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Should Boys And Girls Play Together?


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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335592590' post='2424301']
I think women should be free to do anything and everything that she wants to do.

Does that make me a feminist?

Really? Should they be free to MURDER CUTE PUPPIES!??!?! HUH!??! SHOULD THEY!??!

It doesn't make you a feminist. It makes you a dog hater.

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Groo the Wanderer

stuff boys and girls can play together:

LAN parties
arcade games
card games
board games

things boys and girls should not play together
dress up
make mikolbe a sammich
pillow fights

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' timestamp='1335561311' post='2424093']
I do believe that the their IS a double standard...but there are lots of those in life...A female wrestler may do extremely well, and win a few matches and she is applauded, However it is overlooked that maybe a conservative male wrestler she just beat has a problem with actually doing some of the holds on a female...he's told to toughen up...A female intimidating a male in a prominently male sport is supported, while in this case a male of approximate same size and weight as females he's playing against intimidates some females and does well and that's bad...??? :flex: It sounds as if the boy could play if he wasn't good...or not the "dominant player" so maybe team strategy needs to be developed for more teamwork??? or maybe limit the time he can play (although I still don't like option #2)

feminism irritates me because of double standards like this...you have a male group you must let females join or your sexist...we have a female group a male trying to join us is intimidating and does not let us be women... :cuss:

I know! Poor men and all the double standards they have to face! You guys really got the short end of the stick :'(

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1335648905' post='2424493']
You guys really got the short end of the stick :'(

Now you're getting personal!

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' timestamp='1335561311' post='2424093']
I do believe that the their IS a double standard...but there are lots of those in life...A female wrestler may do extremely well, and win a few matches and she is applauded, However it is overlooked that maybe a conservative male wrestler she just beat has a problem with actually doing some of the holds on a female...he's told to toughen up...A female intimidating a male in a prominently male sport is supported, while in this case a male of approximate same size and weight as females he's playing against intimidates some females and does well and that's bad...??? :flex: It sounds as if the boy could play if he wasn't good...or not the "dominant player" so maybe team strategy needs to be developed for more teamwork??? or maybe limit the time he can play (although I still don't like option #2)

feminism irritates me because of double standards like this...you have a male group you must let females join or your sexist...we have a female group a male trying to join us is intimidating and does not let us be women... :cuss:

I can relate to this completely. I do karate and sometimes I have to fight girls. This is really hard to do because there's just about nine thousand "Don't touch" zones (Or it seems like it), and it makes me look bad because I'm doing more avoiding than fighting. We sometimes have to do techniques on the chest and I'm like "Okay, how am I supposed to pull this off without being called a pervert and without feeling awkward?"

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[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][background=transparent]Section 11, which oversees Suffolk County's high school sports, determined that as a boy, Keeling had too significant an advantage over the other players.[/background][/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]"(Keeling is) having a significant adverse effect on some of his opposing female players," Section 11 claimed, according to MyFoxNY. "The rules state he would be allowed to play if he wasn't the dominant player."[/background][/size][/color][/font][/left]


[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]So as long as he :shutup:, he was fine. That's fair. :rollseyes:[/color][/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]I think the parents are idiots. If they want their child to have any manliness left, they'll leave the league.[/color][/font][/left]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][quote]Section 11's executive director, Ed Cinelli, told MyFoxNY, "As a sport, it's a girls sport. When a boy plays, it leads the way for other male players to come in and take over."[/quote][/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]I have an easy solution. Just add some rules.[/color][/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]1. Boys are not allowed to score and must always play defense.[/color][/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]2. Boys must never hang onto the puck/whatever for more than 5 seconds.[/color][/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]3. If a boy outmaneuvers a girl due to his physical ability, he must apologize, and then pass to her.[/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This should even it up......[/font][/left]

[left][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Actually I secretly hope they boy wins and gets reinstated.....and then the fun will really start when other boys join....and began weeding the girls out. Then it will be a big media speculation if girls are getting benched simply because their girls....then the league will force equal playing times for both sexes.....then it will force girls to have at least once pass in the offensive scoring play.....eventually, it will be a "everyone get's a trophy day."[/font][/left]

Edited by eagle_eye222001
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Basilisa Marie

Or instead of worrying about being called a pervert, we treat female athletes that choose to compete in co-ed or male-dominated sports just like any other athlete? An athletic contest is absolutely no place for chivalry. As long as you're not touching her in a way that isn't appropriate for a match, you're fine.

[quote][color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][left]I think the parents are idiots. If they want their child to have any manliness left, they'll leave the league.[/left][/font][/color][/quote]
As opposed to what, womanliness? Because women can't be competitive and men can't have a strong sense of teamwork? That all of this whining and complaining about equal treatment is somehow a "womanly" quality that will tarnish the precious developing manhood of this 13-year-old boy?

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1335648905' post='2424493']
I know! Poor men and all the double standards they have to face! You guys really got the short end of the stick :'(

You do know she's being sarcastic...right Miles? :|

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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I dated a girl once that had a t-shirt that said "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at the[color=#333333]m."

The shirt always cracked [/color][color=#333333]me up, [/color][color=#333333]mostly because if I were to wear an article of clothing that suggested that wo[/color][color=#333333]men were less than intelligent and, therefore, deserving of assault with a deadly weapon, I would probably be attacked [/color][color=#333333]myself![/color]

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1335702885' post='2424723']
You do know she's being sarcastic...right Miles? :|

Well, whether she is or she isn't, we do go through a lot of double-standards, as Kujo kindly points out. My sister says that there is more sexism against men and double-standards against them than women, and I'm inclined to agree at times.

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[quote name='Basilisa Marie' timestamp='1335702601' post='2424721']
Or instead of worrying about being called a pervert, we treat female athletes that choose to compete in co-ed or male-dominated sports just like any other athlete? An athletic contest is absolutely no place for chivalry. As long as you're not touching her in a way that isn't appropriate for a match, you're fine.

As opposed to what, womanliness? Because women can't be competitive and men can't have a strong sense of teamwork? That all of this whining and complaining about equal treatment is somehow a "womanly" quality that will tarnish the precious developing manhood of this 13-year-old boy?

I simply can't do that. I was taught to respect women, and this especially includes not touching highly inappropriate areas. We even have some karate moves where I'm expected to touch a woman's crotch! I don't even do this with men, quite honestly. I treat women as equal, but I don't treat them as if we're the same, and I will never do this. Men and women have tons of differences, some boding well for men and *cough* [i]most[/i] boding well for women, and I respect women enough that I won't touch and strike their private areas, though I would note these women do not seem to have any problem doing these things to me...

Edited by FuturePriest387
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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1335647444' post='2424479']
stuff boys and girls can play together:

LAN parties
arcade games
card games
board games

things boys and girls should not play together
dress up
make mikolbe a sammich
pillow fights
[/quote]I beleive you intended this to be half-way a joke, but seriously,
What's wrong with boys and girls palying house? Aren't guys/men part of a household?
Dress up how? Guys don't wear suits? Even red-necks switch between t-shirt and 'duds'.
Doesn't Barbie have a buddy named Ken? They're just frikkin dolls. Inanimate toys. Ken can't be a vet, fix the car, fix the house, (keeping it gender sterotypical).
Doctor. Sheesh. Okay, maybe not a gyno or proctologist.
MIKolbe&Sammich. My daughters would have kicked his a$$ to the curb the second time he said that. Just sayin.
Football - Do you mean as an organized highschool or college sport? (I hope)
Pillow fight - at what age?
sleep over - at what age?

At a certain point, people have to stop taking all this craap so serious. People are different and different skills. What if a girl on the field hockey team was bigger and better with body and skills? Should she be kicked off the team and out of the league? It's only school sports. Put it in perspective. The boy should be allowed to play. Parents and kids should quit their sniveling and stop trying to find a loop hole to squeeze out a good player on the other team. The gender shouldn't be an issue unless a player is so big that they actually cause physical harm to someone, or so small, they can't play without being harmed. And I don't think the call should be made until something happens that clearly shows the discrepancy. What if a 13 year old girl was 6' and 180 lbs? Would the other parents want her kicked out for being intimidating?

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1335722004' post='2424793']
I beleive you intended this to be half-way a joke, but seriously,
What's wrong with boys and girls palying house? Aren't guys/men part of a household?
Dress up how? Guys don't wear suits? Even red-necks switch between t-shirt and 'duds'.
Doesn't Barbie have a buddy named Ken? They're just frikkin dolls. Inanimate toys. Ken can't be a vet, fix the car, fix the house, (keeping it gender sterotypical).
Doctor. Sheesh. Okay, maybe not a gyno or proctologist.
MIKolbe&Sammich. My daughters would have kicked his a$$ to the curb the second time he said that. Just sayin.
Football - Do you mean as an organized highschool or college sport? (I hope)
Pillow fight - at what age?
sleep over - at what age?

At a certain point, people have to stop taking all this craap so serious. People are different and different skills. What if a girl on the field hockey team was bigger and better with body and skills? Should she be kicked off the team and out of the league? It's only school sports. Put it in perspective. The boy should be allowed to play. Parents and kids should quit their sniveling and stop trying to find a loop hole to squeeze out a good player on the other team. The gender shouldn't be an issue unless a player is so big that they actually cause physical harm to someone, or so small, they can't play without being harmed. And I don't think the call should be made until something happens that clearly shows the discrepancy. What if a 13 year old girl was 6' and 180 lbs? Would the other parents want her kicked out for being intimidating?

I agree mostly with this, but I'm afraid you fall to the same thing you called him out for, which was taking things too seriously. The "making MIkolbe a sandwich" part was merely a joke, and if your daughters would have beat him for it, they should be on this hockey team. Perhaps they'll get the golden cup?

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