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Victory In Christ.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini baptised believers...
We must walk in victory not in defeat no matter how many arrows we have embeded in our souls, jesus says "you will go where you believe you will go." Surely as believers satan was defeated by christ on the cross, either you believe it or not. And i understand how tough it is to carry multiple arrow wounds, goto confession and forgive your enemies let go and let god and let the holy priest remove the arrows than the holy angels to tend the gaping wounds, With prayer,fasting,the holy word and the holy sacrements. Sometimes unforgiveness is the worst wound to incure and takes many times confessing the sting of this and many prayers for the perpetrator/s. Same goes for obstinancy in sins commited. But aye alleluia sometimes we have a saint saul to paul momment and bam it all dissapears, hope is good. So i guess sometimes living in victory is like a real battle even when you get home away from harms reach the memories remain but also the holy word states that the father can also grant the grace to forget. What is everyones thoughts on the meaning of victory,because these are just my thoughts, and how do we apply this to our life in christ.

Onward christian souls.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i guess i'm having a grr day and have been for along time.Grumpy Bear. And it isn't at anyone in paticular but surely as christians we can not stock to much into anything outside of life in christ because it is going to at the least let us down miserably sometimes and usually more often, if one is to boast may his or her boast be in christ, each one of our nations is going to let us down at times politicaly and socialy, cop it on the chin and march on with christ in faith,hope and love. That is how we as vessels for the holy spirit will continue to usher in the kingdom of heaven, not will we do so when being consumed in speech with each other by the troubles this world presents. Although these crimes can not go unoticed and we are to not be silent, we must not let it devour us like a raging hippopotamus lest we loose sight of christs victory. I know i have fallen prey to this and am now attempting to raise my hopes above the pit and allow christ to grab ahold of my raised hand and pull me up.

JC "i will make you fishers of men."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

we must rise above all political and social climates and bring the light of christ to the darkness for he is our salvation, it is obsolete whether or not you think you are a good christian a bad chirstian or just an ok christian or possibly somone else says your one or the other, as long as you run the race for victory and that is give it your best and hope for victory,you indeed are the most valuble player on the field, each the apple of his eye,for we are the team and christ is the coach, sometimes one gets injured and sits on the bench till healed,sometimes some play with nagging injuries,some days you score the winning goal and some days you don't etc etc You are made worthy through you hope in salvation with faith in christ for the love of all humanity created in the image and likeness of God,some polished,some un-polished,some borken some seemingly smashed beyond repair but with christ and his body all things are possible. YOung men and women of God RISE UP!

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Have you considered this might not be the most advantageous medium for you? You may want to look into blogging...

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

unsure what you mean ? I possibly should have posted this in the transmundane serious spiritual thread ? Please explain ?

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1335662273' post='2424599']
unsure what you mean ? I possibly should have posted this in the transmundane serious spiritual thread ? Please explain ?

This just where i keep my tentacles warm till i go back into the ocean and catch some fish lol

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1335662330' post='2424599']
I'm not sure how you quote yourself in your own post. You confuse me with your magic!

I'm not sure how you quote yourself in your own post. You confuse me with your magic!

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

magic lol, ok hollywood. Surely magic belongs in the realm of witchcraft and wizardry, i'm a christian. It was just some kind of gliche.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1335746385' post='2424993']
magic lol, ok hollywood. Surely magic belongs in the realm of witchcraft and wizardry, i'm a christian. It was just some kind of gliche.

Don't call me Shirley

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