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How Do You Define Yourself?


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[quote name='Deus_te_Amat' timestamp='1335075986' post='2421830']
From Minnesota, EVERYTHING is part of the South. :|
For Texans it's the opposite. Everything outside of Texas or neighboring states (if they are aware of its existence) is "way up North somewhere". When I tell people in Texas I came from Virginia, most of them have no idea where it is, or lump it in as part of the New York/New Jersey northeast (while actual New Yorkers or Jerseyites are insulted at any association with Virginia, which they regard as an exotic Deep South backwater).

But odder yet, one guy said he heard I was from Minnesota or Wisconsin. When I informed him I was from Virginia. he said (without any irony), "yeah, I knew it was from one of those places up there."

Edited by Socrates
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My only real experience with Florida is here in South Florida, which is definitely Latino in flavor more than anything, but there are flashes of "Southern" in the usual sense. Once in a while you'll see a confederate flag, and it's not uncommon to see skinny white guys with no shirt on and a can of Keystone Light, which I guess is Southern iconography.

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1335187125' post='2422144']
My only real experience with Florida is here in South Florida, which is definitely Latino in flavor more than anything, but there are flashes of "Southern" in the usual sense. Once in a while you'll see a confederate flag, and it's not uncommon to see skinny white guys with no shirt on and a can of Keystone Light, which I guess is Southern iconography.
[/quote]There's even a big difference between South Florida Latino and Tampa Cubano. Tampa is proud to be the birthplace of the Cuban Sandwich. We even have different Southern icongraphy, picture fat white guys either with thier sleeves cut-off or a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt, drinking Bud bottle.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1335203149' post='2422251']We even have different Southern icongraphy, picture fat white guys either with thier sleeves cut-off or a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt, drinking Bud bottle.
I'm from the same town as the Van Zants. They are still big in our community...one is even on the school board.

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[b]BigJon16[/b] [i] ˈbɪg [Jon] [1]6 [/i][b][i]noun, plural [/i]BigJons[i], [i]verd [/i]BigJon'd[/i][/b]


1. large male

2. 16 years of age when joined Phatmass

3. Obnoxious

4. Italian


1. to sarcastically fail

2. to call the171 a man

3. to want to be friends

4. to make jokes that aren't that funny

5. to look up to Mikolbe

6. to flip a table out of anger ie. Rage.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1334955141' post='2421394']
"Southern" is more a cultural designation than geographical. A lot of Yankees don't understand that. Someone referred to Florida as the "geographically most southern and culturally least Southern" state in the old confederacy.
I thought Florida was Canadian.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1335207482' post='2422278']
I thought Florida was Canadian.
[/quote]It's a split between being Canadian, a suburhb of New York and Chicago betwen Thanksgiving and Easter. After Easter, it's Southern again.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1335208817' post='2422292']
It's a split between being Canadian, a suburhb of New York and Chicago betwen Thanksgiving and Easter. After Easter, it's Southern again.
Those Canadians make things so complicated.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1335208913' post='2422294']
Those Canadians make things so complicated.
[/quote]Other then them not tipping, they do spend enough so we don't have a State Income Tax. We don't blame Canada here.

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I was raised an Army brat, from birth to about 18 years of age. The Army dependent culture entails a transient lifestyle where you are exposed to many cultural influences from the places you reside in and from other military dependents infused with the Army way of doing things. Although I never lived for any long period of time there, my official residence(Home of Record) for about the first 18 years of my life was Ponce, Puerto Rico, so my way of thinking and outlook on things and social customs were based on the culture my parents carried with them and my roots are in southern Puerto Rico.

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Let's see....the best way to define me....

Imagine a cross between Archie Bunker and Dilbert who is just coming out of a Polish Mass on the way to the gym or rink.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1334710178' post='2419892']
when i dance my wife says i am white :bananarap:

When I dance, I've been told I look like I'm boxing! :fight:

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1334955970' post='2421397']
I would be surprised if any of the other 49 states, save maybe California or New York, have the cultural disparity that Florida does.

Well, Illinois has a mixed culture: southern Illinois is more like Kentucky, central and northern Illinois is like rural Iowa or southern Wisconsin, and then there is Chicago and suburbs, which traditionally can range from lakefront yuppies, wealthier and more educated suburbanites, poorer African American areas, Mexican and Puerto Rican areas, and the old "Archie Bunker" neighborhoods (which is where I hail from). Of course, those lines are blurrring as well.

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