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Should Boys And Girls Play Together?


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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1335722466' post='2424800']
I agree mostly with this, but I'm afraid you fall to the same thing you called him out for, which was taking things too seriously. The "making MIkolbe a sandwich" part was merely a joke, and if your daughters would have beat him for it, they should be on this hockey team. Perhaps they'll get the golden cup?
[/quote]I wish you just wouldn't comment on my posts. It's tiresome explaining things to you. 1- We are talking kids. 2- Kicking to the curb is different than kicking a-s. (To the curb means they don't play with you, or have anything to do with you). 3- I'll ignore the snide 'bad-arse b*tch' innuendo since you probably don't realize what you said.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1335722916' post='2424803']
I wish you just wouldn't comment on my posts. It's tiresome explaining things to you. 1- We are talking kids. 2- Kicking to the curb is different than kicking a-s. (To the curb means they don't play with you, or have anything to do with you). 3- I'll ignore the snide 'bad-arse b*tch' innuendo since you probably don't realize what you said.

Well, I was being sarcastic since you said they would kick him to the curb. I wasn't being serious and I know your daughters would most likely not do that. I'm sure they are very nice and commendable women.

Well, I did know it may be offensive to you, but I always have that feeling when posting so I usually ignore it as being scrupulous. I'm sorry if I offended you. Know that I didn't mean anything by it.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1335718936' post='2424771']
Well, whether she is or she isn't, we do go through a lot of double-standards, as Kujo kindly points out. My sister says that there is more sexism against men and double-standards against them than women, and I'm inclined to agree at times.

Oh, that's rich.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1335729000' post='2424856']
Oh, that's rich.

Well, we're all entitled to our opinions. You disagree and that's fine.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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i guess if i was on a school athletic team and one of the opposing schools had a guy on it, I would be pretty cranky! If it was a club team that would be different

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[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1335729761' post='2424862']
i guess if i was on a school athletic team and one of the opposing schools had a guy on it, I would be pretty cranky! If it was a club team that would be different
[/quote]Why would you be cranky about it? Isn't the point to play other teams so that you can enjoy playing and be somewhat competitive? There's always teams with better coaching, better equipment, better players, etc. Does one player make that much difference that every game is a blow out? I guess that's why some leagues give everyone a trophy or don't keep score.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1335719468' post='2424776']
I simply can't do that. I was taught to respect women, and this especially includes not touching highly inappropriate areas. We even have some karate moves where I'm expected to touch a woman's crotch! I don't even do this with men, quite honestly. I treat women as equal, but I don't treat them as if we're the same, and I will never do this. Men and women have tons of differences, some boding well for men and *cough* [i]most[/i] boding well for women, and I respect women enough that I won't touch and strike their private areas, [b]though I would note these women do not seem to have any problem doing these things to me...[/b]

Look, it's one thing if you're uncomfortable with those moves on everyone. I get that. But the whole "equal not same" thing ends up being a lot of BS excuses for putting women on some fragile pedestal. Like I said before, obviously these women aren't taking gender into consideration when they're fighting...they are viewing their competitors as fellow fighters. That, I believe, is actually more respectful than refusing to engage. But ultimately it's your call on what you want to do, because you're the one who knows if something is going to make you feel uncomfortable. Just don't complain about it making you uncomfortable...because your actions are your choice. :)

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1335718936' post='2424771']
Well, whether she is or she isn't, we do go through a lot of double-standards, as Kujo kindly points out. My sister says that there is more sexism against men and double-standards against them than women, and I'm inclined to agree at times.

I'm inclined to believe that your sister is very, very misinformed. If anything, the sexes have an equal amount of double standards in play. But the thing is, society tends to give men more benefits than women, so men are reaping these benefits even though there are double-standards in some things, while women just have to shut up and deal with the double standards.

So I'm having a hard time figuring out what all these double standards for men are; maybe because I'm a woman it's much more apparent to me all the privileges men get over women in society.

So for example, women are expected to uphold a certain standard of beauty. But this kind of beauty should be an effortless, roll out of bed in my sweats thing. Women are expected to have a fulfilling career, and if they choose to be stay-at-home moms they are ridiculed for submitting to "the patriarchy." But other women who choose to pursue a career outside the home are considered bad mothers for not completely devoting every second of time to their children. Loads of studies show that when both spouses have full-time jobs, it's the woman who does most of the housework in most cases. Christian women are told to dress modestly, but if a guy has a problem with chastity of the eyes the first thing everyone says is that the woman's skirt was too short, not that the man has to
work on his chastity. If a woman expresses any kind of negative emotion, people write it off as "PMS" and don't take her seriously.

But the reason why Ice_nine and I get annoyed at you guys complaining about these "double standards" is that men already have so many more benefits in society than women do, that these "double standards" don't actually have a real affect on your position in society like they do for women. So what if having a girl on a sports team makes a guy feel uncomfortable? Women feel uncomfortable [i]all the time [/i]in their lives, and have learned to deal with it. Like, okay, I'll speak from personal experience. I'm waiting at home alone for a guy to come out and fix my computer - when he gets here, he sits at the kitchen table while I clean the kitchen and do dishes, because that way I'm close to the knives in case he tries to pull something. When I'm closing the store at work, I have my boss watch me as I walk to my car in the dark. Or, if I walked, I would call my boyfriend or family member before I leave and when I get back to my apartment, and will call the cops for me if I don't call him back in time. There's construction going on across the street from my apartment. If I'm walking to work or to class, I have to deal with either obnoxious stares or cat calls. And these are just examples from this weekend.

Men don't have to think about these things. They don't have to worry about being made to feel uncomfortable to nearly the same degree that women do. Now, I'm not saying that men don't have any right to talk about being made to feel uncomfortable or frustrated with double standards or whatever. That wouldn't be fair. But I'm trying to illustrate partially why some of us women have trouble taking guys seriously when they complain about double standards and whatnot. Because it's like....welcome to our world, bucko.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335713740' post='2424751']
I dated a girl once that had a t-shirt that said "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at the[color=#333333]m."

The shirt always cracked [/color][color=#333333]me up, [/color][color=#333333]mostly because if I were to wear an article of clothing that suggested that wo[/color][color=#333333]men were less than intelligent and, therefore, deserving of assault with a deadly weapon, I would probably be attacked [/color][color=#333333]myself![/color]

David and Goliath T shirts! I remember those! I prefer my hot pink, "My Marxist-feminist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard" shirt from T-shirt Hell. :P Because sometimes I'm a Bad Catholic and find things like that hilarious. :)

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1335648905' post='2424493']
I know! Poor men and all the double standards they have to face! You guys really got the short end of the stick :'(

Yeah, but you gals get child birth. Oh wait...nvm

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I sorta liken it to the "n-word" and "cracker." Both racial slurs, but I think it's obvious that the latter has much less power. (Please dear God, tell me you all think that's obvious).

Yes I [i]can[/i] call a man a "chauvinist pig," but the reaction tends to be somewhere along the lines of, "oh you're so cute when you're mad, now go in the kitchen and make me a sammich."

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And the reaction people have when hearing a man was abused by his wife. People will chuckle, which is far from the case when hearing a woman was abused by her husband.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1335812401' post='2425270']
I sorta liken it to the "n-word" and "cracker." Both racial slurs, but I think it's obvious that the latter has much less power. (Please dear God, tell me you all think that's obvious).

Yes I [i]can[/i] call a man a "chauvinist pig," but the reaction tends to be somewhere along the lines of, "oh you're so cute when you're mad, now go in the kitchen and make me a sammich."

I was just about to say th...

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fides' Jack

Seriously, though, I agree with FP on this one. There are sports that men and women shouldn't play together, and men should ALWAYS treat women as women, even in the case of grade-school karate.

I would never match myself against a woman in any sort of martial arts/boxing type sport. For 2 very important reasons:

1. I am completely against hitting women - even in sports - for any reason
2. When she beats me up, I'll have absolutely no self-confidence left...

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