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Can Sin Ever Be Holy?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i'm glad you wen't off topic a
[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1334697864' post='2419764']
That's for sure...

And with your spirit. Although... now that I think about it... isn't there something about the phrase "God be with you" that means that only priests should say it? Maybe that's only during Mass...
Am glad you wen't slightly off topic,in one of the letters of the new testament i recently read and it says where not to say 'God speed' to someone whom is outside of the faith. I struggle examining why and came to this conclusion that it can encourage them in there sinfullness and somone whom is in delusion may even think wow great God is blessing me in my mis-behaviour. Like as if God is okay with there irrepentance. But than i had a friend say to me "surely in secret it is okay." and i agree in my personal prayer i can ask God to bless someone and is not directly telling them incase there delusional and god forbid think that there dishonesty is blessed by GOD.

Okay back to the topic... I still think all sin is lethal, in moderation will kill you slowly in excess it will kill you faster,my reasoning is simple '1 drop of arsnic a week won't kill instantly but 10 will.' But on the gluttony for food front a good feast once a week is healthy and not gluttony as far as i'm aware and is of a different class,wheras getting blind drunk once a week may very well be.

Onward christian souls.
Jesus is LORD

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Groo the Wanderer

if you feel like spewing or are really uncomfortable because you are too full...ya crossed the line.

i have a huge problem with this

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1334711021' post='2419904']
if you feel like spewing or are really uncomfortable because you are too full...ya crossed the line.

i have a huge problem with this

I grew up in a household where food was scarce, and if something good showed up, you ate as much as you could get of it, cause sooner rather than later you would be hungry again. Old childhood habits can be had to break.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1334716423' post='2419958']
I grew up in a household where food was scarce, and if something good showed up, you ate as much as you could get of it, cause sooner rather than later you would be hungry again. Old childhood habits can be had to break.

Yes,good understanding of a rainbow that isn't so black and white, gracious thanks. Hard but not immpossible with grace :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also i would like to add in the case of pride for me it is good to be proud of the holy sacrements, the holy word,sacred tradition and the pope on m atters of faith and morals, since this things are holy and we believe 100% of God.Though i'm unsure why sacred tradition is called sacred tradition and not holy tradition,something you may wish to seek the answer to,i have already fronted the question to a missionary brother and hopefully he is on the search for the answer. But than there is anger, two different words are used when jesus says "love the sinner but hate the sin." and when st paul reveals the seven deadly sins on being anger. Different words are used so i'm unsure what jesus means by hate of course we all know what anger is hopefully and to add the o.t. states "to not let the sun go down on your anger so i am assuming one must let go of that before going to sleep,but i did talk to a priest about this sun setting on the anger passage and either i wasn't listening properly which is probable or his answer was unclear and i need to ask him to polish it for me that i may see.

Onward christian souls.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1334685808' post='2419551']
Three slices of pizza AFTER the button on your jeans pops off...

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1334697821' post='2419762']
Or when you are eating because something tastes so go you keep stuffing yourself? [/quote]

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1334711021' post='2419904']
if you feel like spewing or are really uncomfortable because you are too full...ya crossed the line.

Kind of like Mr. Creosote?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

good that can come from evil is not directly from the evil done, but is to remain in faith,with the hope of heaven and understanding the wages of sin are death, amidst evil incured whether from another person or deceptions of our own hearts and minds,probably both. The sting of Unforgiveness can only be cured with Love and since God is love...you know the rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mark of the Cross

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1334716423' post='2419958']
I grew up in a household where food was scarce, and if something good showed up, you ate as much as you could get of it, cause sooner rather than later you would be hungry again. Old childhood habits can be had to break.
I wouldn't consider that gluttony! A hungry person wolfing down food is doing so in response to a pain. Having emotions or basic instincts is not sinful. It is how you deal with them in general. IMO gluttony is more about having more than your fair share and not sharing with others. I grew up in a family where food was scarce also and the biggest sin was to waste food. I am presently over weight (10Kg) but I still have the habit of avoiding waste and my wife and I adopt the Asian tradition of sharing food with others rich or poor. I do not consider myself a glutton even though I eat more than I really need.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
:( i smoke to many ciggerettes per day, because of anxiety which is not really painful but pretty scary. Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1336178950' post='2427263']
:( i smoke to many ciggerettes per day, because of anxiety which is not really painful but pretty scary.
If you quite smoking your anxiety will not reduce but it's effects will be lessened. Not to mention that smoking related illnesses are a horrible way to die and 1 in 2 people die from their smoking habit. May the Lord help you quit.

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Mark of the Cross

Pretty sure Schlindler [b]lied[/b] to save Jews at the risk of his own life.

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