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Another Take On The Left And The Right Wings

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren,sympathiesers and others...
Heres another take on the left and right wings of the holy roman catholic church. Here tis... What if one is fast and the other slow in that one want's to save the world at full speed ahead with the grace of God and the other slow and steady wins the race with the grace of God... Neither being wrong or contrary to each other in that some people are born slow and some born fast,literaly and need access to christians whom are one or the other possibly, in love with faith and hope. And again both of course held together by the holy sacrements,the holy word, sacred tradition and prayer in faith, hope and love.

Onward christian souls.
Jesus is LORD.

JC "seek and ye shall find." "knock and the door will be opened."

P.s. Only love can make a person holy.And if God is love only love can get anyone into heaven. No matter how much time any of us have left it is enough time for God. :)

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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  • 2 weeks later...

I generally think this is a much more level, charitable, realistic, and honest way to look at the diversity within the Church, particularly in America where any deviation from the conservative/traditional party line is almost immediately seized upon and declared some brand of heterodoxy.

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Vincent Vega

There is no left or right wing within the Church. There are merely those in the Church, who follow what the Church teaches, and those outside the Church, who do not.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='iheartjp2' timestamp='1335849456' post='2425549']
I generally think this is a much more level, charitable, realistic, and honest way to look at the diversity within the Church, particularly in America where any deviation from the conservative/traditional party line is almost immediately seized upon and declared some brand of heterodoxy.

Pax domini, brother in christ . It's not ooshy kooshy is it coz there are also multiple orders. I see it also as all being new wine just different flavours and some people prefer a certain wine and some can drink any wine and than sometimes the palate changes and suddenly the person prefers another wine, but all being the new wine of the kingdom of heaven yeah. ? I also like what you say too USAirwaysIHS and can be viewed that simply also. Hence the props for both posts. But for some reason even within the church God realises people need options. JC "there are many rooms in my fathers house."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

coservative and liberal seems so black and white to me like the ying and yang symbol which is buddhist philosophy. The church has never been so black and white to me on most matters but a rainbow of colors, of course there are matters of faith and morals where the papal foot is put down with the grace of the holy spirit. What would there be to seek,what would there be to find why would we have to knock if it where all indefinately black and white. We indeed are on a journey we are explorers on our personal journey and communal journey, the father is the map,christ the compass and the holy spirit our tent, i don't know stupid example possibly, but we all have the same map with the same hoped destination as christians but we tend to go varying directions to get to that destination, but not to be mistaken for the wide and crooked or that all roads lead to heaven i am speaking this as a christian, one whom believes in christ and tries to follow his will to the best of my ability. I can't say exactly what the will of the LORD be for another person,but i can share that which he hopefully has revealed to me on my journey as far and it would be for the hearer to discern whether it is Jesus' revealing his will to them also. I think if i continue it may get wishy washy if it has not already, so imma quit before i start to babble.

Onward christian souls.
Jesus is LORD.
God is Good,God is Love,God Saves.

edit: p.s. there it is, i can not say a dominican is a carmelite,yet both i can say are truely catholic and christian,yet both different but with the same heart, JESUS CHRIST.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1335872016' post='2425591']
i'm guessing your cheerios look rainbow colors table.

do they have rainbow cheerios,my favorite cereal when i was a youngin was that sam toocan rainbow stuff but now i have a mixed shake in the blender with protein powder... also rain bows possibly, it doesn't fall straight,from the vast G's pulled in falling from the sky :) and yes rainbows are one of my favorite things, i have even seen a tripple rainbow,also one so bright wonder and awe was un avoidable and also driven through a rainbow and the rain was multi colored, and another time a rainbow followed the car it stayed in the passanger seat window for about 8 kilometers.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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