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All Scripture Is Usefull.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini,brehteren,sympathiesers and others...
I was reading one of the letters of saint paul, and he states "all scripture is usefull." My question is why does he not say all scripture is holy and why does he seperate(or use different words) when speaking of the gospels and the good news. St paul as i can see now uses the word scripture,the good news and the gospels. Do these differ in holyness. I assume all holy because it is the holy bible but are there varying levels of holyness even in the Holy word. Believing though that Holyness is not measured by number or weight or class like school grades etc etc. All holyness is usefull i guess. Any other takes on this matter ?

Onward christian souls.

JC "be baptised and believe and you will be saved." "knock and the door will be opened." "seek and you shall find."
St Paul "to run the race the best you can."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

just got another light bulb on this matter,dim or bright i don't know. But here tis', St paul also states "man reveals the will of God imperfectly." so since he being a man also than he possibly doesn't hit the money every single timew hich to me simply means there is room for interpretation of scripture personaly and communally,though we know communal interpretation of scripture as in infalibly comes from the Pope. Also may i add as far as i'm aware the holy gospels are the infalible will of the father through christ jesus with the holy spirit. So to avoid picking up such horrible habits as picking our noses for no paticular reason we spend our time,reading,praying and examining holy scripture and the holy gospels where as the world makes more money and spends more money. I don't know, correct me if and where you may think i am terribly off key or even worse playing the piano with drum sticks lol,but also your input is highly valued to me too :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

oh by the by for those whom don't already know, anythin' i speaketh must not be treated as divine revelation as such,only inspiration to seek the truth and grow in faith thats why i ask can we talk about these things. If you partake in the holy sacrements,pray and read scripture than it will not be the blind leading the blind for jesus' says "anyone whom speaks in my name can eventually do no evil."

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