will move closer to a perfect love,to be fully human in God fully, to have somone we can trust infinitly,someone whom is not afraid to tell us when we are wrong but also when we are wrong somone whom is not going to dump on us about it,but gently and surely correct us overtime. Instant is not what we truely desire, it is the time to change,the time to love,the time to be at peace,the time to share hope,the time to build faith,the time to encourage and God has plenty of that.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1336139094' post='2426993']
unfortunately dude some people don't believe in love or some have a very twisted view of what love is. Love the Superman or Love Jesus, Superman is at a click of the button,Jesus is everywhere, Click of the button control,Jesus' everywhere no control. Man can not control God therefore man is scared of God, when man is scared man will try and gain power over the powerless.

forgot about twisted love.....

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Love indeed is the answer, and faith is the key. And hope is the movement between faith and love. Truely what we are seeking is Love but seem to mistake power for love i guess. I know i do sometimes and probably sometimes often.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='blacksheep' timestamp='1336140460' post='2427001']
forgot about twisted love.....

and Tainted Love.

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I agree wholeheartedly with this.
[quote name='blacksheep' timestamp='1336138444' post='2426989']
Man's capability to love and be loved by another human being determines his value. This is something everyone does. From the very holy to the most wicked. This love is why we must stop abortion and contraception in marriages because we are preventing love from entering this world and we despratley need that more than ever now a days. This is what needs to be spread to the masses. Not pictures of brutally decapitated fetuses, blame and shame. People need to realize that it is not just a wad of cells but a perfect seed of love. They may not see it now but they are destroying someone's son, daughter, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother...someone's Best Friend that will get them through this utterly depressing soul crushing world. Once people see that...then maybe abortion will finally come to an end....we can only pray...
The argument I often hear to justify abortion is that a mother or family is not "ready" for a child, meaning that they don't have enough money or they live in the wrong neighborhood or there is some other struggle in their life.

Below is my current response, but I could use help making it more clear or stronger.

It is ridiculous to believe that a person's value can be determined before they are born based on the situation of the parent(s). On a personal note, some of my best friends were born into horrible situations, were abused or neglected during their childhoods. If having "ready" parents was a requirement for the right to live, they would not have been born. (On the other side, people born into great situations, whose parents were "ready" to have kids, can grow up to become entitled jerks.) Everyone - even the poor & disabled - has the same potential and, therefore, equally deserves to be born.

Edited by Adrestia
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[quote name='Adrestia' timestamp='1336571123' post='2429083']
I agree wholeheartedly with this.

The argument I often hear to justify abortion is that a mother or family is not "ready" for a child, meaning that they don't have enough money or they live in the wrong neighborhood or there is some other struggle in their life.

Below is my current response, but I could use help making it more clear or stronger.

It is ridiculous to believe that a person's value can be determined before they are born based on the situation of the parent(s). On a personal note, some of my best friends were born into horrible situations, were abused or neglected during their childhoods. If having "ready" parents was a requirement for the right to live, they would not have been born. (On the other side, people born into great situations, whose parents were "ready" to have kids, can grow up to become entitled jerks.) Everyone - even the poor & disabled - has the same potential and, therefore, equally deserves to be born.

Yes "ready". What is "ready" and who decides it. I mean if we all would not have children until we are "ready" no one would be having children.
When we were pregnant with our third child, many people, usually guys, would shrug and say something like, "You crazy? How you going to get them through college?" I say, crud man if I needed to be able to afford college, I couldn't of had my first child. And if that were the case, my parents would of never had me.

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Somebody please tell me where this notion came from that I as a parent am supposed to pay for my child's college education? This annoys me no end. It is CONSTANTLY used as an excuse not to have children and I find it ridiculous. My job as a parent is to house, feed, clothe, love and educate my child to the best of my ability. If you can afford to put them through college all well and good, but if you can't you help them find other options for education. Either way if you have modeled determination, perseverance, good study habits etc you have given them to skills to succeed no matter what they choose to do in life.

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